Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Other the awning is full of mess!
It contains dusty plants by a boy Friesland, but the girls in it are different, even too much.
Field Trip, Space Monkey’s clones, SRDD they were dusty first and they were almost ready for cutting.
The following bloomed Pgo X C99 and they are also almost ready, the first dusty seeds, which is already ripe near the trunk and even dries the seed bag, a week later the seeds will start to pour out of the plant.
And the last Friesland is to stand for no one more than a month.

In the photo Friesland, two girls have red and purple colors, one girl is green.
Little information about the K-dank, I try to find more to understand who is brighter to Friesland and who is brighter to k-dank

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


@Shevchenko Greetings from Brazil, I read your two topics here of your races, both of sacred plants and your day-to-day races in this storm of hate… you are a warrior and an example to the world… your crops are a true spectacle, accompanying these new seeds, with a pulled bench… strong hugs


Thank you for the words of support!
It’s really nice and very important I appreciate it!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


A few days ago, cut the foot plants in the tent from Friesland.
These were clones of Field Trip, SM, SRDD, as well as four PGOxC99 plants.
The cutting was not planned, so I did not take a photo.

remained dusty in the tent:

D-95 #3

С99 #4 (purpl)

and Friesland

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


I generally don’t post military-themed photos or even anything related to war, but yesterday I took an interesting photo and I want to share it…
last year, a projectile from the “Grad” salvo fire system exploded in this place… debris after the explosion cut the concrete fence of the enterprise. And this year, a plant grew out of a hole in the fence…

life will win
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Good morning!
Finally, I was able to send the correspondence yesterday. It makes me very happy. For a long time there were obstacles in sending, but finally everything was resolved. The packages went. I hope they all find their addressees quickly and safely!

also from new: i recently got some seeds from @SamwellBB (thanks Sam) and decided not to delay in germinating some of them.
the first Starcube are already in solution!

somehow unplanned i go to “Pheno Hunt” mode
After all, more than 30 plants D-95 #7F2 and CQSM#4 X D-95 and additionally soaked Starcube …

Nursery with babies:

Among them are interesting mutants

Several photos of continuing cycles …
Friesland Tent when illuminated far red

oh and the awning is assembled from clones of the mother plants, here are all my current favorites… about 14 days 12/12, rapid height gain continues, when they stop, I will level them in height…

in one of my previous messages I said I wanted to do a post about Cheese Quake x Space Monkey
I’ll probably do a comprehensive post later with comparison photos of the phenotypes I got, as well as photos of the parents for comparison… but now I can tell people who got this seed from me - pay special attention to it!
in general, I distributed several thousand of this seed around the world and began to receive urgent requests from growers to send it again or sell it under any conditions… all my friends who tried it also demand this strain, they say that it is a “terpene bomb” …
I will be honest, now for me this cross is not in the first place and not even in the second place, but I recommend people who have this seed not to pass by…

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Starcube - 6 plants from 11 seeds, hope they are all healthy and strong.
One plant is alive, but the tip of the root did not come out of the seed, it began to grow in the middle of the seed. I had to pull him out of the shell, he has a chance, but I don’t count him out yet.
I am now debating whether to germinate additional seeds. On the one hand, I want to leave some part in reserve. On the other hand, the seed does not get younger and the percentage of germination will decrease.


In the continuation of the previous message …
The seeds that gave the roots were transplanted into the soil.
With seeds and seedlings, which may be weak, I do not risk it and do not completely bury it.
Before planting in the soil, I remove the husk, and when planting I leave the leaves on the surface already (the translator does not know how to translate it). This increases the percentage of exposure.

a plant whose root grew into the middle of the grain I also planted, but practically not buried (too small root)
It can be damaged by trying to turn (believe).
I put such plants in a deepening and around the sprayer so that the sprout is ground. If the plant is able to develop further - then the root will grow down and lift the sprout from damp earth. Will he want to live, time will show …
So now there are 7 sprouts in the soil, the other four seeds are left in paper towels.
If the other 4 do not show the root until tomorrow I will open them in manual, as I did it with Chem D - I95

Friesland and clone D-95

also a tent with clones (Field Trip, Space Monkey, SRDD, D-95#3&7, C99)

Some have already doubled in size!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Quick update:

5 Starcube is actively growing and already under the lamp, two remain under the seedbed.

In addition, yesterday opened 4 seeds that remained unclaimed … One seed is empty, the other with black not viable content. The other two were released from the skin and placed in a towel. Today she has shown signs of life and the other is sleeping.

Two plants SRDD X D-95, completely different.


Harmed Friesland.

Tomorrow I will start more photos with some comments …


Hello everybody!
Some news

As for newcomers:
Starcube - 5 plants grow and develop completely stable, without any remarks, two more plants in question by this time. They are in the soil, their first leaves became green, but they do not develop. The first germ leaves began to dead, so it was removed. Because sometimes it can be spread to the point of growth and then the embryo dies.

I hope that once again: life will win!

Other babies (D-95#7 F2, CQSMXD95, SRDDXD95) are waiting for a larger packaging. They are not happy, I put them in a vacant place under spotlights 200 watts LED, of course it is too much for it … I had already corrected the mistake. If I can go on the ground, I will transplant today.


Separate message for readiness reading, a few words about Friesland

From 5 nuts I got three girls and two men.
Of the three girls, two phenotypes, one color other green. In general, they are very similar in structure of plant and cones. All plants are very deciduous, I do not know why, but reminded me of NL from Sensi, which I grew many years ago …

The plants are not demanding, no problems with them … I will put clones on flowering the most greener, I want to look at their development and formation without pollination.

"Large purple" (I will notice the plant and rightly numb after viewing my notes) - The largest plant (after the boy) even had to be broken because it did not fit into the awning.
However, the size I associate not with genetics, but with the fact that it was in a larger pot.

"Green" A slightly different structure of the cone, but it is difficult to draw conclusions, the plants were very dusty … The structure of the plant is the same - solid, thick -walled and hollow stem. I like such a plant skeleton. When the plant bent overrills the pot and does not break its own branches.

"Standard purple" - Rosimir is the same as green, differently identical “Large Purple”!

The previous smoke report will be in a few weeks …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Very unique looking plants. Leafy, but beautiful. Love the purple accents.


@Redrum92, yes, the plants are really not typical. plants with a different cone/leaf ratio are in trend now.
however, for me it’s a pleasant chore to manicure such bumps!
as for the colors, it seems to me that under different lighting they are unlikely to change color, only for sure when the temperature drops. I noticed that the purple color was causing my far red LED panel to show up.


It seems in the previous thread I was asked about my SRDD, but I want to renew this information here.
One of the awnings now begins to flowering clones, including SRDD.
I have noticed today how much this plant is different from everything I have. At this stage (and under the condition of a long vegetative period), a rotating difference with others is visible.
The complete genetic formula of the plant looks like this:

[NL5&Haze/4SD#3 x (NL5&Haze/4SD#3 x Jack The Ripper/4SD)] x [Chemdog D x Sour Diesel IBL]
(where “4sd” is chem #4 x sour diesel)

Practically every intermediate shutter has a substantial part of Sativa in genetics, but such a letter as in the photo is only possible from NL5&haze

These leaves are not like “blade”, but probably more “awl”.

Two plants SRDD X D-95 (BIG) were female and the differences in the form of a fan sheet are already visible, one in the pope the other into mom … In a few days I will transplant them into a permanent pot of ladies for several weeks VEG and translate to flowering … .
Interesting experience, how/whether the D-95 structure in the cross will change, because now, despite numerical crosses, everything is attached to NL5 & haze. Like meat and skin to the bones, and the skeleton is unchanged (as a base).

p.s. @Dirt_Wizard, You wrote that you like Sativa dominant crosses as c99, I’m sure SRDD will impress you more!

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


I will make sure to plant some of those first! I grew some Chem DD/4SD from LouDog that was excellent, I would be curious to try it with the sativa edge!


In some sense it is from even a devastating sativa
It’s much more powerful than C99, they don’t even stand in one stitch … Those who call C99 psychedelic will be multiplied by zero srdd
And it’s not a joke…


That’s very unique ! Nice! Everything you’ve got going looks awesome! Honestly you really do some great work , I love your style!


thank you!


I am curious, who made SnowRipper?

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