Chem D Discussion

I heard phylos testing was buggy. I forgot what episode on the potcast they talked about it on. I think it’s one of the meangene ones. So yeah don’t trust phylos lol on anything as we all now know


Phylos is a garbage company that should not be trusted at all let alone used as a base of information. Just referencing them in a sales pitch is enough to make me question somebodies ethics. Phylos lied about there intentions and abilities from day one. They got everybody to pay them to collect plant data in return for a bunch of useless information and the worst website I have come across for showing genetic relationships. I called it from day one after reading there legal disclaimers and nobody wanted to hear it , they did exactly what I said they would and got into offering plants them selves and trying to sell the data set to big ag/pharma. There is a pretty long thread here on og about it all.


Margy Dog
Chemdog D x Frozen Margy (Chemdog D x [Sour Dubble x Fire OG x Lemon Headband])
week 6.5


As did I.
Strange how folks don’t believe you on stuff like this…
You forgot about the part where sam the skunk face tells everyone it was legit and send in your goods.
Chimera was another one of the scammers, I cut him some slack at first, at least he admitted he knew what they were up to from the start.

Sam the skunk face…I called him a scammer to his face, well the best I could anyhow.
I had a thread on ICrag “pylos was a scam from the start and all parties knew about it”

That thread was the start of my banning over there.

I had the dog bud cut, it was ok, but nothing to write home about.
I would like to try what chem dog is putting out today. :astonished:
Dunno how to get my hands on his new work …Yet!


My thoughts are…
Someone found the dogbud, it was pretty good.
Added some chemicals, aka colchicine and out popped the chemdog.

I believe colchicine is responsible for most if not all of the mutations we see today.
For example:
A bud growing on a leaf, surely some chems are involved in those mutations.
From what I know colchicine is the most common.

That is the story I am going with anyhow…LOL
The world may never know.
Someone out there does. :smirk:


I heard on the dude grows show that a bud growing on a leaf means the plant has nowhere else to throw trichomes so it creates a new spot to put out more hence the bud at the leaf. Not necessarily a bad thing. If anything it’s a good thing since you have a frosty cut. I’ve seen non chems do it like some exotic genetics strains do it.


Lol pump your plant with kelp it willl so all sorts of crazy shit


Chem D day 42F:

She’s sweet smelling until you disturb trichs, like rubbing a fan leaf, then she explodes into hot trash filled with granny’s diapers and burnt rubber, with a tiny bit of granny’s sweet perfume on the back end.

:poop: :wilted_flower:

Still throwing a few more nanners in the middle of buds, but no apparent pollination. Thickening up pretty good. Definitely looks like she’ll go all of 10wks.

Here’s the whole tent. :goat: is front left:

:sunrise_over_mountains: :rainbow_flag:


I’m determined to get a chem d and 91 chem to compare to some other plants I have. Hopefully they become more readily available so I dont have to make a 12 hour round trip to get them :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Just plant mutations on a cellular level, happens in my observation via compound feminization.




Makes my eyes red ! Nice job looking like a very nice harvest cheers


You think you have some similar (perhaps related) plants in the stable?


It looks and sounds a lot like a plant I used to get from a buddy he referred to as his D plant. I also think the chem 91 looks very similar to ghost og. As a lover of old school terp profiles they are on my bucket list to try grow either way :grin:


@Heritagefarms Hey man not sure if your interested or not but I know farmerjoe420 has both the chem d and chem 91 along with a bunch of other legendary cuts available for purchase if your in the states.
Anyone I have seen deal with him has nothing but good things to say about him.
Just thought I’d throw that out there in case anyone is interested.


I certainly haven’t grown the elites you have, but I can say Chem D is one of my favs. I have grown CSI Chem 91 S1s and they were pretty good too. Different terps than the D for sure.

What I don’t think most would recognize (not you!) is that these plants are not the resin monsters current cannabis looks like. They don’t have the tall glands or anywhere near as covered on leaves… but they are just some dang strong and tasty weed!!

I am a definite Chem convert - love everything about the D

One day maybe I’ll get the 91 - but I’m in canada and hard to find cuts like that.


Looks can definitely be deceiving. bag appeal is good and all but terps , storage longevity and the overall quality of the high rank higher in my book. A plant that hits all those on a good frame now that’s what I like to hunt for.


Hey @nube does your stem rub on the chem d in veg smell kind of sour? That’s the smell thst I get on my chem d in veg.


Here she is outdoors. She’s not throwing 5 blades as much yet. She was stressed out and her nodes were very short. Now her nodes are spacing out more. Your d looks like it has fatter leaves @nube . This D is from farmer joe directly so I think it’s legit. I can see some of the variegation is going away compared to indoors.


It was mildly sour in veg, but didn’t really get stinky until flower. SHOE told me that’s pretty common, especially as it acclimates to a new environment/terroir.

For the last week or so it has smelled like rotting flesh and poop. :poop: I rubbed a sugar leaf the other day and asked my gf to smell it and she thought I had wiped my ass with it or something. She was really offended. :joy:

The variegation went away almost completely in flower here, but before that the leaves all looked just like the 10 year old pics of chem d I found. I figure it looks slightly different in each person’s grow, but the proof’s in the pudding.

Here’s pics from the end of week 7:

And the whole tent for comparison, chem d front left:

And then the :goat: today day 52F:

And the tent with a little cleanup and finally have a single circulation fan:

:sun_with_face: :rainbow_flag: