Closetgrowth's "Dark Devil" Auto Grow! .. Seed to Flower! :)

Hello Mr. Sparkle. The 5 gallon buckets are heavy, and they have been watered with a plastic watering can apparatus that showers the soil in an even pattern. Its definetely not because of dry soil. A few members said it wasnt the best idea to transplant these auto’s into a 5 gallon bucket, so early in their lives. Everyday Im seeing changes… they are getting bigger, and I believe its because the roots have found their way throughout the 5 gallons worth of soil… They are basically getting “established” at this very moment. Im gonna let em go, and show some patience, whatever that is… hehehe! … Thanks for chiming in, and Thanks for all you have done for me. Have a nice day Mr. Sparkle! :wave::smiley:


Yeah figured i may be off with the HPS light and 5 gallons pots for gauging, for me things usually take off around day 7-10 just depends on the start.


OK, Well if thats the case, then Im not that far off track … Been about 10 days since I transplanted them.Just recently seen new growth…Not superior growth, But, enough to know that these plants are thriving, and somewhat healthy. :relaxed::+1:


Suhweet! :smiley:

Woke up this morning to see that one “Dark Devil” seed popped in her 1 gallon pot :grinning:

Rather fast germination! rate! Very nice indeed. Within days!! :slight_smile::+1:

This single “Dark Devil” will remain in the 1 gallon container, and will not get transplanted into a 5 gallon bucket.

I will feed her 1/4 teaspoon of Jacks 20-20-20 with a drop of Superthrive, until I see some kind of flowering… Then, Ill swap out and start using the Jack’s bloom booster til the end… Nothing more, nothing less.

This girl, Like the others, are in my veg facility, under 1000 watts of Hps…


I use the same exact plant food, and regimen on all my houseplants too, and as you can see, I get pretty good results… I dont get paid by Jacks, … I just wanted others to see how well this fertilizer works… and its affordable! :blush:


What pet is the pen for :rofl:

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Hahahaha!.. Neighborhood cats drop by all the time… Cheap entertainment. :smile:


Good morning, Here are the 6 Dark Devil candidates… They are under 1000 watts of high pressure sodium in the veg room. I have 5 of them in 5 gallon buckets, and 1 in a 1 gallon pot. I will leave these plants in the veg room til’ harvest… Also, they are on a 20/4 schedule.

Dark Devil in 1 gallon pot… The rest are in 5 gallon buckets


Well, The “bucket approach” to grow out these Dark Devils wasn’t the best idea after all… The roots are trying to establish in these 5 gallon buckets, and its taking forever! … Not good. :unamused:

Well, I was blown away by my buddy @Mongobongo s grow… He used them small 4" pots, and popped 16 beans… And his grow turned out simply “fabulous!”… :trophy:

Soooo, I Went out and bought a dozen smaller pots, and will grow out a set of 6 DD’S in these pots… Ill keep the buckets going as well… What’s done is done. I wont disturb them. :wave::smile:


Nice man. Good purchase. I bet those will make you happier then the 5 gallons. :v:


I think your right buddy. The 5 gallon bucket ordeal is “overkill”… Ive seen the root mass of a mature Dark Devil, and they certainly dont need 5 gallons of soil!.. lol

I think the smaller pot idea, is a mighty good one. :relaxed::+1:

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Happen to have closer up pictures of 1,2 and 3 ? :wink: 2’s probably a crinkle and should be tossed but 1 and 3 have early lifespan leaf deformations “most concise way to say it i guess” which to me says something happened when they were growing those leaves, like environmentally induced at the time ?


Hello Mr. Sparkle… I can retake the shots of those plants if you wish… And remember,… these are directly under 1000 watts of hps… I havent seen anyone grow this strain with this kind of wattage. Maybe thats why they have early lifespan leaf deformations?? Personally, I believe the big buckets did them no good. Never had plants grow like this before… hmmm… If I put a glass slipper in a 5 gallon bucket, they would seriously take off! These auto’s seem to grow completely different from the regular photoperiod plants.

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Ok, here are the closeups of plant 1,2,and 3 …

**1000 Watt “Eye” Hps … Ferts: Jacks 20-20-20, and 1 drop of Superthrive. Temp: 78 F. 20/4


Would say looks like you went in heavy with the jacks possible imbalance with it being a 20-20-20 but usable and or that you also potentially had a point where the plants may ? of went dry or almost dry and then you fed with full/extra strength nutrient water as they were hunting for water and they were quite prepared for it.

Just a curiosity and something to test for your grow medium forgiveness for root growth is try poking a chopstick down into in easily, harder it is to move the harder it will be for the roots, so something to think about when you go to fill those smaller pots :wink:


Well, the 20-20-20 dose was so very little, …quarter teaspoon dose in a gallon of water for 5 gallons of soil. Also, I never let any of these mammoth 5 gallon condo’s run dry. The top layer looked kinda dry in a few of the photo’s, but the rest of the soil was thoroughly saturated, with moisture to spare. They dont look burned at all, they look underfed if anything. Slight yellowing.

Oh well, Ill just let em run their course, and see what happens. Im about ready to pop 6 more DD beans and get em started in the new 6" pots. Ill bet it’ll work out like its supposed too.

Thank you for your concern, your diagnosis, and the tip with the chopsticks. Your a good friend. Thank you very much for everything!!! Sending you a bunch of good Karma. :slight_smile:

Ok… got 6 Dark Devils beans planted in the much smaller 6" planters… Lets see what happens folks! Vegging room is getting kinda filled up… But, we’ll manage. :wave::grinning:


Mr. Sparkle, I performed the chopstick test, and its fairly easy to push em through… So, the root growth should be “easy” as well. Been using the same soil for 21 years now, and its outstanding. Done up by a hippie who owns a popular grow store in town. He claims its the best you can buy…even the bag says the same!

Anyways, He is very proud of his product. I think he knows what’s up, and personally I think its the best soil Ive ever worked with. Almost like coco, but not quite… somewhat airy, with lots of perlite etc… :innocent:


I just wanna add something folks, A little observance. … I planted one DD seed in a 1 gallon container, and it popped through the soil 3 days ago. Its already strong, and growing much faster than any of the other plants that reside in the 5 gallon buckets!.. Uh huh!!.. :blush:

Yup,… Its a fact. :wink:

But, I’m pretty sure the girls in the 5 gallon buckets will take off!.. Hopefully not too late. Crossing my fingers. :confounded:

Here are a few images of a DD that popped her head outta the soil… roughly 5 days ago… Maybe 4… She is in a 1 gallon pot.

5 Days later since this DD poked her head out of the soil. Like I mentioned earlier, This girl is in a 1 gallon pot… decent growth rate, for sure. Not excellant, but not too bad.** :relaxed:

Conclusion: You can not transplant these girls in a big bucket or pot right off the bat like Jetdro mentioned earlier in this thread… The plant will “stall” until the roots grow…

Soooo, ya gotta start off in something small like a party cup, or whatever, and transplant, and work your way up the ladder. But, transplanting can put a plant “behind” schedule for a while, …unless your running hydro. Hmm…

My reccomendations: … A 1 gallon pot, or even a 6" would work out fine, from beginning to end… No transplanting… Done deal! :grinning::+1:


The majority of the 5 gallon plants are doing great, and getting bigger by the day. A couple look… Well, so so…

The 1 plant in the 1 gallon pot seems to be doing the very best… Definetely a faster “growth rate” for its time on earth…Like I stated earlier,… Much faster than any of the plants that I transplanted into 5 gallon buckets.

This DD in a 1 gallon pot, was born in this pot about 4 days ago, and currently is the " Best looker" outta the bunch, for its age…