Chem D Discussion

been wondering about Discord ? seem like a npther place to sell hihg cost “cuts” what makes it so good ? “GrowDudes” got kicked off U-tube went to Discord because of the subject matter.


Did you come at me hinting around at slips tho? Nope, lol.

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Done and done, perfect

As long as you ain’t feeling like hugging me, then years of research has paid off in spades lol.


I do love these drunken late night lessons of yours.

You ever figure out what it was you were smoking from your neighbor on the Potcast with HeavyDaze?

Although we may speak different languages and I have maybe misunderstood most of what you have typed here…there is definitely some tears of a clown in the background. Hope you are ok and glad you can share pictures here on og.

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Not a good look to be acting like this. Most people here are growing and many are breeding. We are all trying to find the right stuff and get the experience we once had. Chem D for me is very mind expanding while being extremely potent.


Was on the fence on joining Discord - all in now -

I’ve been wondering about the variegated vs non variegated chem d for awile , it seems to be one of those things that will be debated to the end of time.
From what I see so far I have the non variegated chem d that has been floating around the California Bay Area for a long time.


My chem D leaning appalachia also has variegated traits showing up.


Is it known which came first? I assume the variegated D - I’ve never grown her, but I put the clone only GMO into a couple crosses and it shows up here and there in offspring.

From the little I know of epigenetics, it seems entirely possible that some clone seller at some point maintained an environment that flipped a genetic “switch” turning the variegation (really the gene) on or off. That would explain the existence of two legitimate, yet - in this limited sense - distinct cuts of the same seed origin.

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@Vesti I’m not sure about this but for some reason I think phinest apparently tissue culture the variegated chem d and that’s how we have the chem d with no variegation. Some people say they are different plants but I really couldn’t tell you. I really am not sure about this theory so hopefully someone with more knowledge can shed some light on the situation.

This will be my first time growing chem D, first day of flower today for my chem d plus a bunch of other cuts.


I have the Chem D from Phinest that was tissue cultured and it shows variegation consistently.
I purchased it personally from the Phinest Emerald Cup clone drop so chain of custody is not an issue.
Ill post pics up.


Ah, if true that would totally make sense too, and be a more probable explanation than my speculation.


@Vesti I think @CHZA.BLVCK just put that theory to rest as he said he got his from phinest emerald cup clone drop and it verigates he said.


Top Hat Nursery has the TC’ed clones of the Chem family clones.
Its all Dead Fam operated.


The variegated vs non variegated conversation has been going on sense before tissue culture was a thing within the canna community, I’ve read various things over the years about it all.
Does anybody know if the any of the chem family have commented on this issue ?


PBud and JJ have conflicting perspectives
JJ says if its not variegated then its not the D
PBud says it depends on who you got it from - as in theyre both legit but the one coming from one camp developed variegation sometime after it was discovered


variegation comes in a few lines I have noticed.
The OGKB stuff I have carries it in some lines and the crosses with sfv and ogkb seem to bring it out in more of the plants. DJ’s Blueberry often showed plants with variegation and whorled phyiotaxy. Something I am observing in 90’s blues and Shishkaberry at the same time.
I also remember some variegation in the dead chem head fems I ran from connoisseur genetics.


Can you show a picture of a variegated plant vs a non variegated plant?

I’m growing a Chem D x Purple Punch. Not sure what I’m looking for to spot the D-leaner.