Chem D Discussion

If it is it’s nothing like it used to be. With all of the hybridization, not likely. Unless someone hid some beans or kept it in clone form.
I mean the chances are very slim, if by chance you have any, show it. I made that statement earlier and I stand by it. I’m not the only one looking, it’s being hunted for as we type.

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Dude it’s literally a clone only… yes it’s the same chemD…

hybridization is irrelevant when talking about decades old clone only plants.

there’s about 3-4 different clones of chemD floating around.

they’re all straight halitosis funk. however it’s debated as to whether it should have variegation or not.

the people who made chemD are still alive and well and active in the scene.


Thank you,I was going to say something,but I don’t have the energy,and not capable to put this that nicely haha, was about to list off a few breeders/growers who have held the cut since they were cracked,but what’s the point, hope you are well !


Can you recommend a chemd seed pack or cross to grab?


Can’t go wrong with chem d s1 from CSI. Known legit breeder who tests his own shit.


Dogpatch from Luckydog seeds…
Chem D x Chem91Bx2


Also if you can find old garden of dreams aka G.o.D packs some of those were insane and used the non variegated D aka the best one that is my absolute fav cut I’ve come across

Nspecta/csi also uses the variegated one notso gave him

I have a lot of non variegated chemD beans I’ve made as well


Is the non variegated one simply the tissue-cultured one?


started my pack of Chem 91 Skunk VA x SSDD from Bodhi. Dont think I ever had any chem so kind of excited about these.


Look into C4DD or Contra D, there is also C4D4. It uses the same Chem D clone that CSI got and the Chem 4 backcross fixes the variegation issue. There is a long thread about it on Icmag :shushing_face: The strength is on pair with Chem D and and in the C4DD F2 pack you can find all the terps associated with Chem types. Best thing is that they are regs, so you can save pollen for that special lady to keep on refining your Chem or outcross it to something else you like.

Im surprised that havnt came up in the discussion since its considered one of the best reg seed form of Chem D.

Pz :v:t2:


Please update the bodhi thread Im really interested in those :slight_smile:
Getting ahead of myself but will you be pollinating?


I always do a few bud sites on the lower branches to preserve the lines I run


Who did these seeds? I don’t see a breeder mentioned

Should be a phenomenal cross ! What a score!

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always been interested in those c4dd and now theyre on ddd somewhere i hear. alphakronik has some really nice chem d backrosses and f2, i think the alphakronik line itself is a chem d bc, i grew his dawgfather which had the mom as chem d and also the alphakronik f2s he gifted me and they both had some serious chem funk in them, super nice guy, allegedly hunted the parents out of several thousand plants. i know he also works to some extent with pbud (who grows some of his strains in the florida medical market) so his cuts would seem to be obviously legit, but im now wondering about the variegated versus non. Ive grown the variegated back when everyone thought it was tobacco mosaic and it’s obviously a super dank strain. None of alphakronik’s plants showed variegation as far as i recall, but they definitely showed stank so… who knows


@VerdantGreen is the breeder :heart:

Pz :v:t2:


Propagator or Breeder?

No this has been a thing long before TC was even remotely talked about or even beginning to be common place, it’s been unvariegated for over a decade and a half that I’ve known and seen it.

Which I think we can both agree is a bit before the D was likely to ever be cultured and cleaned


I made a small batch of Chem D x Dog Patch to look through. With the Dog Patch male being Chem D x (Chem '91 Bc2), I am pretty stoked to get them into rotation sooner than later. Positive vibes…



Sounds chemtastic :drooling_face: @stanknugzz77