Closed for good

A small dose of LABs every so often wouldn’t hurt I’d assume :slight_smile:
Put some FFJ in your drinking water. Hang out in the IMO4 pile.
Produce more of our own food.


Yeah, need to produce my own food for sure. I have been prepping the garden for next spring though, it’s a slow process, but we just moved here so patience is key.

Haha you and your KNF, I get it I get it! I’m going to the store for cat food, theanine like @shag said, and going to get milk, brown sugar.

I already have rice so I will rinse the rice for the Lab and then cook a portion of it to set out in my bamboo patch. I will use coffee filter for the jar with rubber band. I will collect some of the weeds growing and go back to your thread and read your posts again for the tutorial.

Sounds like a start? :rofl: :upside_down_face:



Yes, great start!
Sorry, I know I’m pushy but I feel as though it’s a calling to share and pass on :crazy_face:

Btw, took me several times to get the rice right, if you don’t get it the first time it’s normal. Takes some practice, but then again I suck at making rice


Haha naw, I need the push, I was just teasing ya!

I’m bad about procrastination, so thanks!

Did I do good sensei? Couldn’t find un pasteurized, some of the recipes and that on there.


It’ll work, still has all the lacto for the bacteria to eat. Don’t think I’ve ever used a unpasteurized milk myself.

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Awesome, now to go read the thread with all the links and experiences shared. Curiouser and curiouser.

Thanks for the rabbit hole. :peace_symbol:


Check out Logan at The Institute for Natural Farming…

Dudes on point


I have read by working the soil with your hands your body will pick up microbes from the soil.
I think dirt dust may have some too, dunno?

Fermented foods are supposed to be real good too.
Sauerkraut, cabbage ect.


Don’t move to Hawaii on me you kook! 🫠


Let’s be honest here, you would love that!!


Yes! It contains microbes similar to anti-depressants, when you inhale, your brain reacts. Part of the reason why I love recommending gardening to Veterans, not only does it give then some responsibility, but it literally makes their brains happy.

When I was in SoCal I worked with some Cannabis Vet specific non-profits, and I must have gathered thousands of dollars worth of equipment, meds, and clones to give out at the meetings. One of the biggest meetings I gave out 10 HPS fixtures with bulbs and over 100 clones, and probably 50$ of edibles, smoke, and dabs for each vet that attended all donated from people of all walks of life that loved the herb! It makes me happy to think back at the smiles on the faces, and then to see them put up pictures of their new houseplants.

Good vibes! :peace_symbol:


Full send, the surfs got to be righteous right now :ok_hand:


Not just foods,drinks as well.

I make naturally fermented ginger beer, it’s really good and you can add other stuff as well, the last one had orange juice as well as cloves and cardamon.

They are probiotic but you need prebiotic’s more to keep them alive. Cold mashed potatoes are an amazing prebiotic I get the wife to make potatoe salad for me so it tastes better than just cold mash lol.


Please, if you find the time, I at least would love some recipes for the ginger beer and any others! Or links if that’s easier.

I never thought about the potatoes being prebiotic…those and sweet potatoes have to be some of the most glorious starches? On the planet!


Wow, that is a new one to me, but make good sense, thanks brother!


I would like in, if at all possible, please! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey gents, can we move this discussion over to here, please?

The Dr. may want to get back to growing one day and I do not wish to clog up his thread, but I really want to continue the convo if we could, please. :heart_eyes:



No problem thats good idea I will post over there, but I have a hangover this morning. Drunk a bottle and a half of wine last night, haven’t had a drink since father’s day.

It was an unexpected celebration :slight_smile:


Hahah, that’s why I quit drinking myself, except for the occasional craft beer or good whisky drink(less than 3 a month now, if that).

Them hangovers are a killer.

Hope you had a good breakfast :upside_down_face: