Chem D Discussion

Thank you for sharing your experience. Does the 4 shelf as good as the D?


I run them all guys. I run them all and bred them all for literally decades. The 4 goes brown quick like Thai, itā€™s the best of them. The 92 is the worst. It is stupid silly to use the 91 the 4 and the d are far superior. I do not care what came first I care what is better and homozygous.


You guys grow and breed this shit too. And you have neither the balls or brains to come out and say these things at the same time as taking shots at me shame shame on you. Twats.


Who is taking shots at you? Iā€™m asking you about your experience.


Was here on this site at the turn of the century, sticking my dick out over the chopping block paying my dues guys. If I do not go down smooth these days I beg you pardon but fuck you. Why donā€™t you guys say something worth listening to.


That cossickers up there, cormeran not you brother.


Okay so back to your experience with the chems. Does the 4 have the same shelf life as the D? Would you pick 4 for outdoor over the others also?


There are 2 tiers. From chem to Thai itā€™s always the same. The ones that quasi ferment on the line last longer and are superior. Nobody pays attention to these things but they should.


So whatā€™s the link between rapid oxidation and quality, is there something being digested that limits quality ?

Iā€™m paying attention. The fermenting on the line has the color shift to a brown appearance. Would you be able to explain more about your understanding on the fermenting for me?
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Good morning @Mithridate


Itā€™s not oxidation it is quazi fermentation. It is literally so gassy a fucking cloud around the bud a lack of oxygen thatā€™s whatā€™s going on man.




Cute. Not sure why you have a problem with my saying what I did. Anyone with eyes can see youā€™ve got an attitudeā€¦ and that youā€™ve got plenty of knowledge to go with it. I wasnā€™t trying to stop you from saying what you are, just observing. I kind of expected you to take it as a compliment, honestly. :stuck_out_tongue: You clearly donā€™t make any effort to sugarcoat things, so why would you want people to say you did?

If I had the knowledge to share, Iā€™d do so. So yeahā€¦ turnabout is fair play, dude. You feel free to say absolutely anything to absolutely anyone regardless of how offended they are by it - just like now - and I feel free to observe who you are regardless of how offended you are by it. Cool? And if you ever want to attack me based on my lack of knowledge, feel free to do that too. I donā€™t know shit, thatā€™s why Iā€™m here trying to learn. As far as your personal attacks being worth listening to, theyā€™re not.


Morning @Emeraldgreen

As you can see, I left my science boots at home :joy:


Cormorant I have no problem with what you say but you are just plain wrong about me dude.


Iā€™m glad you started asking questions with me. Iā€™m operating on half caffeine levels in bare feet :joy:


All these jive ass mofos you could be slamming really you want to come at me? What you gunna do when I am sober in the morning lol?

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Ok, sorry for implying that youā€™re extremely knowledgeable and respected here but occasionally have an abrasive personalityā€¦ like I said, I thought it was common knowledge. Of course, you did re-open this line of conversation by calling me a ā€œcossicker,ā€ which I assume is a misspelling of something less polite. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha, Iā€™m most curious about this brown bud thingā€¦

I had a keeper that would do it, but after 2 years of running it I eventually dropped it from my line upā€¦ people were bitching about the brown color etc


For decades man I have paid dues every which way pal. I helped built this site. I paid fucking dues. If I want to fuck around and joke about it now I have earned it. If I want to scare clowns from messaging me with stupid questions I have earned it. Do you feel I owe anybody anything?