Chem D Discussion

I know everything about Chem D, got one 4 days old …lol

Actually know nothing about her, smoked from Dispo, but we know how that goes . Got a legit cut of her 2 days ago, so hope i can add to the discussion down the road.


LOL @Jetdro

I wanted to grab that cut myself, but ended up with the 91.

If I may ask, yours come through FarmerJoe?


Yes, it did


All these coming from cut hut?

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I hope my CSI Chem D S1s produce something this nice! Great job growmie! :pray:


@OG_Caveman im running a few of the notsos headband x chemd. One of which is super variegated. Also running a cpl top dawg chem 3d to find a male. Need to get me a cut of the D to make bx4s with the 3d male now


CSI Chem-D number 2


Big Bad Wolf v2 (D x 91)


That looks choice


big bad wolf v2 looks awesome dude…its on my hit list for the future…just want to see more reports on it…I hope she holds true to her word…bless


and as this is an informed chem thread with obvious highly esteemed characters who seem to know stuff,explain this pic and what you think it is in lineage form…




I’m certainly no …expert but looks like a nice D //chem hybrid to me
I’ve seen in my chem hybrids the leaves sometimes come fat and thick as a seedling but get a little thinner as plant gets older.
What’s your concerns?
Never grown the original D or 91
So speaking from a limited experience of growing hybrids of the two


I just wanted to see ppls views on it as it’s supposed to be seedsmans sbg og fruit punch collab with cannasuers agent orange f1…seedsman haven’t given quote anywhere to what strawberry banana grape og actually is…this is a male from the fruit punch which I’ve all along said is a chem variant that was used by seedsman…it stands to reason why this particular fruit punch in flower has chem trail attached to its acidic nature…thankyou for commenting…in the end things make sense…I saw a pic from jaws a few months ago of chem d bc1 and I couldn’t tell this pic and his apart…alarmingly and strikingly the same leafset…its all about research and study on actually what I’m growing here currently that’s never been seen before and I’m trying to piece together lineage on how this moonbeam hit of exemplary breeding practice has formed in my garden…in my heart I knew it was chem based…and from the highly euphoric report cannasuer gave seedsman on this apparent sbg og lays testament to something special being used…I did see public congratulation to seedsman for the work and as this fruit punch chem variant has been turning up whiting ppl…this ammonia essence across both parents used in this cross is simply not of this world…or not that I’ve seen anyway…thankyou again dude


The real chemd stretches alot more than one would think in flower. She gets down to business. And the real cut isn’t as verigated as some I’ve seen, if she is happy it is easy to get the verigation to a very slight minimal verigation. Although if she is pissed she will show more.


I’ve just acquired another chem d cut that I believe is different than the one I got from farmerjoe420. His is super heavily variegated, the new one I got doesn’t varigate as much I’m told. It’s said if it’s happy the varigation pretty much goes away.
I’m going to do a small side by side of my new one and the one I got from farmerjoe420.


My chemd did not come from Joe and is Def dif than the one I got from Joe awhile back. The cut I hold now came from a friend of Chaco and Chaco got her from rez in 2009 or 2010. She does not verigate like the other cut and imo is aloooot better. Tho I still think I prefer the 91 or a good og terp profile to the chemd.


Joe’s a good dude tho. And in no way do I ever think he would knowingly pass any fake cuts. Also Greg has most Def passed dif cuts himself to dif people as chemd. The sis and the chemd where mixed up in a few circles aswell awhile back so that doesnt help either.


@killabeez Yes, I was going to say the same thing about farmerjoe420
I heard on the breeders syndicate that Greg passed out a bunch of different plants as chem d, they referred to the heavily variegated one as the dirty d


I’ve seen I-95 strains . was wondering about them – Now I know