
Thanks a lot! Actually, between inexperience and haste, such as overwatering, I’ve been learning by killing plants!! lol! But stilll learning! Yesterday evening I watered. considering uppotting in an hour or so!! Must say I have little experience!! Helpful for sure!! Thanks again @Mr.Sparkle!! I got a makeshift dripping system which helped me not flood the pots!!

Morning everyone! An update on the second one…!
A shout out to @Mr.Sparkle!! Appreciate all you do on OG!!

Not too long ago I had problems with my driver here, thus no decent lighting… therefore internodes were a bit stretched! The lady tells me right on!! Always learning!!



Bend that bitch over and show her who is the boss.

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@NEK-Fowldog I made sure to top the first one and stunted it!! Now I’m thinking! lol! Thanks!!

I bent mine over long enough for the lowers to kinda catch up and then let them all just do there thing.

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Also, be light on the N when you get into flowering. She likes to eat up the P like crazy. Kelp tea works good too.

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Let’s start diving into things a bit more to get you flourishing.

First what day are we on ? It’s a helpful thing to do when posting photos as one helps you keep track and two helps know in relation to our own grows.

Next I forget but how much light do you have for your size space which is ? And how high is it hanging above the plants.

Third how dry is that soil, if you stick you finger into it how deep is it before it’s wet or even damp, is it possible to dig a spot and take a photo ?.

We’ll start there and build from that as your plants do seem slow going.


Also consider maybe merging threads or having an all in one 2022 grow journal or at least per cycle instead of splitting plants into seperate threads, it will help having it all together and then we can all see it as a group thing :wink:


Thanks a lot @Mr.Sparkle!! Appreciate it! Have always noticed you including the day and never worried much! Hands down lesson taken!

Day 34
I moved it from where the taller plants are and it is now under low led 3000k, probably 100w and I’ve been keeping it roughly 10cm/4 inches away from it. There are two E27 screw on 50w led too but they aren’t too close to it.

Since I had been able to kill my plants by overwatering, I’ve been really frugal with watering, in answer to your question, fluffy, and I stick my index finger all the way to feel it damp, and have not dared adding too much water, every two to three days has been my routine. 3 gallon pot / 500ml average.
I’ll post a pic as soon as I can! Thank you kindly! :pray: :hugs:

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One more lesson to my scattered brain!! thanks!!

Yeah it’s way behind, but hey learning it’s all part of it, so again how big is the tent and in total actual wattage how much do you have just as an idea as a “50w” led labeled bulb is typically like 5-8w.

As for watering 500ml every two to three days is likely why the small stature as that’s not much at all, saying that consider if your afraid of over watering to downgrade to smaller pots say 1-2 liters ones to start and you can always up pot when needed, having smaller pots will allow any overwatering to dry out quicker vs a bigger pot especially once the plant is grown.

I’d start up some more seeds just to get some practice in and start with some smaller pots which are easier to learn on for watering.


Hi @Mr.Sparkle! It’s a 100cm x 100cm x 180cm (3 x 3 x 6 f) tent.
E 27;
2 50w 6500k
3 12w (without their domes) 6500k
1 LED plate 100w (it says 200w but it is a cheap product, we know it isn’t, reason why I’m saying 100w) 3000k
Total = 236w nominally, lol!
I made sure to start her in a 3 gallon pot after having read and noticed a number people considering caution due to up potting being a risk to stunt it. Anyhow, honestly feel like a student who’s been just getting schooled on how to get a better approach to the process! Overwhelmed!? You bet! Excited and learning more and more! For sure! Thanks again!!!

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Your on the lower side light wise though still usable, and just cause of questionable nature of your lights like you said it would likely place you even lower due to lesser efficiency.

Consider if your lights aren’t all at one even level, I suggest making them so with a point I’ll make later, also even with the light you have consider raising them 30-45cm above the plants as there is a grey area in keeping lights too close it sometimes stunts them vs where as having some distance the plants can utilize the vertical space to grow into their comfort zone as far as light levels go, and worst is excess stretching occurs that’s where you can lst and flop to fill out an even canopy.

As for the one point, once the lights are all at one level you could use a phone light meter app not for actual light measurements but to gauge the intensity in your space and how it falls within.

What I mean is you may have a corner or two that are brighter than the others, or have a lot of light focused right in the center but when you get to the edges it drops of significantly, knowing how the light falls and at what relative intensity you will likely be able to space the lights out in a way to give a equalized light amount, and having a bit of distance to the plants will also help equalize things with light overlap

Will take some work but is worth it imo.

As for the up potting some genetics do stunt though alot of those are older generation ones, though your nowhere near the plant size where that would even be a potential factor and the benefit you’d get of running smaller pots for now or until you need to up pot out weight any potential stunting that may occur.

Also alot of stunting that occurs is from having plants too long in too small of a pot, like say waiting till week 4 or 5 with alot of growth to upgrade from a solo cup sized pot “500ml” to say 2-8 liter pots, or it’s under or overwatering or nutrient issues that also stunts them.

Autos thrive when they get the best starts possible, as do any plants and that’s where most people should focus as the rest just follows you first steps.


@Mr.Sparkle Haven’t even read it yet! Lovely!! Psyched!!Pics!!

You’re something else my friend!! Appreciate it!!! Thanks!
They’re all thirsty!! :flushed: :astonished:

Lights at 40cm from plants now! :hugs:


With autos I’ve found put it in its final pot and just let her go. Bigger pot = bigger yield. This doesn’t mean a 50l pot will grow a monster. A USA gallon per month of growth so a 12 - 15l “should” be perfect.
What I’ve personally found with autos is they do whatever they f*cking want :rofl:
Most stay manageable but you get the odd PITA that wants to piss you off. Had a few do that but grew into beasts that made up for the extra time with yield. By the way @Mr.Sparkle two of your trizzlers popped in 2 days and both heads sticking out the root riot cubes :+1:


yeah they need some water, also that driver on the back of the panel are common cheapie drivers but if you take a picture of it it will likely say the rough wattage it puts out for a better indication, im not saying thats what the panel is actually consuming but it gives a better ballpark idea.


@Mr.Sparkle Thanks again! I’ll be watering a bit more and a bit more often… really humbled! Lots of help!

Downloaded an app for ppfd and lux light meter but my cell doesn’t have a sensor…


ah oh well on the phone sensor thing, and that driver is 18-36w max though again your panel will be drawing somewhere within that range.

also out of curiosity happen to have any writing like that on the 50w domes ? just to see if they are or not.


@Mr.Sparkle By the time I bought these, had already learned they should have a minimum of 2500 lumens, ideally over 3000 lumens!! I couldn’t have had better help! And to the point! Every aspect of it! Learning tons here!!

So it seems, if you agree, I could easily replace those 12w for these, consisting of a total “250w” from the E 27s! Would that be a way to revamp the lighting!? I’d guess yes!


Thanks @Mr.Sparkle for your clear explanations Arriba|nullxnull , will learn aside with Abbbian, saw Cinderevil and couldn’t resist, following along … popcorn