Coastal Seeds BSHW Seed Increase

My like gave you a pip! Ive never seen it happen before, it must mean good luck for your grow.


Wow. Such a beautiful contrast to the surrounding desert foliage. It’s like a micro oasis.


I have some BSHW going myself. Now in flower, pollinated about 6 weeks ago and again this morning.
We’ll see if they took what I painted today. From what I have gathered I am growing what was Reeferman of long ago.

It will be fun to watch your grow.


Will try to keep updated here as it goes along. Do you have posts of your run? Interested in the line you’re running as well


Seems the bugs feel the same way :joy:


Yeah, I posted pictures on 'the Central American landrace and heirloom thread" post 652.

They are in flower. These are the green pheno.


good example of the more squat expression


Beautiful plants @HighDesert ! That male looks fantastic! Any differences other than size between the shorter ones and the taller ones ?

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Thanks. They’re holding up ok, been hot with some hail and a nasty year for leafhoppers but they’ll make it, took more pest damage than I’d like to see honestly. Several of the lankier plants show purpling on the petioles and seem to actually be a bit faster to start flowering


Seeds look like they’re developing nicely. Good example of the difference between the green pheno and purple phenos (2nd image) development - greens look a little more afghani/hybrid, purple has a narrower leaf and more Central American looking flower


Looking fabulous. :+1:


@HighDesert - Interesting. As I understand it having talked with alot of people who grew BSHW, the green ones effects are supposed to be psychedelic whereas the purple ones are more stony.

Either way, very nice grow. Looking forward to seeing it finish. :ok_hand:


Thanks for that info - to be honest I’m not sure any of these are “the purple pheno”, 3 of the females show purple petioles and at first germ had a purple cotyledon but none of this looks remotely like say PCK or any of the classic purple lines


From what I have been told you will know the purples when you see them. In flower they throw purple, orange, yellow and green leaves. Supposed to be quite a sight! You can guess at them by looking at the stems, those will be purple.

As I’m watching my green about now in mid-flower I can’t wait to see what yours do. I have a pack of these in the fridge for the next round. Right now I have all I can keep up with 5 other strains.


Couple of females coming along in flower and another male that made its last pollination a couple days back. Male has a bit of color to the stamens and a really rich perfume/incense type smell that doesn’t match how ratty a little plant it is in this 2 gal pot.


That is what is so fun with these. We have heard how great they are for years but never got a chance to find out for ourselves. Now its up! Your male looks awesome. Your females are ahead of mine by at least several weeks. Plumping up!

Looking forward to watching these.


This is great to see. Thanks for doing this. I will soon be running Big Sur Nigerian x A1 Artifact which is supposed to be a parent of the BSHW possibly from as long ago as the 1950’s. You may also be interested in the Delores Kagyu is currently growing on his IG.


So high desert have you grown it before? What did you think about it. I’ve never seen a completed grow of bshw that I’m aware of only hybrids. Doesnt look at all like an out of control sativa.

Plants look good out in the red landscapes. I know you never have to worry about mold or harvesting too early out there. That male sounds good with the incense smell. Did you collect any pollen from him to keep?

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Was just out looking over them and looks like 3 of the females will be at least 2 weeks or more ahead of the others. I’m already looking forward to running the next generation of plants to see what comes through. What latitude are you? We’re @ 32ish so days are way shorter already than further off the equator


:joy:take a look in the comments. Been watching that Dolores as well as the Colombian red waiting for him to release them

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