Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

Yeah that’s what I figured.
Should I make it’s own post for the project idea ?
Or where should I move this to ?
Nice to see you again @HeadyBearAdventures :pray:

And @GregOG :eyes: wow that is massive!

I think I remember talking to you on another site, because I swear I’ve seen that picture before.
Did you also have a massive BH girl ?

I would really like to try your genetics, would love to make a trade one day. Those pics are really impressive :raised_hands:


Sounds good, no I’m working on the cross of MOB Acapulco Gold x Bandaid Haze 3.0 currently. :dove:


Yeah, if you want to! ^^
All the co-op does is distribute the beans for you. But that’s why it’s limited to breeder pack preservations only. Otherwise they’d be distributing hundreds of crosses here :sweat_smile:

Can always make and distribute beans yourself though. No one is stopping that. I do think there is a rule on money on the site though. Like, you’re allowed to charge shipping costs if you have to, but they need to be reasonable. not $20+ per pack shit like WCF was trying to do. Otherwise you need to pay OG to be a sponsor for that.


Hi guys, I’ve got a strain here which was never released by alpine seeds. Its a cross of Erdbeerli and a ogkush lemonlarry male. Probably made with their ibl judging by the compact growth I had.
If anyone I’d interested in making seeds from those I’ll give them away for it.
Alpine-seeds aren’t in the business anymore so I think it would suit the guidelines here.
Also I have a few f2’s of their victory kush which I could spare. Those aren’t fully developed…their quite pale but feel heavy. The plants were super resinous but I had to harvest early and im absolutely bummed that I only got those seeds left of it.
Imho those were better than the Erdbeerli Cross. Beautiful indoor plants which proly grow well outdoors in the right climate too.
No pressure…just a thought


Long time I did not hear about that one :slight_smile: They had a ogkush lemonlarry male they created the victory OG with, as well as other crosses. Would be cool to repro, don’t have the resources here though. Wonder how it performs outdoor.


Hey man, we are here to learn. I could care less if you screw up. That’s exactly how you will learn. So what your telling me is you need like 20 seeds or however many so you can figure it out. That’s totally fine man. I have probably 40,000 seeds of some crosses. So don’t even worry about it. I can send ya 100 if need be. Just let me know. Then you can experiment.


Awesome. I got your DM and will reply back this evening. Thank you so much @Ottafish :green_heart:


Thank you @HolyAngel

Nice to see you again by the way :wave:

Alright, that’s what I figured. They are non identified strains, so they wouldn’t be eligible.

And yeah lol I won’t be charging 20 a pack :joy:

I guess I’ll try to just copy and paste this to its own thread and see if anyone volunteers.
I already have 2 members who want to have a go, so I’m excited for that.

And thank you brother. I hope be here more and see some of your work. I missed a ton of stuff already.

Stay safe
– Happy


You are correct. The co-op is set up for rare, hard to get genetics.

This thread is for this not for just people wanting other to grow their non rare and discontinued genetics please.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Understood. Thank you @G-paS
I’m going to copy and paste to its own thread and delete what’s here.


It’s ok for your posts to be here.
If you want it moved though, instead of deleting it I could move your posts to a different category if you give me a link.


I’d like to donate this for preservation, who’s up for it?


Is that a 10 pack of bx1 or is it a bx10?

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Of Mandelbrots work is my guess


Bx10 I believe, these were gifted to me by a friend so I have limited info aside from what’s on the labels


i think mandelbrot’s brother still keeps the Royal Kush line as I have seen work released not long ago.
Emerald Mountain Legacy
That said, a royal bx10 seed run would be a dynamite thing to do… jus sayin , not volunteering hehehe

been pondering putting up Dutch Flowers Blowfish for a seed run but I have no time to do it myself this year. Other thing is the friend who gifted these to me removed them from breeder packs to store in seed vials in his fridge. I did see the original packs in person at one point but they are long gone. Just the seeds remain. I may get to it sooner than later but these beans are worthy of inreasing… and there is 20+ seeds to work with.


Hi all

I’ve a case full of seeds about 1000 seeds and 300-400 strains
Some cool stuff and some not so cool.

I would be more then will to seeds people seeds if they want to breed them and send me back the same or crosses. I’ll do up a list later this week


Nice collection fishbulb.
I think people will be very happy to see those old subcool lines, and the rare dankness lines. I hope you’ll find some reliable volunteers here to work with.


Looks like some real gems in there. Make sure you find reputable members to accomplish your goals. :v:


Snow lotus bx v1

If you’ve done a preservation run before. It’s the queen mother goji bx

Gotta send me seeds back but I figure the community would like to see this rare one preserved

Also you gotta cover shipping cause I am FLAT BROKE. Sorry.