Chem D Discussion

I’m not on ig any chance there is something else to catch him on?

What is Chemdog’s IG handle?




Thank you!

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Thanks! I guess we’ll see if she’s the real deal - I have no reason to think otherwise - but so far so good! I trust the buddy who gave it to me, and the provenance is sound.

Thanks for the kind words and likewise! She came with the variegation; all I did was grow her like a weed. :wink:

I know there’s been a lot of discussion on the variegation popping up when she’s stressed, so maybe she’s not happy with me…but she LOOKS happy as far as I can tell! lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is the tent’s progression in 8 days (2F - 10F):

SHOE said she was a stretcher (3x - 4x) but that all my topping and training might tame her. I figure there’s another 2wks of stretch and I only have a foot of headroom, so I popped a net on just in case.

:sunrise_over_mountains: :rainbow:


VERY nice^^…

Really interested in seeing what you think of the Chem D cut… with so many of the old chem heads saying its a favorite.


Oooohhhh baby, that’s a clean setup! I love it. Are those SIPs you’re using?


I’m starting to guess you might be from up north near me. Shoe is a awesome dude. Finally got to meet him in person last year, and he saw me bodhi gear rocking. And hooked it up with some love gifts.
The variegation means she’s happy to me. As that’s what I expect her to do if she’s grown right.


Thanks man! Yeah, it’s 4 City Pickers, one plant in each, water only recycled dirt. Fits perfect in the 4x4, and the growth rates are like hydro! This is a clone run because none of the bodhi Blood Orange pack I was trying to preserve popped. Old seeds, what you gonna do? :seedling:

Nah, I’m from the rural midwest but I live in CO. SHOE’s good people. He’s been kind and generous and honorable to me too. :handshake: Hope you’re right and they stay happy! So far so good!



Nice looking plants. I remember the first time I got chemdawg from my friend in arcata it absolutely reeked like old hair spray and something rotten.

Just let me know if I can ever send you some guava hashplant f2’s as a thank you for all the seeds you have gifted me. That would be a fun combo as a hybrid with the chem d clone, stardawg guava meets chemdawq via bodhi’s hybrid.


Update on the chem d, doing good at day 31F in the SIPs.

We keep smelling garlic bo down the hallway from that room, and I think it’s the D coming through the phresh filter. :astonished: I hope not but kinda hope it is! Ya know? :wink:

And here’s the whole tent, chem d in front left:

We were camping most of the last week, and I turned up the lights from 520w combined to 600w before we left.


I guess she didn’t like it, because she started to throw a few nanners, only in a few tops.

That’s a known issue with chem d - she’s finicky, and likes medium/high light instead of high/ultra light intensity, so it’s a self-inflicted wound. I’m not too worried about it cuz I knew going in she would likely throw a few, but I expected them in the lowers rather than up high. :man_shrugging: Eh, oh well. I turned that fixture down to 260w from 300, and we’ll see if it makes any difference.

:rainbow_flag: :peace_symbol:


I had her throw a few nanners last time - pollen wasn’t viable, so you may be good. It was week 4-5 so I’m around your flower time.

I actually would have dug some S1s off her! But nothing… love the Chem flower though!!!


Damn, I’m not the only who would love some s1s from her ( may have to save up and reach out to CSI for those) ! Otherwise looking very nice and appreciate the updates! Wishing you guys the best !


Looks great!! Can almost smell it from here :yum:


there is one pack of chem D s1 in stock my dude, i’m pretty stocked with the forbidden fruit s1 from csi i was expecting more dogs, but i’ve got 50/50 good plants/dogs, you’ll for sure find one good plant in a pack i think, and in 10 packs maybe one that’s better than the clone? but i don’t know, just hopeful


Thanks a bunch for this tidbit. It puts my mind at ease. Did you pluck them or just let it ride?

My plan, if this turns out to be the legit Chem D cut :crossed_fingers:, is to make S1 to give away here in an upcoming Co-op box. Also, no offense to @supershitfuck, but I’d buy direct from CSI_Humboldt because he gives SO MANY MORE freebies and full packs with each order than any seedbank.

I know they’re out of stock, but it’s worth waiting. You can even make a freebie requests in your cash/MO letter and he’ll maybe hook it up, especially if you add a tip!

:peace_symbol: :rainbow_flag:


he sure does hook it up! he’s sold out of that pack on the website tho… a lot of his sold out stuff is available somewhere else, so that’s cool, he makes a lot of seeds haha


and hell yeah!


Nice plant. On the issue of the nanners , I’ve heard on the potcast and from crazycompozer on ig that she always throws them out. Crazy had her very healthy but she still threw out sacs. The good thing is that the pollen is always sterile.
I got my cut from farmer joe. Notsodog said that that if you can get the variegation to mostly go away on the d then you have the real d. If it doesn’t go away somewhat then she may not be happy. In organics it mostly goes away from what I can tell. I got fungus gnats in my kiss soil and it stressed the d out. I have gotten rid of them but the d still looks stressed. I threw her outside in sun so well see. They say the sun rejuvenates old cuts well see.
If it still doesn’t go away when it is healthy then you have the dirty d which is a fake d.

I tried a chemdog back in 2011 and it wasn’t anything special that I can remember but now that I got a reliable cut I can taste a true chem.


I just let it ride as I was ok with having some S1s - no dice.

I did try to reverse her - and got tons of male flowers but all the pollen was sterile. That being said - I did the same with GMO that round and nada… all sterile so must have been my STS regimen.