Chem D Discussion

It’s fascinating to me how perception has shifted. Your experience is people complaining about the brown appearance and he’s saying it is a good thing. One of my pet peeve is the whole appearance thing today. You can have the best buds around, but if they don’t appear a certain way… no one wants ir


Brown rules chem 4 goes brown in 3 months it is only trump by the golden weed.


Not at all. Hell, you’re still here despite your abrasive personality and @WestCoastCroppers, the troll who started this whole conversation, has been banned dozens of times. That’s because you’re engaging with people too, and because you’re a good guy who’s trying to help. Your personality is just who you are, while he’s actively trying to waste people’s time. Fact is though, you’re constantly cursing at people and aren’t shy about telling people how dumb they are. I don’t have a problem with any of this, like I said. Just observing it. As far as I can tell, you’re the one with the problem with me. I responded because I don’t see why.


Oh man, I hear you about that…

I still don’t understand the fascination with rock-hard purple 30 min buzz weed. It’s like these guys aren’t even smoking and playing gangsta on the web or something…

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I get the rock hard bud! It trims in a machine rather than hand trimming. I wish everything was able to be machine trimmed. The 30 minute high thing I don’t get how it’s even possible. I don’t understand the purple either.
About 10 years ago I made the mistake of drying near my grow lights. It turned everything gold. It smelled great, smoked and tasted great. Could not give it away


Let’s make brown and gold the new purple :wink:


A whole re education of the ig community. Miracles are possible :joy:
Need to find an influencer who smokes

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I am actually super mellow man, ask anybody who actually knows me. I just do this steel wool shit in public to scare away clowns or the next thing you know they’ll be asking me lame ass questions thinking it cool to ask me to walk them through their grow.


Gotcha, well I didn’t mean any offense by what I said and admire you as a breeder too… enough to notice that you’re not interested in holding anyone’s hand, because there are thousands of us and only one of you. :wink: Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us in a way that’s actually understandable!


I am cool to talk shop man. But bring something to the table.


Pretty gnar me saying it’s not oxidation but quazi fermentation and all that shit. What do you guys have?


If I learned something in my short time on this planet is that you cannot change someone’s opinion, you can only lead by example.

People still think the gov prints money, that shaving makes hair stronger, and that dad bod isn’t peak male performance lmao

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Self cobbing plants…

I got nothing.

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Hilarious :rofl: definitely hard to change opinions.

It’s indicative of the turn our society has taken as a whole. Appearance/look are the only things that matter to a large section of the population. It effects everything.


It’s unfortunate that is true.


I like the 91 the most.
Its more euphoric for me.
4 and D have a stronger stone, but not as pleasant.
I actually liked Starfighter more than D. After smoking Starfighter for a week, it becomes a great daytime smoke.
Sometimes you gotta build a tolerance to a strain to really get to know it. Other strains become shit when you get a tolerance.


It’s fascinating how everyone has a different experience with the same clone. It’s why I tell people to pay attention to what works for them. To focus on their preference of experience with each strain they try.
@TomHill why do you say gold trumps brown?
I can turn everything gold with exposure to light while drying.


This is fascinating.

Please correct me if my following inference misses your point.
What I gather from this quote is that you theorize that the chemotypical traits of Chem 4, particularly those elements that give rise to its extreme gassy-ness, serve to lower the O2 levels in and surrounding maturing flower such that a form of anaerobic microbial activity takes place?

Can you expand on the phenomenon of quasi fermentation? Genuinely interested.


Have you grown any of the chems outside. If my memory is correct your in ny also. I’m trying to get an idea of how they preform outside in ny