Chem D Discussion

So I wanted to reply to my harvest day post here because I never followed up with the smoke report on this “Chem D” cut originally from cedarberryfarms, passed to me by a local friend in person. Here are a few pics of the dried nugs - I got just under 12 ounces from this plant, plus another zip of larf/sugar trim:

The smell is very stinky bad breath/halitosis with a back end of piney, skunk funk. Looks and smells legit. It’s also unbelievably waxy/sticky even at 53% humidity in the jar - the resin is extremely tacky, making it difficult to grind.

Flavor is not overwhelming, but unusually fairly sweet and mild. It’s not a gross flavor at all, neither vaped or combusted in a joint. Very slight hint of diesel on inhale, and it’s fairly harsh due to the large amount of waxy resin. Not at all what I expected.

But the effects are where this cut is quite different from expectations. I’ve read the real Chem D is supposed to be incredibly potent, overwhelming to rookie smokers, and makes people green out and puke in some cases. I only smoke/vape about a gram a week, and my girlfriend only joins me for a few puffs once or twice a month.

Despite not having a heavy tolerance, I find the effects from this “chem d” cut to be pretty average, maybe below average. Yes, it is mildly relaxing, but not super couchlock. Even after smoking a whole 1.5g spliff between my gf and I, it leaves me with a clear mind and an overall slightly muted or muffled feeling - the effect is very one-dimensional, and it’s not very potent. It feels much more like the effects from a modern hype cut, such as Cookies and all of its derivatives.

I say that knowing that we’re all different, and acknowledging that one of my friends really likes it. That’s good, because after gifting him one half gallon jar, I have two and a half more for him! lol

Overall, this cut is not what I was expecting. It seems much more like another pheno of GMO than the one making all the rounds, just an average a Cookies/Chem D cross, or maybe a Chem D S1 or something. Oh well - no big deal, it was a gift after all, and I’m still thankful to have been able to try it. Luckily, I will be able to directly compare it to the FarmerJoe Chem D cut, as I have one of those on day 40F right now:

I’ll let you know how that one turns out.

:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


please do, im looking at his cut


Thank you for this write up! Will be looking forward your farmer Joe review! Those pics look absolutely outstanding though! :fire::fire:


Chem91 SKVA the queen of cannabis and my favorite chem cut.




nice plant - looks like tight bud structure !!! smoke report (when ready)


A few Chem D shots at 6 weeksish


Hi. thank you!
In general, I have two female plants with different structure.
I have the first experience with Chem D and would be fun to know the opinion of them both
Here I compared them with the photo

For about 10 days I wait for the ripening of the nuts F2 and will be 10 weeks 12/12, then the bastard and at least 2 weeks in the refrigerator … Only after that there will be Smoke report, but it will be for sure, I promise …


These are some nugs from a keeper Big Bad Wolf 2.0 from CSI. She seems to check most of the boxes for being a ChemD leaner. Raunchy potent terps, clear a whole house kind of smell. Big fat sticky nugs and a hefty yield of them as well, plant is more Afghan dominant it seems as she is shorter, more squat plant but sticks up nice spears. Nothing crazy though.

I had to take her early this time so I can reveg her, since I lost the clone. Reveg is successful.


Looks quite a bit different than my Chem D from FarmerJoe which is at day 42F as well, sharing a pot with a much larger cut of Sour D (skunktek):

Here’s Joe’s Chem 91 (skunk va) also at day 42F, small plant sharing a pot with a much larger Giesel, clearly getting robbed of food:

:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


@nube nice to see you my friend, been a while and I always look forward to your posts. I’ve also got the 91, D, Giesel among others from FJ although mine are still in Veg awaiting space. I wonder if we ended up with the same D cut first as three years ago I was given a cut of Chem-D and a cut of M.S.S which I was absolutely ecstatic about, the Chem had the right terps but not as loud as I remember, greasy, sticky but the buzz was weak sauce . I even laughingly said to my wife “what did they do up the cookie on this cuz the lacklustre buzz maybe gave me 40 mins, and zero pain relief etc, no heavy eyes, nada. Strange we both had a similar D cut with all those other similarities. Ironically the MSS was nothing special either, in fact I wasn’t even convinced it was truly MSS afterwards. I had stayed away from clones for a while and this was my first foray back in years, almost kept me away for good. I’m just glad it didn’t cuz I was finally able to get my hands on Joes stuff…. Looking forward to hearing what you think of all of the cuts you acquired from him


this is from Farmer Joe also. I have a few cuts from him.

Goes to show growing methods and environment can present variations in same genetics.


Thanks for the thoughtful write up…I have to say your review hits home with me. Traditionally this has not been what Chem D has been known for at least from my understanding. Which makes me wonder, if the cut itself has genetically morphed over the years or the huge variance could be how it’s grown or it might not be the legit cut as it is said there are 7 cuts floating around. Mine is variegated but many plants are, doesn’t make it legit.

It’s odd the cut I have just screams genetic superiority or that it had it at one point…I mean just look at your picture! Looks like you did an awesome job, mine look similar but it’s not really “fire” in the literal sense but has the makings of everything I look for, just lacking the umph in potency and taste. Almost like it’s a shadow of its former self.

Does that sound odd? Maybe I just haven’t locked her in yet as I’ve only ran her a few times.

I’m just starting Chem 91 and wow that’s a whole other beast when it comes to growing her. Way way way more particular than Chem D.

Side question:
Are there any good grow dairies from experienced growers that have been growing the chem lines for years (preferably organic)?

Any tips for growin’ the D and 91 would help me out a ton.


Forgot to mention, this last time I lost my chem d clones and had to reveg one I already had in flower. Well it took a long ass time but did it!

I was reading some where (thcfarmer?) that in doing so, it has a way of “rejuvenating” or “reviving” the genetics?

Kinda seems like bro science to me. I revegged out of necessity but I’m curious if I"ll notice any difference running her this time around. :thinking:


Another shot. Chem D and then D in front of 91


Wow, that’s what the variegation on the D looks like? Wild as hell.



Nice selection…she looks like a good mix of 91 and the D. I have a pack of the 2.0 aswell, I need to pop lol


Oh yeah she definitely carries that sharp Chem/fuel terp as well from the 91, it blends in well with the garlicky BO stench. But you definitely can tell they are both present.


chem D bx4 x i-95
61 day 12/12