Chem D Discussion

Oh man that would be so amazing for a community co-op seed run ! And I’ll definitely reach out to Nspecta at CSI when I do have the available resources ,love the idea about the tip and freebie request,that will be my angle,if it isn’t in stock at that time,hope you are well
PS , pretty excited for a smoke report on the D my man ! Cheers !


Chem de la Chem!


Well shit. No one got the dog patch from me. So I guess if fall hits and I still got em I’ll probably keep a male d leaner… that was the plan when I got em. To find a d leaning male to hit other keeper d crosses I have.


Here is Margy Dog (Cannarado)pregnant from Haunza Valley 91(Lucky dog Seed) pollen (2 males)
Magry Dog : Chemdog D x Frozen Margy (Chemdog D x [Sour Dubble x Fire OG x Lemon Headband])
Haunza Valley : Puck (skelly) x Chem 91 bx3


Absolutely stunning! Where did you source your Chem Del La Chem? I cleaned out all of the seedbanks that I could find with Chem Del La Chem F2 packs a year or two ago and looked through a ton of them. I recently harvested some (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) seeds that I made. I am excited to look through a nice population of those whenever I have a chance.

The Dog Patch is fucking nice. I have used my Dog Patch male to make quite a few hybrids. I am about to harvest some ladies holding (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch, (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch and (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch seeds in a couple of days.

I just attempted to pollinate my Face Off IX cut with Dog Patch pollen that I froze (I still have cuts of the male as well). My Face Off IX cut has fat fucking bracts, so sometimes she can be more difficult to tell if it was successful than other cultivars. I used the same packet of pollen on my Goji OG, Black Triangle F2 and (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) cuts though and those appear to have been successful, so there is hope.

I also recently harvested some Chem D x (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) seeds, as well as some Irene OG x (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) and Legend OG x (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) seeds.

I should maybe pollinate Chem D with my Dog Patch male or my Chem Del La Chem F2 male, but I will probably pollinate her with my TK leaning Black Triangle F2 male first. Ooooooo and maybe pollinate my Chem Del La Chem F2 female with my Dog Patch male. So much plant sex, so little time. Positive vibes…



That sounds like the fire


I know I’m a month behind here but I’ve finally caught up with this thread and this news is crazy. I had heard from a podcast that Chemdog was growing again and selling out of cannaprovisions but I’m out in Canada and figured I’d never get my hands on any. That would be crazy to be able to get a cut from him.

I just checked his IG and he is selling clones tmrw, July 7th for anyone interested.

@nube plants looking stellar! Looking forward to seeing these finish out.


anyone going tomorrow? if so, would anyone be so kind to pick me up a chem 4 and Blue Dream?


They sell 6 packs of plants for 150


This is the only reason why I would sign up for ig.


Thanks @NorthNorthNugs. Here’s the :goat: at day 36F:

Smells really gross right now - bad breath with a hint of sweet. Here’s the whole 4x4 (:goat: front left, only 4 plants in there in organic water only SIPs):

Yeah, other people I know who’ve grown her said the same thing about the nanners. About the variegation comments from Notso and others, I don’t know how much stock to put in those types of comments because it’s all a matter of perspective. When I read that it mostly goes away when healthy, it make me wonder what the bar is for comparing real vs. fake d. From my perspective, it’s gotta be both nose burning raunchy bad breath smell and mouth coating delicious chem flavor while also being the most potent smoke on the planet. If it ain’t all of that, it’s probably not the D. Either that, or the people claiming those things need to get out more. :wink:

Thanks, I’m letting it ride too!

:rainbow_flag: :sun_with_face:


Dr.GreenThumb has interesting genetics -Panama Red is one


save those seeds from your boys !!!


were are the re-leases going ? meaning seeds


Since this is the thread about Chem strain, I’ll just toss this out here.

From Katsu


So as a precursor to Chem, makes it related to what was called Dog bud?


Well it seems the already murky history of Chem just got a an even murkier prequel. Whatever. The post represents the current scene fairly well. Coveted genetics, limited release, help me with the bills. It all just makes me cringe a little. I’m entirely against the idea of coveting a good cut. If it’s that good then spread that happiness around freely and make the world a little better while you’re here. Or keep it secret until you die so it dies with you. That’s romantic, no doubt.

I’m not trying to deny anyone an honest income here. I’m gonna grab a few packs cause that sounds like a good cross and THERE’S NOT MUCH LEFT!.


fucking humans man… sounds stupid a bunch of dudes being dramatic about dry female plant flowers haha


Not my gig friend, just received it in my email so I thought I’d share it. I ain’t paying $200 for any seeds ever.


Oh I’m aware it’s Katsu asking for funds. I didn’t mean to imply it was you. And I’m sure he will have NO PROBLEM selling every single pack. I’m surprised they’re not more.