Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Yeah it could be quite a problem if they stretch to much :roll_eyes: What lights are you using for veging in right corner?


two daylight lamps and a 100 watt industrial LED light, there is also about 5 meters of LED strip on the wall, powered by a large car battery, they turn on when the lights are turned off in the winter.

I expected the plants to be very trailing as they were already large plants when I put them in the canopy, however some shot up too much :boom:


Yeah i have same problems if i veg it to much and different strains. Then some shot to much up and another dont. In that sense super croping come handy :seedling: :dizzy:


Yes, this is really a problem … If the plant is low then it can be put on something, but if too high then there is only one (well, you can cut unnecessarily, but it is not humane ha = ha = ha).

By the way, the varieties of varieties, oddly enough, C99 has the least stretching and most proceeds to flowering (although the manufacturer is positioned as Sativa), at the same time Space Monkey is pulled out almost three times and is Indica


Guess who is not potatoes but chemD



Chemd is covered with potatoes, has almost round leaves


Thats remarkable similarity :upside_down_face: maybe they grew them combined with potatoes :dizzy: :joy:


Looking forward to seeing what comes out of these. Chem has endless amazing possibilities

Are you still in Ukraine/Eastern Europe, or have you relocated somewhere safer?


I went with my family to the west of Ukraine during the period when the Kyiv region was occupied, and returned the day after the withdrawal of Russian troops. The family returned later for several months.

I have been looking for an opportunity to grow something like this for a long time and am now very excited about this run.
I have high hopes not only for chemD x i-95 (although it is definitely object #1), but also for other crosses, because they are crosses of my favorite plants.
and I am very interested in which of them will receive certain traits and which of them will combine traits from both parents. this is very intriguing!


In small glasses, the plants were not very good.
For so long, I kept them there so that the lagging Chem D catch up with the development of others.
However, since some began to show a clear hunger, in addition, I decided not to torment them and transplanted them into larger pots.
A week later, after the barks take up the space of new pots, I will turn them on the lighting mode of 14/10 in order to determine the gender of the plants faster.

This is how tent looks after transplanting

:peace_symbol::yellow_heart: :blue_heart:

In small glasses, as you see in the photo in the lower right corner, the clones of mother plants remained, they did not feel the best after rooting, I also kept them as long as possible without the soil for the same reasons. Now they feel better. After unnecessary men have removed, they will take their place.
Clones waiting for transplants:
Space monkey
Field Trip
C99 (Top Feno)
C99 (Purpl Feno)
SNowRipper X Chem DD
Space Monkey #6 BX1 (12 Monkey Feno)



Very nicely done, I love that you saved those embryos and got plants from them very very well done, love your thread and will definitely be following along in your journey my fellow Ukrainian


In good soil and larger pots, the plants began to grow very quickly.
A few days later, the smallest will be the shot to cut clones, I plan to take the top five leaves.

As for the main participant of the race - Chemd X i -95, three plants look great, in general without remarks, the other three have some small mutations. Two plants are a triploid, that is, on each of the floors, they have three floors and one of them has already divided the main stems, then began to expel two central when. The other simply has three growth points. The plant number 1 (potato pheno) is lagged behind others in development and seems to have a mutation on a leaf in the form of lighter spots (waiting for a few more floors, before drawing final conclusions). In addition, all plants except one (5 of 6) have a white-gray color, at first I perceived it as a drawback of elements, but later it became clear that it was not. However, now it is too early to draw conclusions about this, we will wait a few more floors.

I also want to say that I have always received a lot of pleasure exploring the genetic imitation of crosses, it is like new acquaintances, unexpected conclusions and probably even to some extent expanding their own horizons …
At this stage, I get an interesting experience of Cross Cheese Quake (Subcool) X Space Monkey! Four out of five plants have “banana” leaves. There was no such sign in any of their parents. I watched this form of the letter in the original GG4 which it grows, it seems in 19-20 years. It is interesting to consume how the plants will change, and even more interesting whose structure of the cone will receive plants, which is a terpene profile and other features.

:peace_symbol::yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Found some pictures of parents
Chq mom, sorry for the quality of the photos old, about 10 years old, fresh and quality I have not found.

And these are the photos of the father of many of my crosses Space Monkey#3
Unfortunately, the photo is also in just one period and at a fairly early stages of flowering. But it is possible to draw general conclusions.

:peace_symbol::yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Very nice my friend


Regarding the replacement from Top Dawg, I just got it! I sent JJ a thank you email.

I will message you about getting it to you :slight_smile:


This is incredible news, from me also great thank JJ!
@leetdood is also a special thanks, without you there would be no everything, so thank you from your sincere heart!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


The tent had to break the plants the second time, the plants are not controlled, it is good that the stretching should stop for a week.
I am very pleased with the plant C99 #4 (Purpl Feno), early resin allocation and space filling …


Yesterday from all the plants cut clones, leaving only two floors with three fuels and five fuel leaves …

chem-d-kush x sm#3
one of them tryploid

cheese quake x sm#3
all have banana leaves but one plant had just a huge leaf for its age and a small pot

chemD bx4 x i-95

Two plants also have a mutation with triploid floors, but they may not be a genetic mutation, I result of birth damage at an unusual way (caesarean section :wink: )
I am waiting for a few days to get green mass and switch to 12/12

:peace_symbol::yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


C99 is a beauty of a plant, I have grown it from two different old breeders who kept original BG stock alive and it’s such an easy, fast, satisfying girl. She makes anything she touches in a cross faster and more frosty, usually with some of the tropical fruit coming through too. I can’t say enough about her, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor from this one!


Friend, you say everything right! I have already passed a few cycles from C99 and even have a couple of crosses and plan to get nuts in this cycle, including C99 X Chemd95 …
Still in the way of saying finally, but I’m sure 90%that the largest chemd95 boy!
I hold 4 girls C99 and one early boy now, I have not yet decided which of the girls to leave, so everyone is alive, maybe I will be cut outside as well, checking or having time on my 50 latitude