Cherry AK seeds

ya those last two pics were from a pack of cherry ak-47 but that phenol was clearly all AK-47 with no cherry. that’s what i’m hunting for now in the ak-47 f2 seeds stock i made back in 2016, its going to take a bit of time to push the cherry out of this line.

the first four pics are from the ak-47 f2 {motherland seeds} with the first two pics being non cherry while the 3-4 pic were cherry in nature. had cherry early on then lost the cherry mid grow now curing in the jar the cherry is back again.

not really messing with the cherry any more i still have many many packs here with me so i am just going to work on the non cherry ak-47 and try to get any/all cherry out of that line.

peace …


Best vibes and luck in your endeavors! We’ll always be sitting here waiting to look. :slightly_smiling_face: :v:

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no luck needed my friend i just need to make sure and always move forward meaning not screwing up and working any thing with ANY cherry to it. only non cherry females and males to be breed, sounds easy enough but some traits just don’t come out until a bit later. i have small windows to pull the trigger on what gets breed to what. will need to keep good note’s and pull seed batches aside when i screw up. thinking about doing another search this summer just not sure yet.

thanks for the interested though …


lmao dude Motz reading all these old posts about Cherry AK and your inflated bitter ass ego has been great entertainment.
Pretty sure JAWS got the Cherry cut from Seed Junky at our private forum, so no it’s not some random worn out clone lol… Whereas you claimed to pop 6 seeds and have 50% of them show as cherry phenos even though the guy who bred the strain says he’s popped thousands of AK and have it barely show up.
Just like BSV at the private forum, nobody believed you had what you were claiming you two had. And yet your ego interpreted that as us trying to fleece you or steal your “work” so we could sell it ourselves. Just as BSV claims we did with his “RKS”.


i guess i should get back to work on the AK-47, might drop some in the next round.

peace …


That’s actually up next when I pop seedlings. Can’t wait!

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Serious Seeds AK-47 in a 4X4 I grew about a year ago. 50/50 pheno. The seeds were 12 years old then. I have 4 seeds left and I’m going to F2 them. I’m always on the hunt for the sativa phenos. She just ticks all my boxes when I find her. I don’t think I’d like cherry in her. Simon said he’s never had a cherry pheno.


You already know I’ve got your AK f3s waiting in the wings. Mid year.


Wait, ya mean all the CHERRY AK 47 Ver 1, 2, and 3 from Ole Reynard i have aint CHERRY ??

Come on , surely you gest!!! LOL Have not quite got around to them yet :grinning:

That’s exactly what I’m planning to! Hecking heck yea

Years ago on the Serious Seeds forum, Simon was asked about the cherry pheno. His response was that people perceive smells and tastes in different ways and that although it may exist, he, nor anyone he knew had ever come across it. Just repeating what I read. I’ve grown quite a few over the years (all his) and I’ve never come across anything even remotely cherry smelling or tasting. Just my experience.


I was poking fun at an ole member who aint here no more, but IS under other names…lol


DUDE…i smell about NONE of the stuff people say bud smells like. Cept Skunk Tangerine, that SHIT IS TANGERINE



@Jetdro Skunk tangie even smells like that in veg… one of my more pleasant defoliation tasks