Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

But yes, I do not joke about this best purchase. For me, not only is it amazing genetics, but it was a big part of how you, me, and @TopShelfTrees1 are such amazing friends. I enjoy having this positive impact and sharing with others. It is not always going to happen but I saw that you are awesome and wanted to pay you back.


@leetdood is all good at @topshelftrees1 ???
It does not even answer emails outside the forum … I hope everything is OK!

Continuing the theme of seeds and genetics, I will say that yesterday spent partial pollination of some plants.
pollen isn’t mine, i got it from @lonelyoc, it’s pollen - chem d x gmo bx3
part of the pollen i left for pollination chem d bx4 x i-95 and i want to pollinate GSC S1 #1
They are already in the tent 12/12 but are not yet ready for pollination.

However, if yesterday’s pollination is good then we will additionally have dusty girls:
Apple`s and Bananas S1 (Plants # 1 and # 3)
Mac IX
Alien Sourz #3 F2

Apple`s and Bananas S1 # 1

Apple`s and Bananas S1 # 3

I like the first plant in structure, she is a little smaller, has more growth and branching points, but at this stage is less resin …
The other two plants are alive, but they grow separately … One mutant is the other strongly Hermi.

And these are two Mac IX boys, they are tested on the hidden signs of Hermis …
Girls are okay.
They, like girls, have a little twisted fan leaves. This is 100% my mistake, I sprayed them with a solution in which there were enzymes and it caused such a reaction … New leaves are equal!

In general, I decided which boy I want to leave, I like the one that is bigger and faster. It has a sharp and loud smell, a good bud structure. However, I will wait for the ending of the tests.

I have to tell you that I am very impressed with @SamwellBB crosses
Good work, very good!

As for the Spectral Tangerine X Stardawg, I am sure of 99.9%that it’s a boy and a girl … their photos will be later …


Ar first, he was taking a break to destress

But then he got sick. But he is getting better.

So I will tell him you said hello :wave:

The male, it smells like funk still but with a soapy floral back end that was unexpected.


Maybe the sour milk jungle jay was talking about

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@TopShelfTrees1 says hello and that he misses you @Shevchenko


Thank you!
I hope everything is OK with him and he will be in touch soon

I think this guy is going to be great…we’ll see what he passes on to posterity.


@SamwellBB, your girls…


the first plant formed 6-8 branches, and the second was left in its original form.
very interesting formation of fan leaves, they are huge and wide at the bottom and almost sharp blades after flipping to 12/12
it’s still too early to say about the formation of heads, but I’ll keep you posted!

Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg

as you said, this cross has more sativa genes. this manifests itself in a stronger pull after flipping to 12/12
the plant was squat and rounded, now the distance between floors is increasing very intensively.
after manipulating the branches, a pungent sour smell remains on the fingers, they have not yet started flowering and everything will change with time, but even now the stems have a sharp smell.

Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg twins

on the right - a girl, on the left - a boy


Cindy 99 - Brothers Grimm

MAC IX - Baked Beanz

Alien Sourz #3 f2 - Umami

Apples and Bananas S1

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


I have another update for you also

I sent these pics to JJ

Of course, because I’m particularly impressed by these

He sent back :+1:

I assume he gets a ton of emails so I’m just happy to get a response that he liked your plants :slight_smile:


Great to hear, thanks!

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MAC ix

A good application for a kipper

alien sourz #3 f2

A&B s1

all together

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


get to know each other! it’s Alien Sours #3 f2 !!!
threw one seed into the water to check viability… then it was a pity to throw it away. the plant turned out to be female.
I’ll have to check these f2’s carefully
if one seed turned out to be what can be found in 25 ???

the photos are not of the best quality, it’s my fault, I’ll fix it!

Next, I have a question for those who grew MAC, including @SamwellBB
this is a typical plant structure for MAC
now with blackouts in the awning it is sometimes very hot and humid, I am worried if the plant is not a foxtail

other MAC plants have a similar structure, but this one fills out and stretches a lot!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


looks like maybe the Columbian side is showing more - stretching out
stills looks great and it should be dank :fire:


Thank you for the comment @SamwellBB !
made pictures of better quality … There may be additional comments.
Also made photos of other MAC plants for comparison.
Clones left from plants #1 and #2

Mac#1 is the most wide and largest plant formed into 8 main branches, but the size of the pot is small, so there would be no point in the point. From unnecessary took the clones, they are already rooted …

Mac #2 - I did not plan to leave it, but after turning it changed, increased several times and despite the uncontrollable growth has a stunning filling … If it is not a foxtail and a bump will fill the cavity, then it will be an outstanding plant for yield.
I took the clones from the lower branches that were already actively blooming, they rooted less than a week.

The other two women’s Mac plants are in smaller pots - so it is just smaller in size, covered with resin like honey!
one want to partially pollen Starcube another - Alien Sourz, just don’t say @SamwellBB :wink: LOL

As #3 F2 - a little better photos, but they still do not show that cones begin to get a purple color, looks very aesthetically pleasing color under thick white stigma in contrast to dark leaves!

I have also been talking about the third plant-mutant of apple and banana for a long time
That’s how my mutant looks like

Black Sensi

GSC s1 #2

D-95 #7 (Especially for @leetdood)

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Oh wow, amazing!

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Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg

A & B s1

MAC (all plants)

Alien Sourz #3 f2

A&B s1 another plant

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


In the period when the awning should have 12 hours of light, there was no electricity …
Electricity appeared an hour before the end of the day and the moment of shutdown of the timer …
I had to exclude the timer and just turn on the light.
I do not know how long it is enlightening to the next shutdown
And the problem is not only in light, there is no ventilation and blowing!
The large awning consumes about 20 liters of water per day, in the absence of ventilation humidity 99% (the tare does not show 100).
Mold does his job, today cut one of the peaks of Apple and Banana …
For the week, you will have to find a place in the yard and bring to the permanent residence of all the inhabitants of the mother room … Some plants began to appear stigma.

Random photos

AS #3 f2

I really like this plant!
It has everything! Great, fast, stinky and very frosty!
If its effects are no worse than F1, this is exactly the champion.

F1 grows nearby
By structure F2 went to his father - very Indica

Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg
An energetic plant, with good filling!
very much stretched after 12/12
By the way, the twins were girls, yes, both! I was wrong with the primary determined sex of one plant … Sometimes!
Today both plants moved to 12/12
now in awning 4 female plants STS

next MAC all plants

A&B s1

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


that a&b s1 is a beast !


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Love that mutant plant! Cool lookin, nice job