Chem D Discussion

P.s. Ignore the ‘sold’ banner on C4DD, if you click on them they are defo in stock (bug will get sorted later)


Cool! Grabbed a pack of the C4DD and the Blue Digiberry :slight_smile:


I have grown Chem since before its inception. What you are saying makes zero sense. Those lab tested aroma therapy terpenes have zero relation to Cannabis genetics. None of them. The cannabis community has been taken for a major ride with that aroma therapy bullshit.

Aroma therapy oil is not inducing couch lock. Purps for example, which meant purple flavor, not color, at one time. People claim myrcene… Why? Purp is derived from the break down and repolymerization of methyl anthranilate, which derives triptophan in the process. Triptophan or myrcene causes the effect? Hmm… Real known effect derived from science and reality, or bullshit marketing derived from capitalism and youtube? I like really getting couch locked, not pretending to on youtube.

Yes caryophyllene is in Chem. No, you shouldn’t be able to detect it in the presence of the sulfur compounds and carboxylic acids that define Chem. Its called reggie, when you smell caryophyllene or other seedling terpenes instead of mercaptans in your cannabis. As far as myrcene and limonene, those are considered flaws in authentic Cannabis breeding. If we detect myrcene we cull. And don’t get me started on limonene. Imagine if lemonade tasted like lemon peels? Only insane people would think lemon peels taste good. Our citrus strains contain citrus thiols, aldehydes and alcohols that cannabis labs will never acknowledge. Why do they focus on a single alkene that’s coincidentally an inexpensive waste stream product of zero medicinal or entourage value?

Strongest smelling strain in the world right now smells about 3 degrees removed from wet fireworks and an imprisoned basement cult, yet people still want to accept the lies from pharma pawns sitting in Humboldt drum circles. .

We know exactly what makes our Chems stink. We know exactly what gives them their taste, we know exactly what induces cotton mouth. We have funded our future by investing in our present, not riding the cost tails of liars and frauds. We know, with the exception of caryophyllene, the essential oil terpenes tested for by cannabis labs are dead weight and wasted energy, at best, when it comes to cannabis composition. At worst they will turn your lungs into beef jerky.


This wasn’t there 2 runs ago. 1 run ago it was, on every plant. Last run it wasn’t on any. Nothing but Chem crosses.

What’s the difference between run A B and C? I winged my nutes on run B. Or maybe my Chem changes identity. Or maybe viroids coming and going.

Using nutrient imbalances to identify genetics is cool and all, but why doesn’t anyone fix the problem? It’s like oh shit we’re vitamin D deficient, just the way it is, my genetics. Um… Take some vitamin d.


@SKUNXERO I can’t tell if you’re one of the sock puppet guys from the past here, or just another one of the extremely tedious sort of guys who can (maybe) grow weed but not have a conversation with another human being.


Pretty sure it’s @WestCoastCroppers again. I took one of his posts about thiols at face value earlier and tried to start a discussion with him about it; he still hasn’t bothered responding but instead is going on to attack other people with (pseudo?) scientific jargon. I’m not entirely sure he’s wrong, but of course until and unless I understand what he’s talking about I’m not going to blindly start pouring MANT, cadmium, Thiol Libre and saccharomyces boulardii into my soil or pumping my grow room full of sulfur dioxide. They do seem to be interesting avenues of research, but I’d need to go through a few years of secondary education to be able to understand it all, much less properly apply it. Not worth it just to get better-smelling weed…

That said, he’s got the same kind of attitude as @TomHill, who many here would happily line up to take advice from… does it necessarily mean he knows what he’s talking about? Nope. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t either. :man_shrugging: Dunno. Unless he wants to be clearer, we may never know.


Yeah man don’t take me too seriously man, I sure don’t. I mostly come around all buzzed up these days just for amusement, tryna be funny and I’m not too good at it. Not sure what I have said about Chem D? I like it and miss it these days. Running Notsodogs D now, and Sour and Headband (LA).


Are you going to do an interview with notso? Hope so, first one was entertaining @TomHill


Sure. He’ll come up to the hill for some BBQs etc when the weather gets better. He is solid, good people.


Cool! Always feels more relevant with people that speak their mind and show us a bit of their thinking, looking forward to the next one then! Thanks!


I gotta ask,it’s driving me crazy,what were you smoking the day you did the pot cast with heavydaze? Mad Respect,I re-listen to that episode almost every day once or twice,haha
(I’m sure I need a life!)


Haha. It was a mislabeled runts off of branscomb road in mendo, ca. So we’ll never know. A neighbor grew it, but it was unlike all others in the grow. Luckily he snagged clones off it when I told him how good it was. I have a couple mom’s, but there is some doubt regarding how long it keeps for. I don’t know I’ll give it another shot this year but if it only keeps for a couple 3 months thats huge points against it in today’s market. Ie, it was epic 3 weeks off the vine, 3 months later the quality come down quite a bit.


Haha , sounds amazing brother,hope she keeps well for ya ! so happy I got the chance to ask, driving me f’n nuts! Haha,I’m up in northern Canada,real far from any loop haha, really enjoyed the show ,top three for real !

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The long term staying power for storage is not something I had considered. Thank you! @TomHill


It’s an interesting rabbit hole and probably needs to have it’s spot in evaluation. Might be able to capture like fresh frozen and store elite moderns that way maybe, but any decent project manager should have that in his head too. Other chemotypes are tenacious in their staying power eg tropicals are famous in that regard. It matters.


I have traditionally sealed and frozen my harvest. It’s a valid way for small numbers, but not commercially. I see those tropical ones making a comeback just for this reason


So what do you guys want to know about chem d and all that shit? The 4 was better imo. But yeah I got all that shit toughguy lol.


All them elites round about the turn of the century and since time began with do a little can’t get right scenario. Wrinkled leaves, variegated, all that shit. Wise up.


@TomHill your saying chem 4 was better than the 91 and D. Would you mind explaining why?


Sure. The 4 was the best, then the d, then the 91. The 4 goes brown like Thai quick it’s so dank and gassy it ferments on the line. The d is good, faster and shelf’s longer for sure. The 91 is just Caleb’s infatuation with the original and first. But it is the lesser of all chems.