Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Thank you! Yes, I am totally okay with the plants not needing me. :laughing:
I am happy with how they went on auto pilot and kept on a growing. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks mate. Yeah it was pretty much the same thing, they inject less though.

@alwaysnoob Any updates on those autos? :thinking: :grinning:

Most of my Sun Flowers from @ShitSeeds have keeled over and died. We had some good wind here one night and most of them snapped. At the time of planting I didn’t have long enough stakes. Now I got some 6 foot plant stakes and will get more for next year. I will probably grow them in big pots by themselves to prevent over crowding.
Very nice flowers and the birds and the bees just loved them. I will be getting more of these for sure for next year. :bird: :honeybee:

Sebrings Revenge gifted to me from @Esrgood4u
I could be wrong but I think this plant could have used more nitrogen.

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed
This plant was the last one to start flowering.

(88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC from @middleman (Pics are from 3 different plants)

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

Thank you everyone for gifting me these amazing seeds that grew into these amazing plants. :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you too everyone who spent the time viewing this as well. :v:


You know it!

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Didn’t you have a Blueberry CBD that went into auto mode?

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Good to hear you’re on the mend! You’re going to need to be able to bend dealing with the harvest you have coming at ya!!! Looking good!

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Harvested couple of them which I think were Gambian / black cream leaning phenos, last week…
Tasted fantastic in my vape, I could feel the slight taste of Gambian and gas :fire::fire::fire:

This blueberry leaning pheno is still going strong at 9th week brother…

Overall I’m happy with this grow, thanks for the opportunity brother :pray::pray::pray:


Have two Strawberry Nuggetts x (Gambian x Blueberry)

The plant in the middle is a Strawberry Nuggetts x Livers BX1


Beauty grow @chronix love the Blueberry plant, got an ABC going for my first time…interesting looking thing. I’ve had several neighbors ask if they could see it.


Those sunflowers looked gorgeous! Too bad they had to go down, but I’m glad you got some beauty from them before they did. I had a rough year for my sunflowers. Looking forward to next years batch of colours though.

Hope you’re feeling better brother. :poop:

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:pray: :v:

Yes I did, it was pretty cool actually. It has been chopped down for awhile now. Very nice blueberry/fruity smell to it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you. Yes, it is going to be a little bit of work to get all of it chopped down an washed, and hung to dry. :upside_down_face:

@alwaysnoob and @patsnumone , thank you very much for sharing those pics with me. It is awesome seeing the results of the seeds. :grinning:

Thanks Pete! Yeah the ABC really are interesting plants in my opinion. I find them very hardy plants too.

@ShitSeeds They were really beautiful to look at. Like I said, the little birds and bee’s sure loved them.
I will be hitting you up for more of them for next year! Was really relaxing sitting outside smoking a joint an just watching the birds and bee’s come and go. The peppers were great plants as well!

I have some good news…and some bad news.
I chopped down a Sebrings Revenge plant that @Esrgood4u gifted to me. Gave it a bud wash.
It is now drying.

Bad news is… the Frankenstein plant is having issues with bud rot. I picked some off the other day, found more today. :neutral_face: :frowning_face:
The plants haven’t seen much rain at all, we have had a very dry/drought season this year.

Makes me sad, but I gotta make a decision soon.
Plan A… harvest the plant tomorrow…prematurely…
Plan B… Let it grow and see how it goes, most likely losing it all to bud rot. Most likely spreading to the other plants.
Plan C…well plan c hasn’t been thought of yet. :rofl: :crazy_face: :upside_down_face:

It is the way she goes growing outdoors in BC. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Picture of one of my black cats pissed off because I woke her up.


That sucks about the bud rot bro. :grimacing:
Guess that’s how it goes sometimes. Guess you could always make hash.

Yeah, it looks like your cat has had enough of your shit. :joy:

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Sorry about the bud rot @chronix, I’m dealing with it also I chopped two so far and salvaged all the bud I could. Good luck with the rest of your garden.:peace_symbol:

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That grew huge buddy. Hope it smokes as good as it looks. :v:

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@JohnnyPotseed , unfortunately I had to cut down the Franky early. I just sampled a bong hoot of the bud I salvaged from the plant. Even though it had to be cut down earlier then I wanted to, it still packs a decent punch/buzz! I bet if it went another week it would have knocked my socks off. I am going to make some edibles out of this and I am sure they will have a good kick to them. Bad news really has turned out to be not so bad news after all. Would have been better to go a bit longer but its the way outdoors grows sometimes. :grinning: :+1: :v:

Hey, she gets paid well, I mean, fed well, to put up with my bullshit. :laughing: :v:
All my cats are spoiled little brats. :smiley_cat:

It happens unfortunately. I am happy I was able to salvage some. :slightly_smiling_face:

The second plant, that was in the ground, is way bigger. Nice frosty buds on it! Probably going to harvest it soon. :+1: :v:

Random pics of tonight featuring Blueberry CBD, Sebrings Revenge, and the (88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC

Tomorrow I will try to take more pics, an label which strain is what.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look everyone. :smiley_cat:


Damn, brother! That sux ya had to chop early, but I remember well how shit has a habit of happening in outdoor grows! But, like you said, it wasn’t a total loss. I know Frankie can be harvested a couple weeks early and still be very nice. lol


Bad, bad news, and really sorry to see that’s been happening to your Frankie… yet I do have to say, despite the damn bud rot, this cat keeps coming up with jewels!!
Keep up the great work @chronix! Although pissed, your cat is a beauty!!
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :sunglasses: :male_detective: :hugs: :leaves:

Great Sunday to you and dear ones!!
Great Sunday to all!!


I feel for ya @chronix, I had to take island sweet skunk and cripxmas B down because of bud rot. Damn wet weather gets a couple buds every year. I salvaged most of it.


I can’t give that post a like, cuz. Damn I hate to hear it, but like you said, damn weather! It’ll screw up a grow in a New York Minute!


Yup that shit comes in overnight, they can look good the day before but you better be vigilant with the weather here in the north east. I’m hoping the law changes here, recreational is on the ballot in November. There’s been medical for a few years now and they grow a few miles away from me legally for medical. My son in law did some concrete work there, he said it was like Fort Knox.


Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

(88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC from @middleman

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

I chopped down the last Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u
Man, that plant was a friggin beast! It sure had some revenge to get, and it did!
I was surprised when I was cutting/chopping it down, it hogged all the space.
I had branches that I thought were from the Blueberry CBD plants but it was the Sebrings Revenge plant with its branches of buds poking out all over. :laughing:
I honestly believe your sister in law had something to do with how big this plant got. :pray: :v: :+1: :heart:
Thank you for letting me grow these plants.

All I have left now is 2 Blueberry CBD plants, and 3 mutant (88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC plants.


Thank you for tagging me on this grow buddy. The plants turned out excellent. Them seeds were sent to me for my sister in law but unfortunately she succumbed to her cancer before I could grow them out to try and help her. You did both me and her proud. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the end product. :+1::v: