Chem D Discussion

Yeah I will have to put her in the pipe before coming to any final conclusions. The nanners are discouraging for me, but I actually like the looks and structure of the buds. I’m assuming it will have nice potency based on the trichomes but the smoke test will be the deciding factor.


So according to Notsodog he says you know you have the real chem d when all the boxes are checked and then you find the pollen dropped by late flower nanners are filled with inert pollen. Anyone experience that before?


Yeah the D’s nanners are supposed to be sterile.


Lots of nanners but there not even producing pollen just drying up and falling off.


Isn’t your Chem D cut non variegated? I would be concerned that it is not the real thing.


That’s a debatable topic, the chem crew says it was not variegated to begin with but became that way over time. elemental wellness acquired this cut very early on so it may just be a cleaner version. The leaf shape , plant structure , terpene profile and sterile nanners are all there. It would be difficult to come up with a plant that checked all the boxes except the variegation. I’m curious to hear peoples theories though , the variegated vs non variegated chem d topic has been taking place for many years.



I have not grown it myself so this is second hand, but doesn’t the variegation disappear on chemd if properly fed ?


I recently picked up a Chem D clone from an online clone dealer that I’m starting to doubt the authenticity of. It shows zero variegation, even though it was advertised as having it, and is very stretchy in flower. It’s only on day 16 of flower and has more than doubled in size already. I’ll have to wait and see how the plant finishes but right now it doesn’t look like the D I’ve seen or heard about.

I’m running it in 70/30 coco with Jack’s 3-2-1 @ full strength, no other additives.

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I’ve always heard the variation disappears when not stressed and that’s one way to tell if you are running the proper cut,the other way is if the smoke blows your head off and you instantly fall in love with her, also she should be far more pungent than most weed
I’ve never had the pleasure,I am running two s1s at the moment,and they are very nice, smoking the first one now,and the other may be awhile yet,to finish,dry cure, might be a month or more before I get to try the other


As @HolyAngel correctly stated, Chem D S1 is from CSI Humboldt.


Once I set up these giant carbon filters my Chem D leaning plants no longer smelled.


Here my chem D at week 9

Nanner right upfront


Yeah I’ve heard these things but that all depends on what your base of comparison is, It’s definitely got that old school smell and look but I’ve got a few others that smell a lot stronger. Should be dry in about a week and I can see how she burns. People also smell things differently idk I’m not to worried about it just curious what all the fuss is about.
I have a strain that everybody who smells it says the same thing , fruity sour skunky berry but there was this one girl who said it smelled like vomit and sprite , something was up with her nose.


You asking me? It’s definitely variegated but more when it’s in need of new shoes or simply more food. As stupid as it sounds to say, even in soil she’s a cal mag whore I’ve seen this far. Which is funny. Anyway when she’s been thriving I’ve seen slight yellowing around the outside of new leaves that fades to dark green once the chlorophyll can catch up lol


Stand corrected = can’t beat CSI genetics


looks like it’s worth a grow !!! Thanks

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The second pheno I’m running looks pretty darn good as well.


That sounds like a killer mix


I’ve had many heads turn it down from looks alone which is crazy to me. I love it’s yield and the look of wild floppy non symmetrical branches and fluffy old school nug structure. But all that aside.

Let it be the first thing you smoke for the day and really let the high set in for a few hours without any other strains before passing judgement.

For me the Chem high works perfect in the afternoon time to get things done. It’s not too strong but gives optimal relaxation while also being uplifting in a positive, motivating, happy way. I don’t find myself wired or paranoid. Just puts me in an exceptional head space during the day, especially when not mixing with any other strain Truly a medicinal line for anxiety, depression and PTSD.

For sure there is a reason why it’s been held in such regard for so long.


I’ve decided against keeping it , nothing really stands out to me as exceptionally unique about her. She does have a good high and I think she is rather pretty besides the nanners but the flavor is just not my cup of tea and a lot of people are breeding with the chem lines atm. Nothing against chem d just not something I’m going to make space for in the mother room.
I much prefer the high and flavor of the og strains over the chems so far but that’s the great thing about cannabis there is a flavor for us all.