Chem D Discussion

Could that have contributed to the herm chem D? I’ll still comb through mine to check.


If it’s prone to growing them anyways I’m sure my abuse did not help :rofl:
Non of the other plants I have grow nanners though so I’m going to have to be highly impressed by this plant to consider keeping it around.
I’ve killed many other strains that others love to grow for this same reason. There totally stable if not provoked but I’d rather not breed with anything that is so sensitive. Outdoor grows often face stress from neighbors porch lights, extreme temperature swings, etc so I find it best to breed with the most stable plants possible.
Say these chem d are infertile , but what if you breed it to another plant that has recessive herm tendencies that then combine to become dominate and fertile ,you would then potentially have a whole batch of seeds that grow ticking time bombs.


Lol :joy:

Cheers man. Reassuring to know yours went through some “controlled abuse” to make this happen. Was worried about mine bc they have been exposed to a fair amount of grower induced stress :wink:.

Cool technique to find good breeders, I bet that is a ton of fun.


i know im about to purchase a second carbon filter.


So one of them is my sour bx4 keeper I found and will never lose—reminds me of home in 315 New York late 90’s to 2010’s sour diesel butxwkth a eucalyptus type finish :fire::fire::fire: then the other is Chem D. Wild how similar these two are.


Ya when you asked about the side by side I had no clue which was which at that stage, crazy


The sour is on the right side. If you zoom into the left plant lower leaves you’ll see the variegation :fire::raised_hands:


It’s funny cuz I tried to find variegation in the pic on your thread and couldn’t. But now that I mention it I found it instantly :man_facepalming:t2:

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That bitch is pure stank


What a beauty shot of her !!! Absolutely drool worthy !
Haha peace




I just want to drop this for those who are interested in a Chem deepdive by people who have been around the real cuts for a very long time.

Pz :v:t2:


is that a Magic Strain genetics - if so have heard good things about this strain


Its probably CSI Humboldt aka Caleb’s. I don’t believe Doc D made any S1’s :thinking:


really glad that came up because now I’ve seen and researched bogs genes I can see heavy influence with chem work…
about 15 yrs ago I ended up acquiring some chem d in seed form bx3 from insane seed posse…quite reputable back then and had some fire breeders imo…ohsogreen sent a 10 pack over and grew only to sexing stage in 4 specimens and all turned male…I documented and vaulted the pics I did take back then because I was so wired on how short squat and different these were compared to most I’d grown…leaves were almost leather to the feel…highly fruity…I quoted jolly rancher sweet it was so pronounced…structure was unbelievable…rock solid and built for heavy flowers…they fascinated me just in what they were doing…exploding growth was a better word but outward rather than upward with traditional male form…couldn’t pick a bad egg from the 4…as I had other streams running through I gave the 6 remaining seeds to another garden who grew females that I got to sample…back then the chem d derivitave had a punch and kick that really did make you roll over like a dog…chem d hit clean…and truthfully fades any intervention into being active for any period…it plants you…a high I won’t forget in a while but looking at pics here I think you mentioning chem d and sour d being so similar…chem d from 15 yrs ago looks a lot like bogs visionary lines…makes you wonder…


Saying the “White Label Bubblegum” BOG used might’ve actually been a chem(d) line or cross?


I’m.not sure on that fella…but I’ve noticed chem is being used and integrated into way more lines than we have knowledge of…this is why I been up seedsmans ass asking validity of the sbg og he gave as testers to cannasuer seeds in Spain for this breeding program…sbg og from seedsman in my opinion is a chem derivitive…jaws,a trusted member here has a pic of an early chem d clone that I’ve studied…and the reason I studied it was because the agent orange x sbg og looked cast iron identical at same age in vegg…I kept going back to jaws pic and then looking at my then same age seed sets and I honestly thought jaws had nicked my plant…worryingly real and annoying its going on…chem is just bleaching everything…but only my opinion before I get jumped on for being right …lol

oh and I entered at ic mag…left a note on seedsmans front desk and left a message to his site vendor j trich and have since had no reply to my questions(over a week)…make of that what you will!..I wasn’t even private about it either…left message in the forum and nothing…because they know …loooool!!!


If the beans are coming out of Spain then it’s likely. Bunch of renames and every bank getting the same lines with different names.


Imho, BOG’s plants get their fat leaves and columnar, non-branchy structure from the Pre 98 Bubba male he crossed to the Bubblegum female. Like his Sour Bubble is very Bubba dom.