Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

@allotment…I think your comment just brought other people to write down what they were thinking, and discussion is good. I was surprised by some of the negativity, and probably took it a little personally at one point, but people are just concerned that the spirit of OG could be altered in the wrong direction and I understand that concern, though I think everyone will come around once we get rolling. Maybe this summer you could find yourself a safe outdoor location where a reproduction could be done. I’m interested to see what those sativas I sent can do that far North.


Thanks @Guitarzan… I feel very strongly about what we are all doing.


I was meaning to write it in an answer to another of your very good posts in this thread, but I can’t find it at the moment, and since you just mentioned it … I had them in the mail when I came home today, 2 strains, 40 seeds altogether. :exploding_head: Thank you so much :pray: I hope I can do them justice!


Glad they made it! Should be enough to do yourself a nice indoor crop and have some seed leftover to Tinker with Outdoors. Maybe you’ll get lucky and something will finish properly for you… it will be close…Probably a better chance with the Durban than the purple Malawi. When more seeds are made, the Moroccan Beldia would perform for you up north as well. I’m hoping the seed run planned for the Beldia for the coop still happens this spring… so be on the lookout for it. There is a very fast South African sativa called Ciskei from Tropical seed company you may want to locate. Around 8 weeks flowering, and has done well in Europe.


Thanks a lot for sharing not only your seeds but also your knowledge! I’ll do some reading on the strains you mentioned. :seedling:


Just keep them around 650ppm (@500)/910ppm (@700)/1.3 EC.

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Did you get the contact info you were looking for, Ive orderd threw fullpower selections a few times and am always happy with what I receive. Just got some in the mail yesterday as a matter of fact.
The only downside is it can take up to 2months to get your package. India post is slow and he only mails out every once every two weeks. My last order was paid for on 1/3 and I just got it on 2/26 and the one before that took even longer. I always get way more then you would from Ace seeds. There is also a company in Oregon that will have there lines soon. Landrace preservation society or something like that.

I’d really like there kandahar if anybody has them and is going to make more I’d be happy to trade for something I have from them, I’m working the Kashmir first then the eastern Manipur Burma with the intent of crossing the two @TheCrueltyDesk you got that kandahar ?


India aye that’s way out there.
I gotta few things just briefly gone thru aces website but ace don’t have everything that indian does.

How did you pay and what are the options @Heritagefarms?


Man, I would be happy if I could grow what you forgot to keep …
Anything from a sign …


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It’s a PayPal link and they ship direct from there and provide tracking , if you contact him he will provide a current strain list and pricing , they had a few different people originally but fullpower seems to be the main one at this point , although last time we talked he didn’t have the kandahar or Hindu which was a disapointment.


Yeah that bahlki is a calling.


I grabbed the lolab valley Kashmir this most recent order , they have some rare Indian lines I don’t see many others with. Real seed company has alot of good afghans /Hindu/paki lines also.
The eastern Manipur Burma and Indian red stem are the smallest seeds I’ve ever seen,fully mature but very small and almost round. Only other seeds this small I have are the PNG and some auto Thai that just sprouted.
The amount of seed you get is much better then with ace but it takes longer. I’ve ordered three times and they all show up eventually.


It’s surprising what comes out of such small things


Can someone please point me in the direction of the freaks discussion i wasn’t around just trying to catch up to speed as to whats happening because im pretty confused

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Yeah no kidding , and it’s nice to see the India post mark and know somebody very close to the fields is making them available. Not everybody can get to some of these areas which is good and bad.
Less chance of outside contamination when outsiders aren’t welcome but alot harder to get the beans.
The Tora bora from real seed company is one I grabbed because of those reasons.
Once I find a good male from these Kashmir I’m going to start exploring and crossing it to some long flowering sativas. Some of the modern stuff is neat but the best strains always came from unique hybrids of the short compact plants and the tall lanky exotics. It takes work but it brings fresh genetics into the mix that aren’t directly related to everything else.


Nevermind i found it :roll_eyes: seems like a splinter group losing the original objective of overgrow then again i felt the same way about the buy in seed runs im by no means against seed making or sharing just seems like stuff like this should be going down in discord

Once those seeds will be in Ogers hands the OG spirit will prevail and surpluses will be shared-gifted-traded (as has happened with the Freakshow). I am confident about that, I am no more going to judge before seeing how the project develops … :sunglasses:


Keep an eye on the Eastern Manipur. My female had some balls around week 4. I did have a light leak from my fan controller so that may have contributed too. Just wanted to give a heads up.


@OleReynard @Heritagefarms I’ve also seen some listed here: Indian Landrace Exchange Archives - The Seed Source where it’s already cleared the border.


They still sell mexican weed were we live …im pretty sure its all hybrid trash by now

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