Chem D Discussion

and what do you think of the heritage of bubba before the names turned up from bog to promote his lines?..possibly afghan origin and the same with chem…go back a further decade or 2 and you see what was really going on…I’m strong in the belief that chem is a afghani inheritance by date so you start piecing together that names and renaming in the last few yrs mean very little…


@dracodragons I think you’re losing focus here with your theory. Of course they’re all Afghanis if you go far enough back, everything that isn’t a pure landrace basically has some sort of Afghani/Hindu Kush/Zomia indica genetics in it at this point. The wide leaves you’re seeing are much more likely to be the Bubba in BOG that got crossed in by accident years ago around BX2-3 (@Tonygreen or @buckaroobonsai could comment on this much better) than a Chem heritage. If anything it’s the shared heritage going back to whatever Dutch indicas ended up in Triangle/Bubba/OG Kush and the Chem lines, most likely a common Sensi Super Skunk lineage than anything else IMHO. Or an LA/Cali Kush, which are never acknowledged as potential ancestors to modern strains but I don’t see how their west coast dominance in the 90s/00s and excellent breeding characteristics wouldn’t have made it into OG Kush or “Dogbud”. Though it’s theorized that many of those broad leafed California Kushes were also just well-selected indica lines from Dutch seed packs of Afghani #1, Hindu Kush, Ortega, and the like.


I never lose focus fella I just been around to long to know the seed game is a rename game to buy more dollars from mugs like me and you and being away a while and returning the same bullshit is still being told like its the bible and its bs…I forget modern descriptions because they’ve become generic and boring…but I won’t negate argument in knowing more than anyone else…I don’t…I just watch flowers endlessy seam through the gardens over the yrs and you note that the washed up world is getting way worse…and its all being driven on bullshit to pass down to the next generation of unfortunate souls to bear fruit from…strains and famous faces mean nothing…they all been caught sharking at one point and your left here yrs later wondering why you don’t get high like you used to anymore…1 or 2 day syndrome kicks in does it?..lolol…everything gets washed further and amongst all the new names and apparent new finds is a heap of old bullshit sold to the masses to make money en mass…just got ridiculous…you even get members here tryna run history lessons I don’t care to bother about…but we all sit lovingly getting robbed relentlessly with lies and deceit and decide who knows more definitive history than another by arguing the toss…ppl have been making it up as they go along…the Internet came along and made a market marketable worldwide now look where we are…???..getting conned in glorious HD colour in front of your peers…lolol…what a ticket…lolol…don’t blag a blagger!!!


My “Chem d” is anything but short and stout. It certainly has wide/r leaves, but it is not stout by any stretch of the imagination. Here’s a picture taken right now next to again, my Sour S Bx4 keeper—which is from JJ at Topdawg.

Which is which? It’s still wildly similar to me.


Nothing is as powerful as what I grow and I have over 20 carts live resin from dispo of cali’s best + flower. I’m growing Chem D cross right now!


@CocoaCoir …best of luck to you dude


I do agree that a lot of breeders use chem and og lines resulting in a potential bottleneck of of the gene pool. I also agree that there are a lot of renames in the seed game but there are also a lot of good honest breeders. Sure some people make up stories to market there lines as something more then they are but a lot of the history is known to be true by those who lived it.
Your assertion that somebodies work may have chem in it based of appearance seems rather unfounded.
If you grow enough different lines from seed you start to see a lot of plants that look alike or share common features. The descriptions your giving that lead you to think it’s chem describe a huge range of genetics.
Based of what you are using as identifying traits Paki Chitral kush, Hindu Kush or low land afghans could all be suspect. Then there is the countless breedings that have taken place to further select for desirable traits, northern lites, deep chunk, purple Hindu Kush etc.
My point is that there are a lot of non chem related lines that fit the parameters you are using. I’ve had plants from different landrace genetics create the same terpene profiles and look nothing alike and I’ve had plants that look identical produce completely different profiles. Using smell , taste or looks to identify something is flawed in many ways.
It’s like claiming to know the brand of a chair because it has four legs.
On a different note I have a chem d a few days from done and at this point I’m not impressed. Yeah it looks good and has a unique garlicky onion smell but I don’t see it as anything spectacular or incredibly unique and the fact it grows nanners is discouraging, I’m surprised so many people hold her in such high regards. I’ll take the coal creek kush or ghost og over the chem d any day. The super lemon haze and shapeshifter I have going atm out stink the chem d tenfold, I think the lore behind the chem lines has built them up to be something a lot more then they are.


I totally understand flowering is another example of sex-linked traits and could lead their flowers to easily be polar opposites of one another; but, it doesn’t take away from what I’m saying— which is just how similar they look at this point in their life cycle. Not that they’re the same or contain the same DNA, just that they’re similar.

My sour even variegates when not fully happy and eats like a BEAST same as chem d. Again, doesn’t mean their going to produce the same results.


I would agree that Chem is likely an Afghan x something (maybe Thai or Nepal).
Chem (to me) is alot like Northern Lights 5. In relaxing body yet uplifting mind effect and bushy plant structure.

Cross the NL5 to an less bushy OG Kush to make Bubba.


I’m not caught up on this conversation, but from what I understand Sour Bubble is the Dronkers Bubblegum x to either Bubba or Master Kush.


on reflection I apologise for sounding off in this thread…it was only a personal opinion and I don’t want to fall out with ppl over opinions…life’s too short these days…sorry if I offended anyone…that wasn’t my intention…I just get heated…lololol…best stick to growing…something I know enough of to keep me sane…lolol!!!


Look at the differences between sour bubble bx1 and subsequent generations using different males.

SB bx1, the dmt line by Steele is a good exemple, it clearly is pre contamination. Similar plants to sb bx1 can still be found in his bog bubble, the bubba/master/LA look only popping up in bx2 forward


Yeah right getting heated is what it’s all about. As long as we can come to a general understanding, even if they understanding is we don’t understand one another or agree with one another, and that’s okay…I think it’s all important to a good conversation. Seeing all perspectives is the only way to get the truth, no? I know you weren’t necessarily mean to me, or so I thought? But I just want to say a small heated argument is good for the soul—as long as it doesn’t ruin one’s day or anything like that. Idk that’s just my $0.02, and probably the east coaster in me 🤌🤌:rofl::joy:


That’s me! I’m annoying history lesson guy, get used to it. What you’re describing about making it up as they go along- that’s history. That’s how it’s made, whether it’s weed or politics or anything. It’s why we have historiography as an entire academic discipline, history is complicated and gnarly and usually only gets sorted out later by the survivors, victors, and liars, unless someone does some excavating.


In the episode I linked, not so says that a lot of people doesn’t have the real D. People like Phinest and so on. It makes you wonder how many people are not talking about the same plant, everybody obviously have the real cut, even though its the most faked cut of all the original chems.

To me, ChemD look like an Nepali indica and with Afghani Terp profile.

Pz :v:t2:


Ha… as I was reading the second sentence of your post I thought “Yes! Historiography!”

And then I read the third sentence.

The deeper you dig, the more interesting the historiography element of “history” becomes.


PS: Well behaved pot plants seldom make history.


Agree with all you have to say here. I’m sure you have popped way more seeds than I have in my day but I feel like I’m getting to the point where you can see overall “themes” in what you find. Sure morphology, scent and resin content vary but overall growth, aroma and form often fall into common buckets. The most different plant I have seen of late is a Mendo Purp plant my buddy has going right now.

Given you have grown a lot of elites it’s a bummer you’re not jiving on the D. It certainly doesn’t look like modern weed - but I do like it’s aroma and effect. I have found it stores quite well too. Maybe after a smoke you may have a change in heart.


Maybe see what the smoke test says? Looks don’t mean shit…


And Chem D definitely looks like a bag of shit haha.

Also, I am nothing and no one, but in my opinion, I can’t see the similarities between Chem D and any of BOG’s work (is that what everyone was discussing?). I am currently looking through a large population of my Chem^3, which is Chem D x Dog Patch and working on a Chem D Bc1 and the structure on most of the plants is absolutely beautiful. No short, stocky plants here. Positive vibes…
