Chronix's Overgrown Tent

I also like to get high and stare at my plants it’s very relaxing


@chronix Babies running!? Heck of a runner! You!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Amazing plants brother!! Can’t say more!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Thank you all for the comments! Much appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

The Arachnid Pie from @repins12 has been harvested. I will be making some edibles out of it soon. :slightly_smiling_face:
I harvested a little early but I couldn’t take the chance of bud rot setting in. It always happens to me outdoors.
Also OTUG’s plant was starting to steal all of its sunlight.
I gave it a good bud wash 3 times or so. There was so many bugs it was ridiculous.
After the bud wash and blowing them off with my leaf blower to dry they looked damn near bug free.
I didn’t want to take the chance of bringing it inside so I have been drying it outside.
This plant will be made into edibles, I don’t mind if it dries to quick and tastes a little green. No big deal for me.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana stalk from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado stalk from @Oldtimerunderground

People that jump off the mountain with their parachutes.

The OTUG plants are 66" an 70" or so.

Arachnid Pie drying.

Here is a first generation Ford Ranger grill that I dragged out of the weeds and morning glory to show for size reference of the OTUG plants.


Nice garden @chronix, I love my outdoor, always looking out for rot. Seems every year I lose a bud or two to rot.


Any tips? @Greenfingers

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All I can say is keep your eyes open and check frequently. If it was legal in my state I would have my plants in the open where I could get good airflow. I may be thinning out the leaves this season. I have some of the biggest ones I ever grew gorilla style. Having them tucked in they don’t get the air blowing keeping them dry. We’ve put umbrellas over them before during late flowering. We’re just starting to flower hoping for adry fall.:laughing:


This is awesome! I’ve got Jeff Foxworthys voice in my head saying “You might be a redneck if you use an old Ford grill for a size reference on your giant Herb plant…”
Seriously though, you’ve gotta like OTUGs selections. They look great so far. May they finish free and easy for you! :grin::peace_symbol:


Thank you @LedZeppelin
We have much nicer scenery then what you can see in my backyard though.
Lots of mountains and lakes and rivers. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Greenfingers It is a damn near fulltime job looking out for the bud rot here when the buds start forming. :man_farmer:

@Budderton LOL, hey it worked. I will use it again for next size comparison too. :laughing:
I also hope they finish free!

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Here is a C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior on the left.
On the right is a Swackhammer from @DannyTerpintine
These plants don’t look as good as they should because I kept them in 1 gallons for a little too long, and after transplanting them, the damn Racoons :raccoon: have been knocking over the plants/pots.

I trimmed some of the lower branches off OTUGS trees.

A random Caterpillar


All out of likes!!! Beautiful post for post # 420 :v::sunglasses::green_heart:



some nice trees you got there! :smiley:


Yooooo! Those are more than OTUG trees, those are some CHRONIX Sequoia Gigantea-type trees! Oh my Lord those things are massive! What the hell are you doing out there? Injecting growth hormone directly into the trunks?! Jesus Murphy dude!

:thinking:What are you going to do with the pounds upon pounds of medicine-filled buds those plants are about to push out? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


They are nice. I was looking for you hiding. Lol


Good eye, I didn’t even realize it was post #420. :laughing: :v:

Thanks! I got the genetics from some pretty awesome people! :wink: :grinning:

Well, I could use some new pillows. I bet they would make pretty awesome pillows. :rofl:
Then I can smoke them, and make edibles as needed…but then I would need new pillows. :laughing:

I have seen alot bigger Caterpillars then that around here. Some turn into Moths that grow to the size of small birds! :butterfly: :bird:

I probably could hide behind them now. LOL.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Both of the OTUG trees.

I reckon a Racoon did this…they hang out in my yard between 2-5 AM usually.

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

Swackhammer from @DannyTerpintine


Today around 12 noon… I noticed a DRONE flying over my backyard.
I could hear this thing buzzing like a bee and looked up, and spotted it.
Where I live that is illegal to be flying your drone in another persons property.
They are illegal to fly most places around here actually.
They were clearly checking out my plants.

I gave them the salute :fu: and yelled a bunch of nice words loud and clear.
They didn’t fuck off…
I went inside and grabbed something…
Then when I got back out in the backyard they seen what I had and they fucked right off.

:rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :skull_and_crossbones: :pouting_cat:

I will destroy that drone if I ever see it again.

Too many thiefs around here. They aren’t getting my plants.


That sucks. Too bad you don’t know the range. You could put up game camera in spots they might park. Maybe catch them little bastards!

On a happy note they are looking great!


Hopefully it was a shotgun you grabbed I’d blast that fucker right out of the sky.


Time to set up the ol cans on a string …
You can buy blank shotgun shells set up a snap back device that hits the pin …suggested for rural areas :crazy_face:

10ft pitfall trench around them …

Or just buy a small casting net for when they come around next time …
I can totally feel your frustration…
Now you gotta worry about some jealous fuckers :confused:


No!!! I have seen some. Shot gun or another drone to take it down. The hawks here will attack them. I have had dreams of them flying and the blue light comes on.


That’s why I always wear slippers at home, I’m never short of weapons to throw lmao… :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Fuck the people that use drones for nefarious and sinister shit! (1)
Last year I jumped out the tent right after nightfall cause heard a buzzing sound and saw one flying around. It was a few houses over and didn’t come my way. Only ever saw it the one time.

Hopefully they got the message. I can’t picture them flying back around again with it or even trying to step foot around there, after seeing whatever it was you grabbed. No need to say what it was…I can think of a few things, lol.

It’s getting late over on this side of Canada, but tomorrow I’m gonna send you a PM on a couple different techniques you can use to seriously deter and practically eliminate the possibility of anyone messing with your garden.

Stay vigilant bro, you’re in the homestretch.

Plants are looking great :star_struck:

Better whoop that raccoon’s ass if it breaks another branch on the Blockhead x Mikado though! :rofl: