Chem D Discussion

@Cannaology I almost jumped on that train but do not have the space available to run them atm, so i kept quiet. But I WANTED TO SO BAD!! Hahaha tag me if you do a journal here, im following along there as well.


Thanks for the run down! Haha you may be growing in a closet but youā€™re far from a hack my friend!


Ya Iā€™m In Missouri unfortunately but I do plan on coming thru cali this summer maybe we can work something out by then if you still are looking


Out of everything I have bred the best plant Iā€™ve found is rather plain looking. I mean it looks like good green bud, tons of crystals but nothing out of the ordinary appearance wise and it is by far the best tasting and strongest effect Iā€™ve come across.
Looks can be very deceiving especially now that so many people are breeding for that with little regard for the rest of the equation.


100%! The best flower Iā€™ve ever had looks like itā€™s from the ~70s high times catalogā€¦ while the best looking modern stuff(cookies/ICC/Etc) Iā€™ve ever had is the most boring short-lived highs Iā€™ve ever had.


Reeducation one person at a time!


Man Iā€™m so glad I found this forum & didnā€™t get sucked into growing terrible/expensive hype genetics. I talked to the right people & almost every seed in my jar was free & has a well-documented medical use, thanks to all of you :+1:

If it werenā€™t for the forums Iā€™d be growing 20-min buzz weed that tasted like dessert for sure.


@Vesti yeah thatā€™s about it, like pigpen or shleprock with this cloud follow em around. Iā€™ve tried processing them triple spaced on the line lowered temps kicked up air exchange nothing works. Some plants, and usually the best of them, are bound to this fate.


@VerdantGreen see thatā€™s good shit man nice engagement right there.


Very interesting, I wonder what micros are doing the work.

Thinking further about the presence of terps/esters/flavinoids/etc within the developing flower context. Many are pretty good solvents in their own right, and makes me wonder what effects such heavy concentrations of these volatiles might have on the structure, stability, or even content of developing resin. If concentrations are high enough to truly rarify the immediate environment in and around flower as you theorize, they must be continuously undulating throughout the flower matter and its resin (the Pigpen image comes to mind againā€¦). Iā€™m quickly over my head with the chemistry of all of this and so Iā€™m really not even hypothesizing in any specific way, but clearly there is a lot of complex stuff going on and the intense suffusion of volatiles throughout resinous material is bound (speculation warningā€¦) to have some effect - maybe something like a ā€œpre-cureā€ process that begins on the plant itself, or, as @Mithridate floats, ā€œself-cobbingā€.

This interests me for two reasons. First Iā€™m working a couple early flowering lines with a eye toward quick turn-around and good medical effects for home-grow patients (most of these are not gardeners, just people that will benefit from easy-to-grow, hardy, quick plants with reliable medicine). At the same time Iā€™m also conscious of trade-offs in terms of complexity and nuance that can be the cost of some quick flower development, and the quasi-fermentation and whatever else is going on toward the end of flower seems potentially consequential in that regard.

Second, the 4 has been on my radar for a while; Iā€™ve never grown Chem D, but ran the clone-only GMO for a year+ and have some sense of it through that keyhole. GMO is an extraordinary plant, but the effects just didnā€™t sit right, but descriptions of Chem 4 seem more in keeping with my preferences overall. The obnoxiously gassy 4 sounds more my speed than the stinky D.


Am I the only one that noticed csi carries a chem d x trainwreck? Omg those have funk potential written all over em. Man Iā€™m grabbing some soon or the chemd x purp urk. I bet some killer phenos abound.


@vesti yeah I agree with @Mithridate, the process begins on the vine. I see it in haze too. We saw it Hawaiian back in the day the green or brown take your pick, both from the same grower processed the same way at the same time etc. Some posts back somebody was saying they can make bud golden by doing this or that. Lol, thatā€™s not what we are talking about.


Hereā€™s a few d the one notso grows. Come a bit long in 4x4ā€™s a few days back. Chucked them in some 3ā€™s tryna mom them up a bit for spring fill a couple hoops with em.


Welcome to Canada Chem D!!! Been wanting to try the D for 15 years now.
I finally get my chance :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


chemd and notsodog sour on the left. Scaring the fucking children on the right.


You guys wanna grow some real d or what.


Tom keeping it real in here, keep kicking ass


I suspect some of the children will have the last laugh.

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Brother @TomHill welcome . Now the real fun begins. Stoked for those true haze results , and if anyoneā€™s got the real deal D itā€™s this guy. Didnā€™t even know you were on OG brother, damn


Chem D cut is widely available. It is some of the others which are less so.

For instance, I can get the real Chem D clone at elemental Wellness in San Jose, CA for $15.