Chem D Discussion

Here’s my chem d in flower under LED, leaves are super variegated

My mother under mh lighting in a solo cup right now has much less varigation.

I’ve heard if it’s not getting the lighting it likes or not a good feeding it likes the varigation gets worse or almost goes away if you find the sweet spot that it likes.

Also got mine from farmerjoe


I am curious to see how this cut reacts outside in soil under sunlight. I will put up more pics in a few months. I am aiming to regenerate all of my cuts/moms this year.


You keep mothers that long , I make new moms from fresh cuts every three months or so just to keep the space consumed down to a minimum


This one seems to be the same under both LED and 315 CMH.


I take cuts every month or two, in soil indoors, but nothing beats the sun IMO. It is super intense here at high altitude/low latitude.


@GrownAtHighAltitude The one under mh definitely seems to like it more than the led.
I find vegging plants do worse under LED compared to mh.


I have been really happy with the Phillips T5 LED retrofit tubes. I run them in old Agromax 6-tube and 8-tube fixtures and my plants have always been pretty happy. I’ve had no problems going back and forth between those and 315 Phillips CMH lamps. I’ve gone straight from the LED’s to transplanting outside also with no problems. They are cheap too, IMO. These have lasted for 2 or 3 years so far, no dimming or anything.


This growth is near the top and I haven’t seen any signs of PM anywhere. It does look a lot like some pictures of tmv though and judging by the health these clones were purchased in I wouldn’t be too surprised if they had a problem in their clone room.
Hoping it just means they are legit though :+1:

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Yeah i noticed they appeared to have been slightly crowded and neglected but nothing a good transplant and some love can’t fix.
I’ve never seen a positive TMV test result for cannabis but hemp mosaic is around and there are several other mosaic viruses like cucumber that have been shown to infect cannabis plants.
The issue is testing is expensive and if it has only been tested for the hemp mosaic virus it could contain a whole different beast and go undetected. Variegation is either a cell mutation or a mosaic virus. Cell mutations can occur and then become part of the plants code and this is how there could be a variegated and non variegated version of the same strain.
If somebody along the way did something to there cut that caused the mutation and another group did not then there would be two versions getting passed around one variegated and one not.
Extreme heat or cold stress amongst many other things can be enough to cause variegation mutations to occur with plant cells. The rate of the mutated cells replication compared to non mutated cells is unpredictable and would explain the different degrees of variegation people are experiencing.
In the normal plant world it is considered a valuable trait in some plants but is generally considered a genetic flaw in botany and agriculture. If it was a tomato plant I would burn it but if it were a squash I would grow it out hoping for variegated squash :rofl:


Saw a barely rooted variegated house plant a couple weeks ago at a nursery for $600! It was in a locked glass case :joy:


Unfortunately the weed scene is turning into something akin to ornamental plant sector. I thought we were heading towards gold plated bud but instead I’ve seen “hash tips” (bleached tops) under glass at upscale shops. Oh excuse me… Variegated buds…

Mottled and patched chlorosis is not a desirable trait in Cannabis. You see the leaves pulling to the side with alot of this ‘variegation’. Might be a clue that it’s related to carb metabolism.


The problem with leds is the light manufactures. Phillips actually designs grow lights, as grow bulb manufactures do. The Chinese forum/youtube sponsors do not know anything about growing plants. And yes that’s how all these crappy 3500k leds got sold. Novice growers looking to buy a new light, get hit up with sponsorships.

Samsung is not consulting them lol. Seems to be the misconception that nice hardware makes a good product design. That’s the difference between buying from a bulb manufacturer and a Chinese factory worker side hustle. Not the technology, but use of the technology.

T5s will be fashionable again after growers get tired of re-buying garbage spectrums from fake grow companies ran by underpaid communist warehouse workers. The T5 market will be exclusively grow lights soon, as they are phasing out general use florescent. They’ll be putting all kinds of spectrums in T5. I’m excited to see Phillips make a comeback and put all the overpriced fleamarket crap in its place.


I’ve been trying to explain this to mostly def ears sense led started getting popular. spectrum is very important and can effect some strains more then others. There are a few companies that have had adjustable spectrum lights out but they are expensive and based off adjustable controls , I’m just now considering running some active grow lights because they have growth specific spectrums available.


Chem D from elemental wellness


I haven’t had an actual outdoor crop since around 2013 or so. I was robbed for ~150 plants. Still salty and still unsure if it was hunters or LEO. Fuck em.

While I am here, I am currently looking through some of my Chem^3 (Chem exponent 3) seeds, which is Chem D x Dog Patch, with Dog Patch being Chem D x Chem '91 Bc2 (hence the name Chem^3), from Lucky Dog Seeds. Fun times. Positive vibes…

Edit for clarification: Lucky Dog Seeds made the Dog Patch. I used a Dog Patch male to make my Chem^3.



Some food for thought about possible colchicine in the history of Chem D and some other strains showing polyploidy mutation and variegation like DJs work or the G13, Chemo, other odd heirloom clones:

Studies on Colchicine Induced Chromosome Doubling for Enhancement of Quality Traits in Ornamental Plants - PMC


Where can I obtain the real deal chem D and chem 91?

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@DiRtYSkuNkZ if your in the states farmerjoe420 on Instagram or gmo house of clones on discord
Just talked to gmo and I think he is going to make a Instagram account.
Gmo just got back to me with his Insta is gmohouseofclones
Email is


So basically somewhere down the line someone created these genetic mutations with a chemical?


It sure looks like it, yeah. Some of the elite clones display a bunch of variegation with that chlorine buildup and the cupping leaves, along with the sterile or no pollen problem.