Closetgrowth's "Dark Devil" Auto Grow! .. Seed to Flower! :)

JACK’S HYDRO ROOTS … Now, this is what “healthy roots” are supposed to look like. :trophy:


Good morning folks. Well, the Dark Devils are hanging in there, but the growth rate seems to be rather slow from the get go. I did transplant these girls into 5 gallon buckets a little while back, and maybe thats why there bogging down?? Im thinking the tap root is doing its thing, and maybe the focus right now is mainly on root growth, instead of the plant itself, as in foliage growth. I did give them a light dose of Jacks 20-20-20 fertilizer(1/4 teaspoon) with a drop of Superthrive. These girls are under a 600 watt Hps. They look alright, but just not performing like my other plants…They just seem to be “Idling” and not going anywhere… Hmm. Any input?? Thanks in advance.


My Auto’s in large pots did the same thing. Suspended animation for a spell. Has to be exploring the large pot one would like to think.
I always stair step my potted plants, but took advise and started them in a large pot right off. My next run of Auto’s I shall try my normal pot step up on them.
They are still going, still young plants, but now they have been moved outside…just in time for the 42 inch’s of rain we got in last 3 days!!!


Hello Jetdro, and Thanks for stopping by. So, growing these auto’s in 5 gallon buckets when there this young isnt such a good idea afterall eh?? Ok, got it! Suspended animation, thats totally it! haha. This is the first time Ive grown an auto. My other plants dont mind a “big home” right off the bat, but I’m now finding out that the auto’s are completely different… I guess Im gonna show some patience, and let em do their thing. Eventually they’ll build up a root base, and turn on. Im not gonna mess with them. It’ll only put em into shock. Next round, Ill start em off in party cups, or small 1 gallon pots. I was kinda trippin’, and now I feel much better.At least I know whats up. Greatly appreciate your reply. Good luck with your grow. Enjoy your threads. Thank you Sir :slight_smile:


NO…you took me wrong. ALL the Auto people told me to go LARGE POT right out of the gate, which is what I did. The suspended animation is caused by the plant “exploring” it’s pot…I see exactly the same thing in my Octopot’s when starting little clones. They spend 2 weeks building roots and getting set up, before anything happens above the soil.
I personally did not like it…I water till run off…when watered this way at planting, they went 2 weeks without another drink…did not like that.
I also know as fact, stair stepping plants up will give me better growth rates, at least with my photo period plants.

So, even though I am told to start big, NEXT run of these will be my normal progression…Dixie, then quart, then 1/2 gallon, then gallon… then into final size.

Will it work…??? Told it is not a good idea, so I would reco staying as you are!!!

They will find the corners of your pot, then start their upward run…just give it more time.


Oh Wow… Ok, gotcha. What an ordeal. Well, ya live and learn, I appreciate the schooling. Thanks for your time. Valuable advice.


I think 2-3 gallon pots are perfect for autos. You can transplant them, no doubt. If you disturb the roots too much, you will stall growth though. Not to mention, you have a short veg cycle, 4-5 weeks. You would be transplanting them very frequently.


Hello ReikoX, I appreciate your input indeed. Well, I just got done planting a DD seed into a one gallon pot. I added a drop of Superthrive as well. no ferts. Im gonna let her ride in this rather small pot the entire way. Mongo has a grip of DD in the same exact size pot like what Im using, and his plants are lil Monsters. There is no way in hell I would be able to grow out one of my GS in a pot that small.
Wish me luck, and Thank you for the advice! :relaxed:


Quick question to anyone who grew the Dark Devil Auto’s!! :sunglasses:

Do these plants like to be fed lightly? Or are they heavy feeders??


Autos in general like a little bit lighter feed. The Dark Devil F2 I got from Mr.Sparkle fed the same as the rest of the autos.


Im glad your back with the Jacks… I was surprised you were messing with AN products. At least I thought you were… You know better than that! lol


Oh, I have another question folks. Can the Dark Devil be cloned??

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Short answer is no. Long answer is, yes but the clock to start flowering keeps on ticking so you end up with a small cutting that starts flowering.


I’m by no means experienced, but this was a coone of an auto… it kind of stalled out like this and lived long after it should have, I gave up and turfed it in the garden


Did you try to re veg that?


Lol no, i threw it in to 12 12 and sprayed it with silver the day I cut it… she had a hard life


I was just asking, cause I usually get funky leafs like that reveging


I will be watching this one closely to see how big they get :slight_smile:

Good luck!


Thanks Man…Well, I usually feed all my indoors on Sunday. Sooo, I just gave them their second dose(1/4 teaspoon) of Jacks 20-20-20 veg ferts. this morning, with the usual drop of superthrive.

I use really good tap water, if there is such a thing…lol… City tap water usually has the right amounts of calcium and magnesium I dont add anything else to their food regimen. “LESS IS MORE” :wink:

Their growth rate has definetely improved. They would prefer a much smaller pot at this very time, But, Hey, I like doing things outta the box… Gonna let it roll! . Why be Normal? lol

Dark Devil under 1000 watt HPS 5 gallon bucket grow (soil).


Been away, but the previous pots kinda looked underwatered, but hps and the pot size is hard to gauge.

The start is always tricky so don’t feel bad if you have to toss, kill, or restart some seeds to get it down as its just part of learning, and when you do take a look at the roots and soil conditions when you do. My experience is they tend to like to run on the medium to medium wetter side reason being is if the soil is too dry or they have “obstacles” to navigate say big chunks of perlite at least initially it will slow them right down, as they seem to sense their environment and cautiously step forward with there next steps when they face some obstacles, whether it’s driving deeper to hunt for more water, or getting around some object. Once the roots get a good base though game’s on, but the initial start is the key factor being autos with a limited time span.

As and example with starts i never let the top of my medium go dry at least for the first week and half or so, typically watering whatever is needed every 3-2 days, but i don’t let it be soaked either its just learning that balance. Obviously environment and grow conditions are different for everyone but yeah play around.