Chem D Discussion

The colors of that chem and structure came through on this cross for sure.Almost looks like the same weed


@syzygy @HolyAngel @zephyr this is relevant to that discussion the other day in the Bodhi thread about variegation in the Appalachia F4 or F5 generation Copa is working with. Looks like something similar maybe happened there with the Fgens from the original Chem D genetics and maybe he selected towards rather than away from variegation? IDK, above my pay grade but I thought you’d find Verdant’s comments interesting.


Sure did. Nice work man. How many days into flower are we looking at here? What brought on the fade? Cold temps? Do you flush? I always starve my plants out at the end. But I can’t always drop the temps because I am normally running a perpetual grow. I love the colors.


I stop feeding twords the end and run them the last 2 weeks with just water to get them to burn up that last little bit of nitrogen and roll out the ripeness This one is almost at 70 days in organic setups like what I have I don’t flush


PBud Mike tissue Cultured the original cuts and they no longer have any variegation.
Might be better to just grab those than to try and breed out 20 years of RNA damage


Heh, that tells you even more that the variegation isn’t some potency related thing (what copa is trying to say with his variegated appy f4), its a virus!


My cut doesn’t variegate but will produce a nanner occasionally if stressed hard enough. I was told it was the real deal when I got it. I have never grown anything else chemdog to compare to the one I have. I have smoked some though and it definitely wasn’t the same as mine. Anyway I just made a shit ton of seeds with her and that temple Flo. It will be interesting to see what comes out of that.


Very nice

JJ is adamant that if it doesn’t variegate, its not real.
But PBud has pointed out a few pitfalls of JJ and his understanding of the plant.

Did you get your cut after 2018?
There are a few Pranksters other than PBud who TC’ed the Chem/Diesel cuts, one of whom I knew from Oakland.
But yeah, 2018 is about the time the TC started.


My cut came to me around 2010 @Wuachuma

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Well, I’m resonabley certain that these cuts are real because who they came from seems to be respected by other known people in the popular cannabis circle. I also saw flowered out pictures of the cuts and the Chem D was variegated like it’s supposed to be. But it’s true, you never really know. But I feel confident with reasonably high certainty that the cuts are legit. I just made this account, but I’ve been around for about 20 years. But I do a lot of investigating before I make purchases on clones and seeds.
I am going to get these cuts tested for viruses soon and had thoughts of making them available. Or at least making S1’s. But once I have flowered out pictures and virus test results come back clean, I will make a post with more verifiable results. I will also have a few Bodhi strains (Peach Hashplant, Pirate Sweat, Space Monkey, A.S.S. x g13hp), along with Stardawg (corey cut), Sour D (skunktek cut), Red Runtz, and Grape Cream Cake available soon. If anyone’s interested, just holler at me. I love talking and trading genetics. :peace_symbol:


Phinest put out a chem d that a lot of people say is the same plant they released a few years ago as chem 91.
I know one legit source for the chems in los Angela’s and I’ve yet to acquire them but hope to soon .
I’ve also been hearing about the variegated and non variegated chem d for some time now. Getting them from the source would be best at this point as the chems are as bad as the og plants in regards to people passing off fakes on purpose and on accident.


Here is my cut at 30 days approximately. Whether it’s the real deal or not it’s a keeper. I wish I knew for sure but in the end I guess it really doesn’t matter because everyone loves it.


I have the Phinest Chem D.
I waited in line and purchased it myself at 2017 Emerald Cup so its 100% verified as far as that goes.
However Notsodog has confirmed a few times that its not the real D.
Hes smoked both and he has verified access to the original lines so I tend to trust his experiences.
It may not be the “real” Chem D but its gotta be related someway.
It looks like the D, smells rank, it does have variegation and is quite potent.
Ive run her a few times indoor & oudoor and I will run her again.
Easily one of my favorite smokes in my collection.
Ill post up pics when I have time.
If anyone has more info post it up, its appreciated.


@CHZA.BLVCK Here’s the COA from Phinest for the Chem D cut:

chem_d-coa.pdf (829.1 KB)


So this settles the major terp elements of the D, it’s myrcene, limonene, and beta-caryophyllene, with a significant entourage of other interesting stuff. I bet those minors are the secret sauce because that top note trio isn’t particularly rare, to my knowledge.


Temps BTW were 60 T night and 70 in the day forgot to say.We went through a busted pipe and had to ride out 43 degree lows and 51 degree highs till I had it fixed.Low temps put a magenta tinge outlier to the leaves to them no purple or anything with yellows coppers and golds


It’s not rare cause Chem D is in EVERYTHING!!!


Tru that, or one of its siblings


Mango Hz (Mr Nice)dusted with some pollen from a Dog patch male(Lucky dog seeds)

This plant is showing a few leaves with a feint bit of variegation coupled with a slightly rolled leaflet which Im attributing to some of the chem D lineage popping up from the Dogpatch side of the cross🙂


Hi all, thanks to anyone who waited, the C4DD F2 are in stock now over at realgorilla/seed boutique now, with Contra D and C4DD4 also available in separate packs.
Cheers and HNY to all you chem fans…