Chronix's Overgrown Tent

They are extremely hard to get rid of. Not impossible but far from easy. I never had a problem with them before.

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fuck those damn spidermites


I am lucky to be fully legal, so in this case the spider mites are worse! :laughing:
But, in the past those fellas were a major concern for sure! (Now im having flashbacks) :rofl:






Mites suck :fire:the only way :rofl:

Captain jacks with spinosad I believe it’s called
I try not to use it in late flower
Wash bud at harvest


Hey hey happy new year


Well the last plants look like shit. The mites, and I haven’t gave them proper nutrients, because to be honest I thought they’d be webbed already. Maybe I am just dumb but I wanted to see how these would finish.
I also think I have alot more calcium in my water supply lately?
It has been 63 days or so since germination. I might just hack em down soon here.

Tycho Monolith

Ghost Toof

and yes they look terrible. :laughing:
But I am turned on to the auto plants now, these were great strains compared to the ones I have tried before. If it wasn’t for the mites they would look a hell of a lot better. If I were to have used bigger then 1 gallon pots they would have grown alot bigger I am sure. This was mainly an experiment with the autos for me.
Im not afraid to show my fail.
I will have fun outdoors this year with the autos for sure!


Can’t keep beating yourself up over this. Just blame yourself once and move on :laughing:

Looking chronic from here!

I’m usually more afraid of showing how much better my autos turn out than my photos.


Thanks! :laughing: :slightly_smiling_face:
Things could have turned out alot better though, damnit.
Next time though.
I think I will start buying water in big jugs as well…I think my water supply is going to shit.


@District_Flora I have sampled some of the bud from the Colombian Gold x My Fault, and it has been a very nice smoke! I thought it would be more of an uplifting sativa type high, but its more of a nice mellow relaxing medicating effect for me! I really enjoy it! I wish I was better at describing smells but I can’t pin point what the scent is. Very nice though! Very smooth smoke as well.
I am sure it would be even more potent if I didn’t rinse the hell out of it! (its still very potent after rinsing)
Thank you for letting me try it. :v: :smile:


A short break as In have a coffee :coffee: & clean the shit outta everything and start again? That’s what I did. I didn’t give them spider mites or Gnats the satisfaction of defeating me.


Yeah is right, they look pretty good to me. I’ve seen/had worse lol don’t be too hard on yourself


Interesting, may be do to the Moroccan hash in My Fault as well as the Congo from ACE which I believe was backcrossed with an indica Hindu kush at some point according to them. The “Colombian gold” from world of seeds is allegedly an Afghani cross of some kind and not pure like they claim (didn’t know until after), kinda grew like an indica hybrid so I don’t doubt it.

Either way, thanks for growing them out. I’m glad you enjoyed them and found the smoke to be good medicine, that’s more important than describing smells and taste. I appreciate it, truly !

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Well today I seen some slight webbing from the mites starting so time to cut the autos down. At first I only had the two spotted mites, the black an white mite fuckers. Now I also have the red ones. :fu:

I have no plants at all at the moment and to be honest it feels really weird…been along time since I have had no plants. I am lucky to have many great genetics from the great people of OG to start over.

I am supposed to go for surgery January 31st so if all goes well and it doesn’t get cancelled I will wait till after I recover to start up again as I might not be able to take care of plants.

Yes that is exactly what is going to happen. Gonna start cleaning the tents tomorrow, and I am going to wait a bit an then clean them again. I have no other plants in the house at the moment so they should die off before I start up again if all goes to plan. I plan on using bleach first. Maybe some iso after. Give it a dish soap rinse too. Probably throw a bunch of stuff away, get new pots. :laughing:

@District_Flora The strain you created is great regardless of whatever genetics are in it. You did a great job. Thank you so much for letting me try it out. I am very happy with its effects. I am sure the Iranian is an excellent strain as well!

I would like to thank everyone else for the great genetics people have gifted to me! I appreciate it very much.


You rock @chronix ! It’s crazy to have no plants huh?

Hope everything is in line for a speedy, safe surgery! These times suck for that type of thing. :crossed_fingers::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love the generosity and the incredible genetics this community puts out! You’re part of that man! :seedling::green_heart:


I picked as many fan leafs off as I could. Rinsing the hell out of them all then hanging to dry.
These were all extremely sticky. I was impressed. Autos sure have come along way over the years.
It depends who breeds them too. :wink:
These plants could have yielded alot more, I basically just used LITFA for them the whole time after I found my mite problem. Very little nutes and never bothered with ph. 1 gallon pots… mites suckin the leafs.
Not much of a yield but the buds are sticky as fuck like I said so I am happy with my results.
Bigger pots and no mites, proper ph an feeding schedule an they would be monsters I am sure.

Tycho Monolith

Ghost Toofs


Thanks @Rhino_buddy
I am lonely with no plants. :rofl:
The issues in the world have definitely been slowing my progress down with appointments etc. Lets hope 2022 is a better year.
I couldn’t have done any of this or have any decent cannabis medicine of my own grown without the help of OG. :green_heart:


I had one plant left. Cherry Brandy. It isn’t closed to finish. Unfortunately the mites on it can go live outside in the snow/ice.

A Drunken Bastard plant (ABC) I put outside a week or so ago.

I’ll take update pics tomorrow. :rofl: :v:


You could chop those budsicles for some au natural bubble hash!