Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

Mas o menos. It’s 8 seeds

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Ah yes. I just re-read the link I posted and noticed it mention multiple seeds (2 - 8 depending on how much you spend).

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Coincidentally I received a pack of those freebies today. What’s up here?


Whoooaaa… twilight zone.
Especially because people don’t actually talk a ton about Mandala IME.
What did you buy @Longtooth ?


Haha, I would have only gotten 2 if I only bought what I wanted to when I logged in! But then I saw Satori and Kalichakra again and decided to kill all the birds with one stone


Satori & Superlicious Sativa.


Would you like to run them? I’m not really that interested in them myself. If you wanted to do a seed increase on them for the community they’re yours. I only have 5 of those and 9 Hashberry.


Hi @Ottafish,

I would like to but I’m still struggling to have grows where I don’t mess up. I predict I’ll be ready this time next year though. Until then, my goal is get more consistent grows and practice cloning and doing a few personal seed increases.



Hey OG :wave:

Glad to be back here again. I am loving all the reproductions going in around here, and it occurred to me that I have some seeds to offer if anyone I willing.
Not sure this is the right place as they don’t actually have a name, but if it’s an issue I’ll make a new post for them.

So I was given a bunch of beans from a generous grower last year, and I’m wondering if anyone would be willing to grow some out and make more for the community.

He said his mom was a hippie who traveled all over the states, and she used to collect all the seeds she found in all of her bud.

He had more than he would ever need, so he sent some to me.

They were in old cookie tins and film canisters, and he says they are from the 70s through the very early 80s

A lot of the older and somewhat lost genetics will be found in these beans.

We may never be able to put a name to a plant, but maybe something will stick out so much and carry such distinct characteristics that we can ! Who knows.

I have been going through a lot, and I need to seriously take things easy for a bit.
I don’t want these to waste away in storage as they might actually have some long lost strains hidden in them.

So if anyone would be willing to pop a few, hunt through, share their findings to maybe find a name or lineage, and hopefully S1 a few keepers, I am more than happy to send them out.

It is definitely a bit of work, but I know it will be worth it.

I would do it, but I just can’t at the moment. I don’t have it in me.

But who knows what could be hidden inside

Panama Red
Durban Poison
Maui Wowie
Columbian Gold

To name a few possibilities.

Im excited to see what someone finds



I’m down to pop a few :sunglasses:


@HappyTrees23s it’s pretty unlikely that these would be approved for a co-op because the lineage isn’t clear, but this is a worthy project, and there are definitely folks who can help distribute whatever gets reproduced!


What about new creations for seed runs.
For instance for example, something like Tirah Valley Kush x MOB Acapulco Gold x Bandaid Haze 3.0


Mom was a massive Colombian type 3.0 3.4 oz per sqft and mold free!

Mom next to the CBH cut before secondary flower explosion.

The AG was it’s own high yield pine turpentine lime. Mexican fire weed lol

Tag me where your growing more of these out. I would love to follow along. :v:


Yep that was me lol.
Here’s it is crossed with a Garlic bud female.

These seeds were made from the pervious BH/AG, I still have a male from that first batch.
Smell was killer on the male used, black cherry to dank Haze smell. Super sticky on the male BH/AG when rubbed. :dove:

Soon I’ll pop the rest when the weather is planting time. :sunglasses:


Wow!! Yeah, I gotta see what your selection will do to these knew generation. Are you hunting more Bandaid AG soon ?

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The Tirah Valley Kush I just tried , the high is middle ground, like an airplane landed in your brain. Pure happy healthy, high feeling with zero anxiety, creeper in a sense the way the buzz just appears all at once, and stayed that way for a while.

I see a use for TVK in breeding now. Especially for that healing high it brings in a creeper form.


Mama Mia ! That’s a gigantic lady !!! :astonished:

I grew outdoor a columbian strain in 2001 and they were trees but not with such enormous apex :+1:

This all look very promising.

Grow well and prosper :vulcan_salute:


Yes soon as I get the sprouts up behind these GGH,

It’s Washington Skunk x Uncle Festers Skunk 18 and Garghani sprouts, that’s Garlic bud x Heirloom Afghani, a skunky male breeder hit it.
Testers turned out killer. Trichomes down the leaf stems, and one of the best smells too I ever smelled for indica. I’m dropping 100 seeds of that.

The main outdoor project I’m doing to find the best representation for the future IBL generation. 50 sprouts are up now. Thinking of doing 150 now. :thinking:

Garlic bud

Garlic bud has fat bulbous trichomes. It’s also a couch locker, knocker outer lol

7 months after a long cold dry/cure. It’s like fused in globs in places. I have the bud on video too. :dove:


When I finish the repopulation I’ll send you a bunch back to work with too :100:

Even neglected the BH/AG grows like a dream…
When watering it was always saying I’m good back here lol.

Tirah Valley Kush was the same way, wasn’t hard to figure out, those two needed to be bred together lol

I crossed Mexican Death Sativa and @Upstate Oaxacan Gold with the male BH/AG as well. :dove:


Not for a co-op distribution.
Rare and discontinued breeder pack preservations only.