Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

no brother not sure where you got that from to be honest, have not talked about spider mites in years. maybe in general convo about mites but not about me having any mites. had an issue recently with PM but thats about it.

all good …


Spectral Tangerine is (Ghost OG x Tangerine Kush) (from 14er in Colorado).
There is a Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg and there is a Spectral Tangerine f2.
If you look at your photo of my beanz that you germinated you will see that you germinated Spectral Tangerine f2 x Stardawg f2 and MAC IX 2 which is MAC f1 stinky pheno x MAC f2. It is not MAC 1 which is Cap’s Cut but a MAC f1 (from an original pack) which is now called the stinky pheno crossed to a male from a MAC f2 pack. Hope this clears up your question.



I assumed that there is another cross - Spectral Tangerine X Stardawg
But now it is clear …
Thank you Sam!


a small update

four big plants are Apple`s and Bananas s1

The rest of the awning.

Separately for each inhabitant …

Black Sensi

D - 95

C99 #4 purpl

More cowbell

GSC s1 #2

The clone of this plant also left, I like the structure of the plant and cones … I will look at how it finishes, then forcing anyone to leave!

There are also very cool Mac IX plants
One of the one of the one I forgot to take pictures before cutting the clones, so I won’t show it to you
In a week she will come to her senses after pruning and I will introduce you !!!
Also on the week I will transplant Spectral Tangerine F2 into big pots and you will also see them …


Inside is not enough space … I ends the stock of my own crosses Auto, which I use to grow outdoor
Therefore, in the yard there are several pots Auto and are waiting for Sweet Bourbon Auto Kush from Super Sativa Seed Club (Revers) to start throwing pollen … This season I will receive the crosses of Fem with a new father.
I used earlier ww XXL Auto (Dinafeem), I liked this cross. Now I want to try new. See …


Meanwhile in awning …


An interesting feature of this phenotype is 3-5 fingers on a fan leaf …

Black Sensi (2 plants)

D-95 #7


From bad news: One Apple`s and Bananas S1 plant has the signs of Hermy.
There are a lot of flowers and all over the plant … Most likely it will have to be cut …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg

I told you that one seed contained twins. As always - one small, the other larger. That’s how I signed them. The plants quickly leveled off in size. I’m still not 100% sure, but it seems that the “small twin” will be a boy.


Black Sensi

GSC s1 #2

D95 #7

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


I have not closed Gestalt with some old varieties (SFV, TK, Ghost OG and some others) … I planned a small project with Triangle Kush this year … OG participants received some crosses with this variety and had to get TK S1 from CSI. However, CSI is not made up … Therefore, this project will be delayed for a while.
It is good that he did not throw another seed of this project into the water.

As they say, “There would be no happiness - so unhappiness helped”!

While I was waiting for TK, unplanned and incredibly quickly got some seeds.
@LoveDaAutos thank you!

It seems to me that I (not interfering with other plans) could
arrange hunting for the phenotypes of Cap Junky S1
I have enough space for 15-20 plants at a time, not a large flock but find some outstanding specimens - quite possible !!!
It is necessary to think about it (although I do not stop thinking about it for the second day).

Meanwhile in awning


black sensi (very hungry)

Less hungry

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Thank you @LoveDaAutos !!


Good morning brotha :coffee:
I missed a bunch, Very cool to see both twins growing. Interesting to see if one is male and one is female.

How was the Alien Sourz smoke? I have Alien on my mind lately.

Loving the variety and hard to say which one stands out, They all look dank.

Keep up the great work :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Hi @InTheWoods, glad to see!

Twins until this time have not decided on gender affiliation
Now I have confirmed other two girls and one guy.
If they do not determine on their own for several days, I will be forced to move them to the awning for flowering. The first girl is already 12/12. (If I will make some photos today).

In the Alien Sourz healed, I do not feel a clear smell of apples, but the smell is really special and very loud.
I was pleasantly impressed with the effect of smoke, it is strong enough but without overload, a pleasant euphoric honey with a light head and a relaxed but not heavy body.
All in all, Alien Sourz became a discovery for me, a wonderful and predictable plant for growing and a good balance of smoke with excellent smell and taste.

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


You say all positive things, but also call it a discard? Was it only good, not great?

I enjoy these euphoric relaxing effects from gsc related hybrids, etc

1 Like

corrected in the text - thank you!
Brother, this is all translation … Sometimes a message of 5 sentences has to write 30 minutes …
I have to simplify everything and write not with complex short sentences … As soon as it comes to something more complicated by Google translator gives nonsense …
Someone has been advised to me gpt i plan to try …
Believe me, writing with a translator is a hard labor!

Alien Sourz - exactly great! :wink:


That’s why I ask

Not to give you a hard time

But to understand better

I try and talk like I do in sign language… clear and simple words connected


Another upgrade …
First of all, the situation with electricity was even more complicated … In the last days, light is about 4-6 hours a day.
This circumstance affects all the processes that are happening now or have been planned in the future …
Projects that concerned new varieties and plants will pause until the problem of lighting. I’m not ready to risk new seeds.
In addition, I have almost 20 maternal plants to protect them from flowering they will be moved to the sun.

Also under the sun are displaced plants from the awning, which at the end of the flowering. The duration of a sunny day is now almost 16.5 hours.
Under the sun in 7-10 days the plants will not have time to reveg, and in box without light and ventilation they rot.
Some plants have already begun to ache but not yet critical …

D-95 (outdoor)

gsc s1 #2

more cowbel #4 (outdoor, the most sick)

Black Sensi and younger plants are left in the tent …

to be continued…

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


My eyes want to pop out looking at that D-95!!

This is one of the best purchases of my life :blush:

So glad you sent me the D-95 seeds, I feel like I must grow some in the next year.


Undoubtedly, this is an incredible plant!
Thank you for this best purchase!

There are already some crosses that you don’t yet have …
D-95 X alien sourz
D-95 X Starcube
D-95 F2 (another boy # 1)

I will send them to you with F2 and starcube crosses


Thank you so much!!

Please remind me to send you mine, when I finish the seed run of mine. I plan to remember but I do not always remember things. I think you will enjoy these motorbreath bx1 crosses. I will report on the smell soon but I do believe it is the chem dominant funk we talk about and enjoy.

I also think you will be interested in the 4 different crosses of highway robbery x motorbreath bx1 possibly, because this is the genetic pool. I said this before on the forums, but, for dog breeding they look at not only parents but grandparents and great grandparents because they know traits can come out from these ancestors. So I listed the ancestors, going far back enough to hopefully seem clear and relevant.

Highway Robbery x Motorbreath bx1

Corey (chem 4 x tres dawg) via stardawg ix
Chem d
Blue power
Forum/thin mint
Fire og
The creature 105 day washing bagseed herm


The 4 are: 4, 5, 6, 7, but limited seeds with #4

genetic impressions:
4: stardawg dominant, broad leaf kush vegetative growth (irene)
5: creature / gmo style
6: cookie / OG style. cookie dominant
7: cookie / OG style also actually, but very OG dominant. Like Triangle.

Chem D and Triangle are in both parents. From Motorbreath for the dad and from Tres Dawg (very deep) for the mother.

I am extremely excited to share more back :slight_smile: and to receive your super kind gifts