Chem D Discussion

Hell yeah, well thank you to that stranger for sharing the kindness. From what all I’ve heard it’s supposed to be amongst the strongest stones. Always am really interested in sleep inducing strains cause of my illness. Haven’t heard too much from med patients on it so I think it will be cool to see where the 91 stands on that.


I’m probably gonna S1 this cut in the future!


You get G fume from @DefNSmokn ?
What kinda high profile & how many days flower. Thanks


No, someone else on here. I chopped at 66 days. Still drying at the moment.


That 1st shot looked like a head of broccoli from above! Killer bush man, well done


Agreed, beautiful plant & amazing job!


@where-the-fries-at @Gonzo Thank you for the kind words!


agreed, on particularly difficult cuts i will try different things like a drop of fresh aloe but im not sure if it actually increases success rate… temperature and humidity seem to be the most critical conditions

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Just curious why we only see this regularly in a few cuts? If cloning hormones were the main issue wouldnt we see this happening regularly in all are cuts?

That’s a long complicated answer but the short of it is no you would not. There is scientific documentation that rooting hormones haves the ability to cause small mutations whether or not these will happen or if the results will be noticeable is up to nature. I dont have a need for the stuff so it’s more of a cautionary behavior on my behalf that also saves me money lol


Cool thanks for the reply

It’s the belief of many that Colchicine could potentially be the cause for certain recurring mutations, including but not limitted to variegation, in some of the long standing elite lines.
I see variegation in many strains that are completely unrelated to each other. Pop enough seed and you will see that it is quite common in todays polyhybrid seed lines.
*right now I am using the known variegation trait and whorled phyliotaxy of the DJ blueberry lines to identify potential blue berry leaners in the Shishkaberry revival project I have going on.


She will clear up outside do you run her outdoors

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Any verdict on the Chem D cuttings from elemental wellness? I just flipped some over to flower, I’ll share a few pics when there is something to look at.

@NoCal I have one about a week into flower , they have held it for a long time and it looks a lot like the chem d the chem family shares pictures of but I’ve never grown nor been given any verified chem d so any bodies guess is as good as mine :rofl:
I’m equally if not more excited for the cut of blueberry i picked up from them , they have also held that for a long time and it looks just like the cut I grew many years ago that was really good. I’m weak I also picked up there Panama gold clone , a pheno hunted South American dominate plant is hard to pass up :grin:


Have a few leaves that look similar to the variegated pictures from more verifiable sources. Whatcha think?


I’m not sure what to think neither of the two I got from them show any variegation at all. That looks more like damage from what ever they spray there clones with , they had a bad case of PM on most of there clones which is why they were on sale so could be from that.
Pm will block light and cause portions to appear yellow like that once it is washed off and treated.

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The Chem D cut I got from Farmer Joe shows the yellowing leaf variegation just like the photo above.


Plant is super healthy otherwise. It is a really crazy trait. :slight_smile:


I’d love to see somebody test these variegated chems for mosaic viruses. There has been a long standing conversation about variegated vs non variegated chem d.