Chem D Discussion

Just out of curiosity, when did you buy the gps copper chem? I bought some early on and it was straight hand sanitizer. The later batches seem to be the ones that are fruity… I’m thinking gu may have lost the original stardawg male some time ago, and is either using a reproduction, or something entirely different…


I would say a year and a half to two years ago. I heard alot of good things about copper chem thought I would find some rankness but all I got was a very generic citrus lime lifesaver smell. Ya I have heard the same thing about GU loosing his stardawg and I think it might be true.
I did find 1 nice tombstone plant in a half pack. Didn’t take out any of my keepers but got ran more than once.

I get this smell from all sorts of strains, some I’ve grown and others that have been purchased either black market or dispensary. Only time I bought dispo bud was mac1 just to try and see what the hype was about. Thought if I like it I could by a cross of it or something. Sure enough same shitty generic citrus lime lifesaver smell, smoked 1 joint and still have the rest. Not sure if mac1 is supposed to smell like that or did the grower for the dispo just get seeds and end up with a shitty terped plant of mac1 to grow.

My last pheno hunt I ended up with 1 plant with those terps. Was a lemon hoko Blueberry bx 3.


I just did a seed run on Tombstone, planning to hunt them for that super rubbery, chem sanitizer terp. Got a real close mom, some rubber and chem scents, so im going to hunt her prodigy first. Another one was the citrusy cleaner smell, too citrusy for me. And the third mom was fairly earthy, diesel smelling. Father was diesel smelling as well.

Im planning to do the same thing with copper Chem, i have one pack of 8 from from the earlier releases, and a 10 pack from the later release. Im going to run the older pack first, by itself. See what comes up.


I believe someone has chem d s1s… maybe csi did? I have chem d and chem 4. The d always throws nanners late and ive tried to pollinate a bunch to get a seed or two. No luck. I did however find a early nanner and got a smidge of pollen on my grand traverse cherry cut. Looks like a bean is forming lol !!


I’m growing one outdoors now. It will be part of the strains in my grow journal this year. First time growing it.


Yes sir. CSI had these at one time. Unsure if they’re still available.


Figured I’d let folks know. Chemdog just did his first clone drop in Lee ma the other day at cannaprovisions which released the chem 4 directly from chem, soon will be the chem d and giesel (direct cut from chemdog himself!) They were 30 bucks fyi.


I don’t understand why Chemdog would do that. Kinda breaks the Chem family bond releasing cuts.

But I guess if anybody has the right to do so it’s Chem himself.

Guess I better get my ass to necann…


This is why federal laws need to change ASAP, I’d love to get the real deal cuts but living in prohibition land makes even harder than just living in the wrong legal state


Ahh the discussions that chem has had, allowing the actual chem genetics to flourish to full potential. And ward off scammers with thousand dollar possible chem cuts. These are the real deal, bringing the chem family to new heights. So glad they pushed these folks to do this. And they did!!!


Nice, I would like to hear more.

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Recently was fortunate to get a snip of the D from a real life friend who received it from one of Tom Hill’s crew.

Here’s what she looked like about 6wks ago:

And here she is today which is day 10 from flip (front left):

Sitting under 520w of strips at about 12" above the canopy at the moment. Will be increasing that to 600w as plant health dictates.

Straight water after an initial topdress, she’s in a City Pickers SIP.

She’s super stinky so far since flipping - garlic rotten dumpster/teeth mixed with truck driver coffee breath.

:sunrise_over_mountains: :rainbow:


So apparently some folks seem to think the chemD isn’t actually a sister to the 91 but a super skunk hyrbid with it.


Best description I’ve ever heard. :rofl:


Nice man - cool you have the original cut! Haha the bad breath is something Ive noticed in some of my recent plants. Nasty stuff!


Halatosis is what it reminds me of.

Bad breath lol. Chem d and GMO stank really close to each other also. Except when you go 85 with GMO she really takes the onion turn. The D just continues with the poop stank lol.

Both are absolutely fantastic day and night smokes for me. No celling. Great body and head buzz. I do however like the way chem d smokes after a nice long cure. She remains strong diesel taste from start to finish. With the GMO kinda tasting like a burger at first and ending with this earthy sort thing going on for me.


Always astounded with your work nube. Not everyone can get the variegation out the gate on the D. Which I can see well In your picture :pray:
Keep up the stellar job, look forward to her finished pictures.


Can I find out how to learn about the upcoming drops? @Enjoi802 bummed I missed the chem 4

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Chem 95 is Chem 91 x Chem 4
But theres also I-95 from JJ’s crew and thats very different


Chemdogs IG will be one place. The others is smashhits cannabis IG which is there brand name