Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Thank you everyone!
I have done my research and from what I have read I can have 4 plants outside legally , and I believe I have met all the legal requirements. They are far from public view etc if you don’t fly a drone over my yard.
Also, everyone in my neighborhood knows to stay out of my yard. Im the crazy one. :crazy_face::rofl:
They also know to stay far away cause of my neighbors dog, it will eat you. (Husky x Wolf)
And that dog is known to hang out in my yard at times.

From what I can tell the drone came from a subdivision/street behind my area.

I’d rather have the Raccoons hanging out here then anyone else but I agree with you LOL :rofl:




The good news is that critter already cut a switch for the occasion!

Sorry for your loss of branch.

I also find it ironic that anyone would spend a thousand dollars on a drone to steal weed when a pound of bud from BC can be had for less than $600. That’s the imported to Ontario price too, I’m sure it’s much cheaper for the locals just like ski resorts.


$600 is not a bad price. But no one needs to be flying a drone in someone’s backyard for any reason whatsoever. I could understand if there is a search for a missing child. To me that is like spying. I don’t even like for people to look through my fence I think it’s bullshit. I thought about doing a few outside. I would do a few small ones. I think something like super freak outside would be OK.


They’ll crawl under your car with a cordless saws all and cut your catalytic converter off. I don’t see why they wouldn’t do that. Drones you can get for under $100. Still people being noisy.

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@Hemp That grumpy cat is a really awesome cat! :smiley_cat:

@Gizmo I think I will take the shot gun approach. :rofl: :laughing:

You can get it for $450 a pound. Maybe even less. Depends who you know. It is good weed. It is abundant here. Some people don’t even know what to do with it all. :laughing:
Only reason I grow is cause I enjoy doing it.
Years ago though, people would pay $40 for an eighth. Times have changed.

The 4 outdoor plants are finally starting to show pistils. Hopefully they pump out the buds quick before the growing season ends here.
No drones lately.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Here is another pic of a 1987 Ford Ranger front grill for size comparison with @Oldtimerunderground’s Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana.

Another pic of the Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Here are the C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior on the left.
And on the right is a Swackhammer from @DannyTerpintine

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

Swackhammer from @DannyTerpintine

Just a random pic.

A pic of a Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana stalk.

Blockhead x Mikado stalk.

I am thinking I might need some really large plant stakes or something soon. In the month of September/October it gets more windy here. The plant stakes I have I think are way too short. :thinking:


I agree with you 100%. People should mind there own business. I don’t like people looking in my yard either. There are too many thiefs. Catalytic converter theft is a big issue here as well. They will do it night or day.

Beyond the prickle bushes in my back yard, there is a subdivision with a lot of houses.
Maybe it was just some stupid spoiled kid playing with his drone? Could have been one of the many cops that live back there. Who knows. I believe they could get a $3000 fine if they get caught. But I am not interested in that, I just want them to frig off and leave me alone.


Plants are looking good hopefully you get some decent smoke out of the c99 cross . We got the same problem here with converter’s getting stolen .
A couple weeks back 14 in one fenced compound yard got cut out .


Went out to check on the plants an noticed this. Another branch snapped off the Block head x Mikado :roll_eyes:
I need to make my own plant stakes I guess. I haven’t found anything suitable around here yet.:frowning:

I think I will just modify some wood and make it into heavy duty stakes to the dimensions I need myself.

I gave the stray cat some food and water.


:astonished: oh man, that’s not good :cry:

2x2s work well. Be sure to put a good point on them, to make driving them in the ground with a sledgehammer easier


And a nice one at that .


Maybe hula hoops would do it?

Used as somekind of belt, to open up the plant and support the branches.


Your plants look awesome @chronix, that sucks losing a branch like that. I’ve been using tree branches for props and stake’s. They work ok and it keeps the camouflage factor in play.


Duct tape all the way!!


I found a new visitor that I have never seen before. :astonished:
It can hang out with the plants if it wants. :cat2: :seedling:


He’s a frisky looking kittie! (Said in a Bubbles voice)



Well the very next day, the cat came back. It seems to like sleeping with the plants. :cat2:

I took a 2" x 12" piece of shitty wood and made some shitty plant stakes out of it.
( I listened to OTUG and made some cuts to make them pound in the ground better )
Although, my ground only goes so far before you hit rock… so some are only 1 foot deep.

I smashed some leafs pounding some of them down. :scream_cat:

I love the Milwaukee tools.

Who was the guy on OG that hates leaf blowers? :laughing: :rofl:

Paraglider above my home.

My 15 year or so old miserable grumpy cat.

Stray munchkin cat that has seen better days. :frowning:
I keep giving him food an water.


I was like no way that is a big drone. Lol cat patrol! I remember there was somebody talking about leaf blowers.


This cat seems to really like it here. :cat2:


@Oldtimerunderground’s trees.
Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana on the right, and Blockhead x Mikado on the left.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana

Blockhead x Mikado

This is one of the branches that broke, I left it alone…

Somehow the branch is still doing pretty well considering it’s hanging from a thread.
It’s amazing what plants can do.

C99 x Orange Goji on the left from @ShiskaberrySavior
Swackhammer on the right from @DannyTerpintine

C99 x Orange Goji


I fed the stray munchkin cats (short legged cats)