Clone Exchange Free or Trade, Moderated

It was very warm in June and early July. My extraction fan was doing overtime. If over a set temperature threshold it will go in overdrive until temperature lowers a few degrees. But because of the warmth outside it takes a long time to cool down meanwhile making a lot of noise…

I decided to end my last round in early June next year and pause until September.


About 2 weeks ago it was close to 100°F, and I sent a medium sized flat rate priority box with 20 cuts in it. All but a couple made it. I’ve done that more than a few times in the heat.

I put about 10 cuts, with the stems wrapped loosely in a damp paper towel, into a gallon ziplock, blow enough CO2 into the bag to cushion the cuts, and seal it. That goes in a vac sealed bag, then into the box. Breath mints help, :slight_smile:

I do think this envelope method is great for a few cuts when the weather’s more temperate, but there are ways to send cuts in the summer. All our post offices are air conditioned, and most shipping modes are climate controlled.


So yeah… If anybody sees something what he likes…PM me

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Same here! We have’d the AC running 24/7 and the humidifyer to correct VDP.
Good thing is the AC runs over solar, otherwise it would be a fortune :rofl:
Summerbreak maybe is the way to go as we face the change of clima :roll_eyes:



Will have spares of my strains listed as flowering all mums out if any 1 wants to trade hit me up I’m uk based.


Greeting from Tropical Florida …over grow the world…if you please csn you share some C99 cinderella beans ,thank so much …Peace

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Sorry Dude! I have only clones of this strain…

Hey there everyone. My name is sam. I’ve been on here for a bit and found a few people who are really cool. I’d love to continue that trend and try to find people who want to trade clone for clone. I have Breeders cuts, phenohunted clones, and elite/legendary clones. It’s not just me either because what fun would that be? I’ve made a discord that’s been slowly gathering more members from around the world. At the moment it’s mostly US folks but we have a few Canadians and one member who might join from Europe. The thought of the group of to share genetics so you buy a couple clones for trading and then trade with others. Shoot we even got a guy in the group who just offered today to send free snips of breeders cuts if you pay shipping. It’s a awesome group and I made it with the thought of helping others and spreading great genetics. Since ive started this I’ve had the pleasure of helping 1 member personally and im happy for him! He considered 2 strains of green to be meds and didn’t have money to get then so I went ahead and bought the strains and asked for trades for payment so he could have his meds again and its stories like that which make it all worth doing for me! If anyone would like a invite please message me. Got a couple OG members there now too


Sounds nice.
How can i join and become EU member #2? :wink:

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I’ll post an invite in here for anyone who wants to join!


I’ve been trying to figure out a way to share cuts easily and affordably. Here’s the method I came up with. An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

Maybe that can help you distribute easier @HighTilliDie .


Hey I appreciate it brother! Been working on finding my own method as well. That one seems pretty sound but my local USPS is always so rough with my packages. So far 3 packages with seeds have arrived smashed. 1 pack was so bad you could hardly see chunks of seed and it was dust. Even the outside of the envelope had a smashed coin flip indent smh. I just don’t get it but if I catch them throwing my packages again like the other day then im gonna start sending videos to their office and complaining to the higher ups because it’s like damn it’s not a hard job just set the package down and act like it was your own mail. I’ve ordered a $225 mango tree before and the old man usps worker tripped dropped my package then got mad threw it on the porch and ran up and kicked it it’s like dude was that necessary?


Got these in a good trade from @HighTilliDie, this is a good person to trade with. :sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:


Can I get an invite to the discord? Thank you


I’ll take one also if possible.
Thank you


Make that another Discord Request. THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’d like to get an invite as well unless y’all are talking about the Weedus server

I’m on there already if I’m not mistaken

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I’ll grab an invite as well if you don’t mind