Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Looks awesome well done

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I cannot tell a lie the genetics here are phenomenal !!! were im growing these plants there in winds upto 40 klm for hrs at a time ! The rain we have had this year there at the bottom of the hill . To top it off their root ball is no more than 6 inches below the ground and is about an 8 inch x8inch 4 inches deep the ground is very hard it clay sand and dirt the land was part of a bigger farm but the old owner built 2 houses. on this property and sold all the top soil and that was the first 10 feet of ground leaving the bare minumin for the yard . Im hear for awhile now so im hoping to develope it into a better green space over the next couple of years .I basically have a 4 year plan going forward my nephew who owns the land has gifted me upto 10,000 spft to grow i have enough rm just so you can visualize 10,000 sq is 4 x what i have now ! again i have 4 yrs to make something out of it just have to remove the obstacles ! And sorry just want to adress the seed issue the plants are fi so i m thinking that some days we were hitting up into the 40s out in the open so Im thinking the heat stress pushed them and stressed them to Hermie a little bit ! :grinning: No biggie as i posted last time there here. and there not every where but there is definitely a couple you can notice but not enuff to throw such a big plant away ! And if that explanation is no good I blame @THCeed I dont know what for but its his fault what ever happens its his fault !


thank you have 15 autos fems going to make a run in all the empty spaces left by male plants hopefully theyll all come in together ! so stay in touch and see how it go’s ! cheers !


For a long time I have not come to you with the news, and time has come for a long time …
The fact is that in connection with the difficulties, the last cycle was very simple and it was largely reflected on plants.
Don’t judge me strictly but we have what we have …

Alien Sourz #3

Separately want to apologize to @SamwellBB
In this cycle, I had two varieties from it and could not reveal the potential of plants even by 50%, and their potential is huge!
Wonderful plants and wonderful genetics, incredibly stable and durable … Sam, I have stored clones and will definitely try again.

Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg

MAC ix #1

MAC ix #2

STS - has a restrained smell of spices and spices, complex and mysterious. I did not feel the citrus smell at all. Perhaps the guilty conditions, and maybe something will change with treatment …

Mac IX is an unrestrained stench! In his best sense … I cannot determine what it smells but the power of this smell is incredible. I don’t even know what to compare him. Space monkey had the strongest smell of now existing maternal plants, but in intensity it is probably twice the weaker …


You always do your best…
Under the conditions you’ve been experiencing you still hit a home run…
I’m pretty sure once things are back to normal you going to hit it out the park…
Keep on keeping on brother…:green_heart:


LOVE seeing what you do - always
Those are better than I would do growing them by far. :fire:
Things will eventually improve there.
Thanks bro


Thank you guys!
In a few days I will transplant clones into larger pots and start over …
Clones …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


The next attempt … I hope will be more successful than the previous one!
Energy predict the absence of electricity shutdowns at least by the end of October (in the absence of additional destruction of the system).

Now in the tent:

  • SRDD x D95
  • Apple & Banana s1
  • MAC ix
  • Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg
  • GSC/SpaceQueen x Space Monkey (GSC/SpaceQueen - not released cross TGA Subcool)
  • Alien Sourz x Starcube
  • Starcube #5 f2

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Hope you’re doing well, Your garden is rocking and rolling brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I didn’t know you rocked a HPS in your setup as well or is that a MH? I used to use a 400w HPS in a closet back in the day haha.

How’d the Alien Sourz smoke? Those caught my eye last round.


Good to see you…
Yes, I’m using HPS now because my LED lamps failed due to power surges… in a 4 x 8 awning, two 600 watt HPS are running…

alien sourz - turns off my anxiety and relaxes me. It makes me feel calm and sleep well! During the day it’s also very good, it doesn’t cause uncontrollable drowsiness.
Not as heavy as Starcube.


Hope you’re doing alright over there :pray:


Thank you, my friend!
On the 26th and 27th it was very loud… I even thought several times that the windows would break.
Now the power outage schedules are as follows: 2 hours of electricity, and 7 hours of no electricity… they promise that something will change in a few days…


Your d95#7
Put a few of your beans to test…
One male one female and a couple didn’t sprout
This one is a beauty-although small cause I planted very late.Smell sharp chem fuel funk maybe with a touch of lemon and something else…
Will take her tops off in a couple days and definitely try reveg her for another run next season.Used the male to dust some other plants I had going🤘🏼


Damn, that’s crazy!

Glad to hear you’re okay though!

Definitely hope things change for the better soon! :pray::pray:


Watching the news and hoping too , that everything will be fine :pray:


Thank you guys for your words of support!!! It is important!
I appreciate it!
we all hope here too… it has affected everyone without exception, it’s not easy…
Okay, enough complaining! Let’s just move forward!

@Skyf, Wow! A wonderful plant!
Glad to see you got this cross up and running!
from my observations, it looks very similar to the D95 mom in terms of plant structure and cone!
hope to see more pics and smoke review later!


MAC ix #1 from Baked Beanz @SamwellBB
The strongest smell of 4 girls of this variety, the strongest smell in the cycle and probably in Top 10 of all the crosses I have grown …
When used, a powerful start with some delay (there is some insidiousness, it is very easy to get more than necessary), for many too powerful …
An energetic, stimulating, motivating plateau for smokers with experience and high level of tolerance.
For most ordinary smokers will be too nervous and strong …
Beginners are contraindicated! Their consciousness will be split, and the person is erased …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Best time of the grow: tasting it :slight_smile: Enjoy!

About the pictures, it’s been discussed in the upgrade thread August Platform Upgrade Complete - #103 by allotment It seems to work by converting your jpeg into png for now.

take care!


Woah, At least this one made it thru. Great shot brotha!


Yes, I looked… but when I try to add others, it says the size should be 700 kb…
I did not remove the photos, I will replace them when the bug is fixed…
just to know which photos I wanted to add… there are a lot of macro!