Chronix's Overgrown Tent

The late night frenzy when @chronix asks if anyone is around!
I literally have a 4 inch flowering auto in my tent right now.
I do want to see if I can do some fast photos in a breeding project. I use the term loosely :joy:


Well, that is very, very nice of you @chronix. Thank you very much, deets incoming.

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Strawberry nuggets I keep staring at .did you need my deets ?


Yes please. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seems people are finding there way here! Picking up speed


Do I qualify for dibs even though I only lurk and drop “like bombs” when I come through? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ll put my hand up for you @tresbundles if needed😂


Yes you sure do qualify ! :slightly_smiling_face:


I come in here often and see what you have going on bruh. But I really don’t do autos and I’m pretty set on beanage, to be honest. So many I have a hard time what to pop next. Plus I’ve been running 100% clones lately.
You are doing a great service for OGers tho.


Thanks @BigMike55
I understand not many people are into autos.
Everyone has there own preference.
Autos have came along way since the 2000’s though. Alonnnggg way.
They work great for outdoors around here though. I have made some great edibles out of them too.

I was surprised at some of the OG members that bred auto strains and sent them to me. They may not be as strong as your best photo period strain, but some of them are stronger then alot of photo period strains.

I hear alot of complaints about 1 foot plants etc…I have had some yes, but I have also had some that would grow into massive giants if they were grown in something bigger then 1 gallon pots.
I have had close to 3 feet, maybe more, in a 1 gallon and all I used was the LITFA method.

Everyone has there own preferance. :slightly_smiling_face:
I do love my photos though, don’t get me wrong. :v:


One thing about autos is that they are finicky!
They’re marketed as a really foolproof easy plant to grow. I find it to be miss leading at minimum.
I put them in the ground. I got from 6 inches tall all the way up to 36 inches. Any part of the life isn’t smooth, you stunt them

Personally love photo clones for consistency!


I have honestly never had much of a problem transplanting them from solo cups into a 1 gallon, an even them from a 1 gallon into the ground outside.
I guess I am just lucky or gentle with them?


Send me those deets!

@tresbundles Were you interested in the Strawberry Nuggets x (Gambian x Blueberry) ?


Woot! I’ve just started a round of autos and plan to reverse a Planet of the Grapes to pollinate 5 more varieties, but I’ve had limited success with reversing! If I get any seeds I’ll share if you’d like :partying_face: (crossed fingers) .

(and ty for vouching for me @Emeraldgreen :star_struck:)


yes please they sound prettty spiffy.

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Please pm me your info and I will get them in the mail for you tomorrow. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My first experience with autos was last season. A learning curve for sure.
They don’t like going from one type of soil to another one. Especially promix to clay :joy:


@tresbundles did you get the auto in the fall co-op box? If not I can send some of them as well


thank you! :cowboy_hat_face: but yes I did get a few…spotted limes and lucifer’s big buddy i think. so I think I got all of em.
were the Stuck in plain sight autos also?

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They are autos also
Outa love :disappointed: :heart::heart::heart::heart: