Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

I agree the one that made it is promising. Keep them photo warm! :slight_smile:


Sorry for the quality of the photo …
Mac IX #4 (90+ day)


Stay safe,

The plants are much more beautiful than mine, and i dont suffer the power outages often :wink:

Its like that stereotype

“Sorry for my english, i was born in vietnam and immigrated here and got a pHD in english literature, its not so good”


You are that student who gets 90/100 on the test and says

“Sorry for my poor score”

I joke… i am glad your windows did not break!

Stay in touch,

1 Like

that looks like it will knock you on your ass…:fire:


Ive only tried 2 notable mac/mac parents relatives that i can recall

Caps frozen lemons (never clear on lineage, but pretty sure)
Black lime bubba x mac stomper (mac via the mac stomper) aka limed orange by @DannyTerpintine

The first one was pretty terpy, medicinal enough that i was able to enjoy it

Second one i had a poor run but definitely as medicinal as danny told me it would be. Bubba starfighter dominant with a touch of underdawg from the joseph. Would give you that thousand yard stare. He said it was extremely helpful with pain if run to full potential also.

Just saying, people sleep on the better mac work for sure. It can produce mids, but cap is a good breeder! His work is legit


@leetdood Glad you are back!
This Mac IX mileage is also my first experience with this variety … and it exceeded my hopes! I heard of his strength before but I imagined myself more similar to GSC
It turned out to be a completely different plant that in my opinion stands separately.
I did not find similarity in the structure of growth or in effects!
I’m not saying it is bad or good, I’m saying it’s unexpectedly, it’s a completely new experience!

I tried to pollinate the Mac IX #4 with a very old saw with Chem D BX4 X I-95 (Potato Feno) (this is another boy, not “Big” that was used in most crosses). I hope to find at least a few nuts … That’s why it has been standing for so long, more than 100 days!
I have already received several seeds from other plants ( #1 and #2) with pollen from @LonelyOC
Mac IX #1 x (chem d x gmo bx3)
Mac IX #2 x (chem d x gmo bx3)
Most likely, they will appear in the next cycle …

It has already detached my roof!
Permanent knockout has been going on for several days!

finally updated the photo in previous messages


Those Chem D x GMO Bx3 crosses will turn out crazy!

Pz :v:t2:


MAC is very unique!

I am only back, to keep in touch with you :slight_smile:

It has strong starfighter dominance but the alien cookies from @JAWS has an unique influence! You can see people really like cap junky!


Hi everyone!
May this week be easy and productive for you!

All maternal and parent plants Friesland (SSSC) will be destroyed soon
I got them for growing Outdoor, but none from phenotypes did not show early flowering.
As of yesterday, the plants are only trying to bloom!
On my latitude it is unacceptable!
I think SSSC adding karel’s dank to the cross to m33 killed its properties before early flowering …
Line to me stay interesting, I hope i can ever find m33
I have a lot of crosses and F2, so keep mother plants I don’t see any sense …

However, I want to thank @G-paS, @repins12, @Swe-can for Lucifer’s Big Buddy
The plants were planted in the summer, quite late (when problems with light began). Clones were taken from one plant! and in the photos you see LBB clones
so in the understanding of many is not quite auto
I will even try one of the clones to return to VEG.
Although I will refuse that it is auto but it will be great!
A wonderful plant, rapid growth and energy, early flowering on my 50 latitude, now very sweet (Afghan) smell on plants …

clone #1

clone #2

Just the perfect plant for my conditions …
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


glad you found something that works for you. i would look to quebec growers if you want anything with m33 if i remember was a fast cash crop plant for canadian outdoors


Where did you get that freisland?

Fast flowering is when one part of the DNA is Auto-flowering and the other part is Photoperiod. So when people reproduce these plants, some will still be fast, some will be Photoperiod and some auto. If the breeder wants to continue down the fast flowering route, the selection needs to be one Auto-flowering to one Photoperiod.

My best guess is that this haven’t been done and you’re stuck with a Photoperiod pheno unfortunately :pensive:

Hope everything is OK with you? :pray:t2:

Really looking forward to see how those MAC x Chem D x GMO turn out!

Pz :v:t2:


I also heard something like that … can you advise someone specifically?

seeds sent me Johnny from
Super Sativa Seed Club, so there is no doubt about their originality!
By the way, I am in no way saying that Friesland is bad or something like that … Just specifically, this strace did not fit for my latitudes.
In general, good plants with many advantages.

My admiration for selection began 15 years ago with Outdoor varieties!
Growing on my latitude is not easy …
My first varieties - 4/6 generations, were just around early flowering, so I know more or less about what you talk about …
Moreover, I could probably surprise the majority of those present by telling the possibility of BX1 and even Bx2 in Auto varieties :wink:

going back to Friesland I believe it was an acclimated plant or semi-auto (bloomed with shortened day length) allowing it to finish flowering by the end of September…
SSSC is now selling the Friesland Indica x K-Dank cross under the name Friesland and this is the official information from their website.
most likely K-Dank killed the possibility of early flowering in the f1 cross
as you wrote earlier, adding a photoperiodic plant, the recessive trait “auto” simply disappeared…

thank you, I’m fine, as far as can be in this situation…

I’m looking forward too! I wanted to do a full test with lots of plants, but given the conditions, I’ll probably throw 5 in the water for a test to see their potential…
I wrote you in private about them, check it


Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg from Baked Beanz @SamwellBB

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Looking good man, I have some of these spectral tangerine x stardawg seeds on the way hopefully.
Can I ask, have you smoked the spectral tangerine x stardawg before and if so, what was it like?
Hope your day is good man.

1 Like

in general, the harvest is in the refrigerator - it is treated…
to give you an answer, this afternoon I got a small lump to test.
after grinding, it has an earthy smell and kush, it goes in easily, but after a second it squeezes the lungs and comes out with a slight desire to cough…
the effect is felt almost immediately, but it takes a long time to creep up
at certain moments it seems that it is enough, but the overclocking does not stop, at some point it seemed to me that the overclocking is even stronger than MAC ix
the peak of the load is felt after 15-20 minutes and lasts about an hour, after that the “plateau” continues, very energetic and functional.

summing up, I would say that this is a very sativa effect with almost no effect on the body… the effect is strong and long-lasting.
To be honest, I don’t quite understand where this effect comes from. Looking at the genetics, I would attribute the cross to turkeys or hybrids. It turned out very unexpectedly in sativa.
It will be very interesting to try other phenotypes of this variety.
I am more than satisfied with it and pleasantly surprised.


I had a very light mac ix x chem d/gmo seed and decided to check whether it was viable and whether it should be stored … I was thrown into the water … found a very old seed - Fire Alien Kush X Purple Thohoe Alien X Valley Girl and also I threw it into the water because I considered it dead … I added the same D-95 F2 (Potato Feno) and added a few Cap Junkey X chem 91 from LAD there.
Given white (immature seeds) and very old seeds, I thought that half of the germ seeds would already be a luck!
The seeds sprouted everything, no seeds left in a paper towel …

There is no free space?
No, never heard about it !!! LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All good day!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Free space is a myth, theres only plant space


I want to show you a boy
GSC/Space Queen (TGA Sub) x Space Monkey #3

Now pollinated Mac IX and STS but plan to substitute Space Monkey #1 will be a kind of like IX


You got some of the CJ91 (Chem91 x Cap Junky Cut)?! Happy news! That stuff has a pheno that is the strongest weed that i’ve smoked in ~15 years, both in terms of flavor/smell and effects/potency. Watch out, because it also pops the occasional herm, but 100% worth the (small) risk!

As always, a joy to see you are still going strong in conditions that would have many of us softer men in tears.