ChocOlates Addiction Club!

It’s the beauty of life. To work wonders with the resources available to you, make lemonade out of those lemons! Looks awesome, stoked to see how the choco thais turn out! Keep up the good work :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

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Update on #2) Chocoloso F2 …

I ended keeping the 2 I culled & then some of the replacement seeds also poped up… Here are all the Chocoloso F2s currently & I’m hopeful at least 1 more turns up with them super serrated edges.

@Bobgrows I dont know what the F I did wrong ,(
Only 1 Chocolate Trip actually poped up, despite all having a small taproot showing when placed in dirt…

I’m seriously :neutral_face: unhappy about this… still hopefully these other 3 pop up aslo…

However I can & will make it better. Either from S1 the female or collect pollen from it for future use.


So I’d like to hear from everyone about this!

Besides obviously making seeds of each Orginal strain by default… With the genetics I do have on hand, what crosses would you all like to see yourself??? I would definitely find this info interesting & useful moving forward…

All strains currently growing;

#1. God’s Cookies F1
#2. Chocoloso F2
#3. Killing Fields x Chocolate Rain
#4. Chocolate Thai F5
#5. Koffee Crisp (Koffee F6 x Chocolate Chunk)
#6. Chocolate Trip (Chocolate Thai x Indigo Diamonds)

Pollens I’ve got available;

A) BubbleGum Autos Regular Pollen
B) Autobots Auto Feminized Pollen
C) Kosher Kush Feminized Pollen (Reversed clone only cut)
D) Black & Blue Lebanese (Short Pheno)
E) JOTI Black Cookies Male Pollen
F) Black Dak Male Pollen
G) Purple Paranoia Male Pollen
H) Paonia Purple Paralyzer Male Pollen
I) BOG Sour Bubble Male pollen
J) BOG Sour Strawberry F2 Male Pollen
K) Dragon hash plant male pollen
L) Lemon Thai

“Major Indica” Male pollen is:
(BlackDak x 88G13HP) - 50% 88G13HP, 25% Black Domina, 12.5% Pre98 Bubba, 12.5% Afghani Kush.

And I’ll be collecting pollen from all males found growing in currently growing plants…

Use formate example; ( #3 x D )


I’m big on chocolate meeting fruit it seems because Sour Strawberry mixed with chocolate was my first thought here.


Mmmm sounds yummy :yum:


BOG Sour Strawberry F2 X all strains below:

#2. Chocoloso F2
#3. Killing Fields x Chocolate Rain
#4. Chocolate Thai F5
#5. Koffee Crisp (Koffee F6 x Chocolate Chunk)
#6. Chocolate Trip (Chocolate Thai x Indigo Diamonds)


Special announcement over here;

I can’t imagine anyone being bummed about any of them! I didn’t know which chocolate strain to pick because while they’d all be good but the main thing was hoping to get those flavors together which would be tough unless you narrowed down that chocolate ahead of time. Also I don’t know how strawberry the SS are…

A Sour strawberry or chocolate bubblegum isn’t the worst sounding either though.


Definitely will be using all pollen from Chocolate males on all Chocolate fems, making several diff chocolatety strains :wink:


mmmmm chocolate…


Each plant will have atleat 8 branches;
1 branch for more of the Orginal strain
1 branch per cross.

So that’s what, 7 crosses per plant times x amount of plants lol :laughing: :rofl:

Of course it’s gonna be hard work, but I’ll be making 100% sure everytime I’m handling pollen, only what I want to get pollinated will happen. Bags, water & branch tags are my friends


That is definitely an undertaking between pollen control and keeping track of what’s what!


I’ve got twist tie & tape for branch tags to identify each cross. Tons of freezer & sandwiche bags.

Evertime I’ll water spray all plants that arnt being worked on in the tent. ( cause that kills pollen )

Then isolate the entire plant & branch to work on individually, apply pollen to that branch in a different room, spray the whole plant I’m working on (besides the bagged branch) with water (cause that kills accidentally pollen)

Allow to set for 12 to 24 hrs. Then spray pollinated branch with water, make sure its tag is secure and return to grow tent with all others.

I’ll repeat this process untill complete.


Well the gushers pheno ( the pollen I’ve got ) is very Strawberry smell/flavor :strawberry: :flushed:
@Pigeonman is growing it right now.


Wow that’s a great supply of pollen @CADMAN I’m gonna say
#1 x F(love indica and that’s my choice) and I just got a confirmation that another envelope that was sent out with your chocolate rain touched down today in Canada so they should be there anytime and things are looking GREAT :+1:t2:!

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Hell yessss. LET IT RAIN :cloud_with_rain: :blue_heart:


God’s Cookies F1 X Black Dak Male Pollen


All sounds great! I’d like to see
#4 times major indica
Chocolates on chocolate :yum:


Chocolate Thai F5 x “Major Indica”

(BlackDak x 88G13HP) - 50% 88G13HP, 25% Black Domina, 12.5% Pre98 Bubba, 12.5% Afghani Kush


Winner winner :trophy::drooling_face: I’ve got some of the LowDak that I’m swapping for is it pretty much the same?
I agree with that one to @Emeraldgreen #4 & #1 x F

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