Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

Yep have that problem also.

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Youā€™re very passionate in your search for that trip weed that you found years ago. You should start a thread on the topic and see if you can find other people looking for the same thing. The similar thread in icmag must be one of your favorites. Iā€™d love to see a thread like that on OG.
While finding one of these types is not my major focus, Iā€™d be very stoked if one happened to find its way to me.


I appreciate the invite but not my cup of tea, sattys never have been and really have no use for them.
I dont partake during the day, I dont enjoy my head in the clouds all day.
At night I prefer my girl Indy.
For my pains and sleep.
I only run so long every year and shut down.
I keep my favorites from that years runs going til I can get down to the rest of them.
Running some of these sattys would ruin my scheduling.


There will be some indicas on there too. @TheCrueltyDesk is going receive the Indian landrace Exchange book, along with a dozen selections from this year, some of them not available to other people. I think they targeted the southeast corner of Afghanistan, around the Kandahar region. Definitely some great genetics from there. I think heā€™s going to be particular about who he letā€™s grow these genetics, but I canā€™t imagine he would say no to you.


Iā€™ll just leave this thread alone and comments to myself.
Just come in here to read, hate missing stuff and get a bit of smile out of it.

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Iā€™m gonna be looking harder at that myself.
Just canā€™t figure out how to order on the damn site.
Heā€™s got a couple Iā€™d like to have.

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@OleReynardā€¦you have to send Full Power Selections a private message. Or if you just send the Indian landrace exchange a message, they will Direct you to him. You can ask them for a full catalog that you can download. Last year was an excellent year to find solid genetics from that region. An early cold snap really impacted the bulk of the plants. The plants that were not effected much were easy to spot, basically isolating the hardiest plants out of tens of thousands. Iā€™ve been looking at them too. I think they have plans to release some smaller packs. They are quite expensive, but you donā€™t have to worry about whether youā€™re getting the real thing or not.

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Whereā€™s this full power at I donā€™t do ig?
Is there even a place to contact them?


Do they have chimtral?

@Jamescoldflameā€¦ Ithink that one is from Afghan selections?
@OleReynard , aside from overgrow, Iā€™m not much on social media. I donā€™t do Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other ones. But thereā€™s so much good pot on Instagram I made an exception. Way more photos than what you would see when buying from a reseller, and you get lots of feedback from people that have tried their stuff. I kind of think of it like a strainly type of deal. I just ignore the other stuff on there, and it doesnā€™t take long for Instagram to be recommending you other seed sellers they think you would enjoy, all geared to your taste.
But if you were dead set against Instagram, and I used to be myself, you can get in touch with them directly at



Yeah I know they have it. Itā€™s a few others that offer it. Iā€™m waiting on april for some tora bora, and wouldnā€™t mind chimtral. :v:t5:

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Tora Bora I gave to @Solowolf for a coop repro that was due to start this spring, along with Baharak and Beldia. Heā€™s in Arizona so it should be happening anytime now. Havenā€™t heard from him in a while. Hope heā€™s okay. Heā€™s had a very large renovation project going on and suffered the loss of a loved one unexpectedly last year, throwing a crimp in his style


Maybe you can help there is no Contact us on their site?
Please advise.

Let me look. It used to tell you to send them an email.

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@OleReynard , I think I would just try the I donā€™t see any way to order on the Indian landrace exchange site. I did see the purple Dashti selection is sold out when i checked IG. Indian heirloom Seed Company has a couple Hindu Kush types I thinkā€¦ . And they are affiliated with Indian landrace Exchange. And then thereā€™s Afghan selections but they are very expensive. They can be found on Ace seeds website.

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What about under ground seeds looks like heā€™s working on releasing a Columbia gold at present .

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Great post man. Since I can only like it once, :heart: :heart: :heart: :grinning:

You speak far more eloquently than I do about preservation. :+1: :+1: :+1:


I dont know about anyone else but personally i will be sending out the bulk of what i recieve to the community. I plan to work some things but even those ill most likely only keep 20-30 beanz of those and 10 of each other.
I feel a the need to preserve these strains but also feel that the best way once each run is done is to pass em out.


I did not expect my pessimistic one liner to cause such a big discussion, but it looks like it took a good turn. And the seed runs donā€™t appear to be dead. So Iā€™ll sit back, vape and see whatā€™s going to happen while I try to up my humble growing and chucking skills. :seedling::seedling::seedling: