Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Thank you! I am happy to have made you both proud! :grinning:
From the small sample I have tried I am really liking the end results! Can’t wait to try it in edible form. :slightly_smiling_face:

The following pics are from September 20th. Just random pics of who is left growing outside.

These pics are from tonight, September 22nd.

Finally decided to get rid of my old Ford. I got my moneys out of that beast along time ago and it has just been sitting for years now. Off she went. Got more driveway space now.

I should have charged these stink bugs rent each month, they have sure made a home. Funny thing is, sometimes they can be hard to get a picture of, they see me, and they go an hide on the other side of the stake or a leaf. :rofl:

Blueberry CBD plant that I harvested tonight.

Another Blueberry CBD plant I have yet to harvest. It could go a bit longer…but we are supposed to get a week or so of rain soon… will see how it goes.

This poor (88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC plant has put up with a lot of shit…
It has been overcrowded from all the other plants growing too big… It has also dealt with the local neighborhood Bear 2 times. I forgot to mention a month or so ago that it had been trampled down, but survived. The Bear then rummaged around again a few nights ago, luckily didn’t trample it again, just kind of nuzzled it and messed it up a bit. It knocked over a wheel barrow in my yard. They are clumsy animals them :bear:
( I have 2 more mutants still going but I forgot to take pics )

Another good reason for washing your outdoor buds. I dry my stuff inside, I don’t need to bring in all the outdoor bugs.


Plants still growing . Sold the old ford ?


I got 1 Blueberry CBD plant going, and 3 of the mutants still left. After I harvest them and dry them then I start another project in the tent.
Yeah, sold the old Ford. Had it for more then a decade. Beat the shit out of it, put some money into it. Put alot of miles on it. It was originally a 2wd but I converted it to a 4x4. Been sitting for years and I did alot of thinking/cost analysis on what it needs to get in good condition and it just wasn’t worth it in my opinion. Tried selling it but got tired of the no shows and bullshit of trying to sell so I called up my local towtruck dude to take it to scrap. I still got my moneys worth out of it in the end.

Better off spending money on keeping my current daily driver maintained.


Yesterday I chopped the last Blueberry CBD plant, and one of the mutants.

Here is an Asian Lady Beetle. Surprisingly they have quite a bite, they can be quite the dicks!
It was lucky to survive the bud wash.

This evening I cut down the last 2 mutants. (88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC
Not the best pics, it was rainy and windy, plants kepts moving, hard to focus.

The plants blend in with my terrible upkeep of the yard. :laughing:

Bucket of freshly bud washed (88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC

I’d like to thank @middleman for his generosity of gifting me the seeds for this very amazing/interesting strain!
This plant was incredible to grow. I did not give it much maintenance at all, and it didn’t ask for any.
I had one female that I planted in the ground early in the year before the others.
Some of the plants I let go in solo cups for along time out in the hot summer heat because they didn’t show sex yet, and some days I forgot to water them, and they never wilted or anything, compared to any other strain, most will wilt/leaves droop etc. Not these plants.
I also noticed that this strain has very little issues with bugs. My other plants were loaded with all different insects, yet there was very little if any on these mutants. Earlier in the year one plant I had an issue with caterpillar nest/webbing, I sprayed the plant with the hose once each day for 3 days an the problem was gone. It has been raining alot lately, no sign of bud rot at all.
Very easy plants to deal with when it comes to trimming.

The only issue I had with this plant, was the damn frigging Morning Glory vines. Very hard to untangle on these ABC leaf plants. I may light my yard on fire to kill all the weeds. :rofl:

After everything is finished drying, I will give some smoke reports, and some edible reports.
After that it is time to fire up the tent indoors for the winter time. :grinning:


Do it! :wink:
images (5)


No, don’t do it.
They will come back with a vengeance next year!
Don’t ask how I know this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The buds look great @chronix . Thanks for documenting the journey. Looking forward to any follow on reports.


I am sorry for not getting to follow up reports yet.
I have still yet to roll joints of each strain, and I still have to make edibles of some. Hopefully soon I get off my ass and get it done. I will hopefully have smoke reviews, and edible reviews soon.

I have decided to try something new for the next run in my 3x3 tent that will hopefully start up soon.
I am ditching the liquid nutrients this run and trying Gaia Green organic nutrients/amendments.

I mixed 15 gallons of Pro Mix with earth worm castings, the Gaia Green 4-4-4 all purpose fertilizer, and the Gaia Green power bloom 2-8-4. Also some super fly insect frass from Gaia Green as well.
Mixed it all up in a plastic storage bin thingy, and gave it some water with some Microbial Mass mixed in.
Going to let it sit for a bit…

Going to run 4 photo period plants, still haven’t decided what strains yet. I think I will go with some fem seeds I got. I will have to choose 4 different strains.
4 plants this time in 3 gallon pots instead of a shit show of multiple 1 gallon pots.
Be nice to get a good solid bud run in before I start preparing for the next outdoor season.

Also, if this all works out, it will be awesome to not have to bother with PH and mixing liquid nutes all the time. Just a simple watering and top dressing every few weeks.

In the next few days I will go searching through my OG seed stash and pick some photo fems, and grow from there. :seedling:

I probably got some learning to do but we will see how it goes. :slightly_smiling_face: :v:


Nice and fat.,

Sorry to hear about jingle.pot, sorry to address in your :tent:

Just catching up in you’re grow rn@

I’ve had a few friends give the Gaia works a go.

Sounds like a nice pile of soil@

Looking forward to see what you pick!

I’ve honestly been considering hydroponics…been a battle to keep onto of soil and pots

Will need some research first. At the right place anyway @

Going to check out what you’ve been the summer :sunny:

Chronic my guy…I will never grow outside after seeing that shit…and won’t smoke anything other than my washed bud


@JohnnyPotseed 's Frankenstein turned out really well, even though I wanted it to go a bit longer (I had to harvest it early), it still has a big punch to it. I am liking the edibles from it. Good for pain relief.

@THCeed , the Blueberry CBD plants I have made infused coconut oil, and if you apply it topically to your painful spots it works pretty damn good. Best CBD I have tried so far.

@middleman , I have smoked a few j’s of the (88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC, it doesn’t knock me on my ass, but it does have a really relaxing vibe to it. It’s kind of hard to explain, but I definitely like it. Very good for just chilling out and relaxing and not getting to buggered up. Perfect for having a cheech down at the river an watching the water flow. I would definitely grow more again.
(Still have to make edibles from this and give it a try)

@Esrgood4u The Sebrings Revenge was an absolute beast of a plant. It definitely got its revenge it needed. It is a peaceful smoke, not a kick you in the ass smoke, but it is nice smoke and relieves tension. I still have to make edibles out of it but I am sure they will be excellent.


I finally started a new grow in my tent indoors…

I went with the feminized seeds I had on hand from the OG members here.

This time I am using organic dry amendments with promix.
Here are the plants I am growing this round.

Maui Wowie from @CADMAN

Huck Face from @misterbee

(NYCD auto x Strawberry Banana) x Bubble Gum BX1 from @Oldtimerunderground

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

(Gorilla Bubble x Tomahawk) x Bubble Gum BX1 from @Oldtimerunderground

(Skynet X Alien OG) x Bubblegum BX1 from @Oldtimerunderground

All the plants hanging out after transplanting.

Running at 60% right now on a 440 watt LED.


Those are looking good they have some nice roots on them. Did you do Gaia in the solo cups too ?


Yep, Gaia Green all purpose, power bloom, and the superfly insect frass. Oh, and some worm castings as well.
I mixed a batch up in a plastic bin thingy, gave it a watering of Microbial Mass, and let it sit a few weeks.
So far things are looking good, I am happy with the results.
Bonus, all I have to do is water without mixing nutes.
There will be a time I probably have to top dress with amendments but that is no big deal, just a learning curve. :slightly_smiling_face:


looking good and healthy! sure gone be some nice big plants! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Looking like you’ll have some fun there, my friend! Nice lineup of nice looking gals!


Great to hear. I think I will have to make some more of those beans.


I would appreciate your MIX RATIO, if you will. I think I’m gonna do a “Dedicated Gaia Green Run” as an “Inside Trial”. If my Seedlings look half as nice as yours, it’ll be a good day!! They look simply stunning, CONGRATS. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looking like everything is off to a healthy happy start!


Thanks, that is the plan. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s fun already, I love watching them grow. Thanks Johnny!

They are a good one for sure. :+1:

I hope they stay happy. Time will tell. First time using this mix. :crossed_fingers:

It’s great to have you buzzing around here mister :honeybee:
The ratio in a simple form is:
1 gallon of promix
3 tbsp of Gaia Green All Purpose
3 tbsp of Gaia Green Power Bloom
3 tbsp of Super Fly Insect Frass
1 cup of earth worm castings (maybe slightly more)
Since I was using 6, 3 gallon pots I multiplied those numbers by 18.

Also, I recommend wearing a mask or a bandana or something when measuring out the nutrients. It can be dusty.

Here is a pic from tonight of the tent. They seem to not be complaining about the transplant last night. Now they can stretch there legs.