Chem D Discussion

so the 91 and 4 are good ???


FJ seems like a good dude. Iv dealt with him only once when I bought my holy grail, the 91.

I assume your considering during the holiday sale… jump on it. I almost bought the D cut this season but decided against it… just too many moms as it is.

FJ routinely tests his stock and posts results. I haven’t seen that elsewhere.

I wouldn’t hesitate.


This is something I have often wondered about.
I don’t have access to any of the hype cuts . Just get to smoke some from time to time , that idiots I know buy lol
I have yet to be thoroughly impressed by any of them TBH . Now that might just be because it is trash legal weed .

After growing for almost 3 decades now , including cash cropping very well known cuts in the 90’s early 2000s . I have a hard time believing they are really that much better , then the killer plants I have found over the past 9 years popping seeds.

All that being said , there are great and unique cuts out there. TONS of fake ones . But I absolutely understand the draw to obtaining cuts. Takes all the guess work and potential Fu&*ery out , that we have all experienced from time to time , popping seeds.


I’m barely getting at the 2 day dried lowers over here but I’m thinkin so. Especially the Chem 4, but both seem to have potency on par with TK.


Interesting take and I think I’m on the same train. I’ve been growing nothing but seed since I started and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the plants I’ve gotten would be considered “elite”, my buddy also thinks the same; a lot of these clone onlys are overhyped but I guess they’re elites for a reason. I kinda think of the cuts the same way I think about music though, at this point I wanna grow out all the elites I never had. I kinda correlate this to 80s hc punk. Yeah a lot of new bands are really fuckin good, would fit right in with 80s hardcore, and some are better than the originals but the originals are timeless and that’s part of their allure to me I guess. I’m probably going to purchase a chemD or the ECSD “Rez” cut from FJ (aka Chaco cut from what I’ve been told) aka regular ECSD. I really wanna grow that cloney soprano cut. Both have the typical diesel look with the giant bulbous calyxes and look nearly identical.
At this point ECSD has become like OG with all the different cuts with different monikers, IMO the Chaco cut is what I know as sour though, I’m sure other people have different opinions.

Anyone have experience growing the cloney soprano cut? Is this the same cut as the “albany”?
vs. the JP cut (heard this is also the same as the hunter mountain cut?)
Vs. notso dogs cut of sour
AFAIK the AJs isn’t so sour and looks kinda different than other cuts of sour I’ve seen


Sorry if this was already asked, but

What does the “D” stand for in Chem D? I understand the numbered Chems, and even Chem Sis that was explained to me, but what’s the “D”?

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Cloney’s is supposed to be the Albany cut, yeah. I haven’t tried it myself yet though.

AJ technically has two cuts. An old one, pre-2010 days, and a newer one he came back with a couple years ago thats more variegated and possibly more OG’ish looking. Buds definitely look different but again :man_shrugging:

I have one of those cuts, I think it’s the latter as I do see a decent amount of variegation on it, but only just now getting ready to flower it for the first time.

The story goes:
In 1991 JJ MassG popped 4 seeds and found the Chemdog aka chem91/91chem, the chem A aka Chem-Sis, the chem B, and a male he tossed :see_no_evil:
In '01 he popped 3 more seeds he labeled C,D, and E. E never germinated, C was apparently trash, and he kept the D.
In '06 he popped 4 of the last 6 beans and found Chem 1,2,3 and 4. 4 being the chosen keeper and ‘Reunion Pheno’ as it was the closest to the original dog bud the seeds came from.



I think @HolyAngel mistakenly typed JJ where he meant MassG/Chemdog.

I believe Chemdog himself lays out the timeline of how the beans were popped in this vid.


Yeah my bad there. Will edit.
JJ made that forum post I linked and I just spaced. Too much chem91 :sweat_smile:


[quote=“HolyAngel, post:1169, topic:39320, full:true”] Too much chem91 :sweat_smile:

That’ll do it!


NYC Chem f2 from Top Dawg


I made a huge rookie pollen collector mistake with the male WP F2 I shared in this thread.
I totally forgot about drying it out and it is now moldy FFS lol Live and learn the only way I know how haha


I’ve done that before.


Such a bummer. I was so pumped to hit various things with it. Pulled it out to hit an Apollo 11 cut and was devastated to see the white fuzzy mold in the bag .


been there done that my friend.

i was also crushed …


Damn, sad! Done it as well a few times now


Wise words here for sure.

I am have a weird mixed room at the moment growing stuff like Chem D, Chem 91, Blue Moonshine, and Indiana Bubblegum alongside hype weed like Grape Gas, Cap Junky, Apples & Bananas, and Glitter Bomb. The differences between old and new are like night and day. The old stuff has strength and weight behind it but the new stuff is super colorful, terpy, crystal bombs. Pick your poison.

Attaching HoChiMinh Chem D, Day 55 to keep shit on topic


I was wondering if any of you Og’ers have knowledge of the “Deadringer” Chem D cut?
It is not the original “Chem Family cut”, but considered by some to be even better and nastier that the original.


