Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Really enjoying following along! It warms my heart to see someone else using this PA fallponics rig with such great results. Particularly nice due to the disciplined documentation. Makes my wanna unmothball mine and try autos in there too. They grow some hedges!


Thanks, @Jpaul ! We’re definitely learning this run. It’s been a great test of what we’ve got under our belt so far. Appreciate the kind words.

Yeah. :sweat_smile: Noticed last few weeks that might get confusing to newer folks dropping in, or get tedious for scrolling up to see what it was we were running this round. Our in-house serialization is certainly unique. Hahah

Saw you had a few of these going this season, too, @Hashpants ? Can’t wait to see what you pull out of em with a much more skilled hand and the sun to back you! Good luck, bro! :four_leaf_clover:

Thanks again, @BudLarfy ! Glad to renew the interest. It really is such an nice little system. And yeah- hahah. If you ever need an instant jungle, just add water- it’s like ACME in the old WB cartoons… Hahaha

Hope all’s well for yours! Thanks for dropping by and

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


I’ve been following, but I’m following Alot of threads ,haa haa. Here’s a recent picture with Scarlet Grapes on the outside (3 total).! Sun is doing the growing.20240424_141454|375x500


Good Morning, OG!
Been a busy first few days of vacation around here, even with some built in R&R strictly enforced by @JustTieflingThings . Mostly preparing for projects down the road, really, but certainly got some coming up overdue on the list.

The girls in the back of the tent are starting to ripen, and along with it, we’re definitely getting to know that HEAVY grape/cherry syrup smell. Scarlet Grapes is accurate. Hell, the first time I caught a good whiff of it, I couldn’t help but laugh, it’s that strong and dead-on. Kool-Aid left in the sun. Reduction of Jolly Rancher. All the same, not entirely sickly-sweet. We are very much looking forward to this smoke, and running a palette like that through the Cannatrol.
The front-side girls are two different stories, as #M! continues her plans for total tent domination. is hanging in there, and has a solid main cola forming, flanked by a few lowers, but we’ll be happy with whatever she crosses the finish line with. I would imagine it to be quite different from her sisters.

We picked up a Lux Meter for part of a 4/20 haul, and damned if we weren’t surprised when we ran those numbers! Using the Uni-T 383BT we tested the canopies of each plant at the main cola, with the following results:

  • #RD : 36750
  • #BS : 40830
  • #M! : 88790 (Measured again below newer growth at 26440)
  • : 35070

This gives us a much more reliable range of DLI given an 18 hour day cycle of 44-127! Most of our girls are getting double what Photone was reading, and the last, #M! grew into four-times what we were trying to push on her. Given the spread, and how late we are in the game, we’ve decided to LITFA that one until or unless they show us otherwise.

For feed this week, considering we have half a tent ripening and half a tent really blooming, we continued the mid-bloom ratio feed from last week again. We hope this allows our late bloomers to finish up without too much waste or burning our punctual plants. We plan on harvesting plant-by-plant this run, which they helped determine. We’ll start with #RD here in a couple of weeks or so, run her for an 8-day cycle, and repeat until the tent is empty.


  • :spiral_calendar: 79 Days from Seed 70 Days in RDWC plant-sites.
  • :seedling: #RD is nearing ripening, #BS is still just behind and fading more than darkening, and #M! sprawled out more. received some necessary additional lower pruning this week.
  • :flashlight: Light has not been changed this week, though we now have a UNI-T 383BT lux meter to test with, and with much more confidence in our readings, can say we are blasting these girls. As we’re this late in the game, we have decided not to change the lights for now, especially considering #M! grew into such high intensity. See above.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards. We have deviated this week, repeating last week’s feed for mid-bloom where they would have us cut back for ripening. We plan to resume the schedule next week, depending on our results this week. Feed this week at 6.3 pH 70 * F and 757 PPM or 1.5 EC
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Between both probes, Average 76.3 * F, 62.3% RH, and 1.0 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 79 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 1.2 kPa +/- 0.3) Leaf surfaces were taken at an average of ~-3 * F relative to ambient tent conditions.

LOTS of other garden-related news this week to make up for the lull and the teasers the last couple of updates- well, kind of :crazy_face: . Nothing truly taking off yet, but the storm’s brewing!

First off, Jessicat came in sneezing up a storm late last week when she dragged in a letter from @Pigeonman containing our very first pollen, collected from his Yogi F2 run. Thanks again, man! We’re very excited for the possibilities that presents us with for trying our hands at chucking. :pray:

Then, in the wake of 4/20, we set out on the year’s big endeavor for the garden. Having learned so much, put so much into it and seen such great results in so many ways, we leaned on in like with the Cannatrol last year.

This “hobby” - this life, that is. This day to day, the therapy of the maintenance, the patience and care, the skills and knowledge- it’s really taken to us, and us to it. In a handful of years of planning, saving, learning, and finally growing, we’ve found a place for ourselves in our garden.

We’ve gotten in touch with great people across the world who share that passion. We’ve been able to provide for ourselves and those we love, to ease their pain, and to teach them about the plant. Sorry for getting all sentimental, but damned if it hasn’t made a huge impact on me for the better finally putting all of this to practice. So, we decided it was just about time to prepare for the next big step, and did this:

:man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:
Jessicat was very tired afterwards.

I’m sure I’ll be dropping another update this week with some more details, but for now, there’s plenty of projects to get to that have been waiting for vacation to get done. As always, thanks for dropping by and following along, and all the encouragement and kind words, advice and helpful tips.


Stay Up


Somebody has some drafting skills…
…that’s becoming a lost art nowadays… :wink: :+1:

That’s a good unit. It can be a surprise when you get good instrumentation… (it surprised me too… :smile:)



great minds think alike. I use the ppfd app. That I heard about on migro YT channel. App converts Lux to ppfd



…Damn. Vacation’s over in the blink of an eye, eh? Never enough time, but @JustTieflingThings and I are sure grateful for what we get of it! Gotta get a chance to run.

Back to work tonight, but not all is for lost. We had a great week and a half or so, and got plenty done around here. Unfortunately, not too much in the way of pictures this round, but woo-weee, those girls are looking sparkly. :gem:

Don’t mind the mess in there… :sweat_smile: It only looks like a jungle.
We’ll get the hang of exactly how much biomass this system throws our way and staying on top of it early soon enough. Definitely walking away from this grow with a much less discerning hand on what to leave and what to take early on.

The girls have all been developing well, with the early girls really fattening up and icing over. #BS is giving us a bit more of a fade than #RD. I worked #RD over again early this week, hoping for some last days of solid light for the lowers and sides. Well, those not shaded by #M!, anyway. She has continued toward total tent domination, and the stalks that shot above everything else most recently are stacking well, despite being blasted with light.

The feed this week resumed the General Hydroponics schedule, moving into ripening, to start starving the girls out toward the finish line. We plan on harvesting #RD and #BS at the end of this week, filling the Cannatrol, and letting the remaining plants finish out. This will put our early girls at ~90 days from seed. We’ll let that dry and cure, and hopefully be set to chop the next round by the following week. With a chance to get out of the city comin’ up we’ve gotta take, it’ll work that way, or be a matter of allowing a week of “flush”, delaying the second round of harvest until the 26th. We typically don’t “flush,” but may need to give the girls that last week to really give them a chance. I’m sure a lot of what we’re seeing/planning will be played by ear based on what happens when half the tent opens up and #M! and spread out. :man_shrugging:


  • :spiral_calendar: 86 Days from Seed 77 Days in RDWC plant-sites.
  • :seedling: We plan on harvesting #RD and #BS on Sunday, which will be at day 90 from seed. The late girls, and #M! will be left to turn the corner and ripen.
  • :flashlight: Light has not been changed this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards. We have resumed the usual schedule this week for ripening, reducing base nutrients. Feed this week currently at 6.3 pH 70 * F and 640 PPM or 0.93 EC
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Between both probes, Average 78 * F, 64.7% RH, and 0.95 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 79 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 1.2 kPa +/- 0.3) Leaf surfaces were taken at an average of ~-3 * F relative to ambient tent conditions.

In other garden related news, Jessicat dragged in a bubble-mailer and a letter just a couple days ago, and inside we were thankful to find the 2024 Overgrow Spring Co-op Box (*Including: Gummo, Yogi, Brawndo, Super Lemon Haze, Strawberry Diesel X Space Dude, and Sweet and Sour Cindy + Collector Card) and a puck of @DougDawson 's Paonia Purple Paralyzer. All exciting additions to our little bean-vault, and we are grateful to all those involved in the projects that brought them (eventually) to our garden.

No moves on the expansion yet, other than organizing and storing everything, but it sounds like both of us are pretty excited about getting it rolling. Just a few things to wrap up and projects to work out first, but ain’t that always the case. Depending on this round’s harvest, we should be able to knock out some of those pre-requisites before we start the next. I gotta get that damn carpet outta there before it gives me a heart attack on sheer principle.

That’ll do for this week, and we appreciate y’all stopping by and checking in. As always, thanks for all the kind words, advice, conversation, following along, and encouragement. Next week’s update should be plenty more exciting.

Stay up


As always… On point CD! Love the root ball on em :call_me_hand: wild!
And the terps 🫨🫨🫨
Do y’all ever do bubble hash or drink ice?
I’d like to get some hash plant and make a hole boat load.
I’ve done dryice, it wasn’t bad at all. But gonna try bubble after my current flower run is done.
Hope you and the fam have a great weekend.
Rain says “woof” to Jessicat :wink:


Thanks, bro! …still feeling a little out there on a limb with these autos, but nothing ventured nothing gained!
We’ve done a couple of bubble hash runs, with some success the second time around (thanks to @JoeCrowe 's Drills and Shadows tec) but haven’t looked into dry ice at all. I’ll have to see what’s up there. We haven’t washed any of our last run yet, though. Still got some fresh frozen if it strikes us to toss it in with something else down the road.
Have you smoked much bubble in general? If yas have, how does the dry ice product compare?
Jessicat would definitely be hiding under the bed from that Rain! :joy: Glad to hear she’s feeling better! All the best to you and yours
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Sry, Rain didn’t clarify. Thats a friendly woof howl she give to all her friends :call_me_hand:
I’ve never made bubble but have tried some from @THCeed and it was nice.
I’ve only done dry ice once, its much easier Imo then several wahes and waiting. But it comes out very dry.
Left it for 3 months to cure, but it still crumbled when I went to break it up. Still smoked great, just added to our doobies. We call that a jazzy Jeff joint :joy:

Put the bud in a bucket with dry ice. Shake well, put a whatever micron bag over the bucket, flip n shake till green comes out. Nice n easy :+1:


Hey, there!
Fancy meeting you fine folks here. Hope y’all are doing well. Not much time to sit and chat this week, and plenty to report, so I’ll get at it!

The week flew by, with @JustTieflingThings staying on top of some heavy downward pH swings, and our getting back into the rhythm of the work week grind. As far as the garden was concerned, we mostly worked to prepare for the end of my week, when the real work could start-

At 90 Days from seed, and looking plenty ripe for our liking, our first round of Scarlet Grapes Auto F2 Fems were harvested as scheduled Sunday. Both #RD and #BS were harvested entirely.

We took #RD first, being the ripest of the two. Working up the plant, we wet trimmed and bucked to prepare the bud for the Cannatrol. As opposed to previous runs, we loosened up on our manicuring. This drastically saved us time and labor, and works fine for us- bag appeal isn’t something we’re going for. That’s not to say we couldn’t help ourselves on some of the larger buds and main colas- some things are worth that extra effort, and so far, these girls fit the bill.

Over the course of our 13 hour work period, the smell was definitely grape heavy, with a bit of cherry and citrus undertones. The nose isn’t overpowering at all, but was a constant, pleasant level all through the trim. The buds are dense, with a low leaf-to-calyx ratio. Even the lowest on #RD matured fairly well, with almost no training, and mid-level pruning and defoliation.
#BS, which was allowed to grow much more naturally, did give us a higher amount of larf, but also yielded more overall. While this may seem to support a case for not defoliating or training, we do not believe so, based on many other factors shown through out the trial. We only plan on getting heavier-handed with the training and plucking.


  • #RD 349g Wet (+80g lowers)
  • #BS 373g Wet (+215g lowers)

910g into the Cannatrol, 140g lowers fresh frozen
Estimated dried yield of 182g

As we worked, unfortunately, #M! finally felt the fullness of her own weight, and … well. She didn’t even fall so much as she opened. Total tent domination has finally been achieved, her life long quest at an end. :woman_mage: :tent: :black_flag:

We hurried mid-chop-n-trim to string her up, and she’s holding in there to inch across the finish line late next week, at around Day 103 from seed. @JustTieflingThings will be heading up that chop, clearing out the tent for this round.

Looking forward to getting the smoke report and a final total together on this one, it’s definitely been fun and we’ve learned a lot. I’ll keep y’all updated, but that last report may not come for a couple weeks from now.

Until then, thank you again @blowdout2269 for the chance to grow these out, and @Going2fast for the excellent work on the line.


  • :spiral_calendar: 93 Days from Seed 84 Days in RDWC plant-sites. #RD and #BS Harvested at Day 90 from Seed.
  • :seedling: Harvest of half the tent went very well, though without the crowding, #M! fell open/over. With some quick work, we managed to support all the main branches, and only lost one lower branch.
  • :flashlight: Light has not been changed this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards. We have resumed the usual schedule this week for ripening, reducing base nutrients and removing additives. Feed this week currently at 6.4 pH 70 * F and 521 PPM or 0.77 EC
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Between both probes, Average 77.7 * F, 64.7% RH, and 0.98 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 79 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 1.2 kPa +/- 0.3) Humidity has been a bit of a fight, with us leaving the top of the doors open for extra ventilation and a few points.

And, thank you! As always, it’s greatly appreciated that you stopped in. Whatever this week holds for you, make the best of it. You got this.

Stay up


Excellent job. Thank you for the report.


HEY, Everybody! It’s WEDNES-

…wait a minute…

Aw, hell.
Well, happy Thursday this round, y’all!
@JustTieflingThings and I spent most of our weekend in the woods of a lovely state park, relaxing near a stream, with my old man and the BILLIONS OF LEGIONS OF BROOD XIX. It was a great time, and exactly what we needed to kick off the season. I know I couldn’t have asked for a better week/end!

…Not to mention, she had just crushed the last of harvest! Working with a trusted friend through my shift, she managed to get us ready to go by taking down the last two plants, bucking and wet-trimming so we could fill the Cannatrol before taking off on the trip. I gotta say, I’m proud as hell of her, being our first time working the plants in a big way like that without the other partner there. I’m damned lucky to have her backing me and all of this up.


#M! 863g Wet
201g Wet
(+277g combined lowers)

1,025g into the Cannatrol, 316g lowers and bud fresh frozen
Estimated dried yield of 205g

181g Dried (Estimated total dried yield: 386g)
456g Frozen

When we left, we rigged a bucket and vinyl hose to bypass the drip-tray exhaust on the Cannatrol. We’ve read of this modification working out well for others, and in the short time we had between loading the machine and getting the hell out of Dodge, it seemed like the line was feeding well.
We definitely should have checked that for longer, it turned out, and when we got back home, found that the Cannatrol hadn’t been able to exhaust properly through the line. The condensation pulled from the bud all ended up in the bottom of the machine, which then slowly spilled out through the seal, onto the table we keep the unit on. :no_mouth: :expressionless: :grimacing: :astonished: :scream: Luckily, all the cordage has dips, none of the electronics of the machine got wet, and over all, the only damage was an old end table soaking up some delicious-smelling bud-water - none even made it to the floor. We may need to run this cycle again to hit the desired dry, as the humidity in the unit was high. Then again, the thing still had a rock-solid Dew-Point, so we’ll see.

We’ll be working out the obvious problems we had with that modification, though, and trying it again. It would be nice to only have to drain once during the dry, and of course- have the peace of mind we intended to have when we took off this time, next time we should happen to be drawn away from the action when there’s a fresh load running.

That about does it for this late-edition of the Chronicles, and next week should be the wrap up and final smoke report on Scarlet Grapes F2 Auto Fem: our first autos, fourth grow, and second log.

Sorry no pictures this round, but thanks for following along, and all the encouragement that comes with it. All the best to you and yours this week, and whatever you’re facing- you’ve got this.

Stay up


Hey, there, neighbor!
It’s Weedsnesday again, and I hope it finds you well and making the best day that you can of it. Back to work tonight, and a bit of an injury had me laid up for too damn long this week/end. All’s well that ends well, though.

We’ve cleared out the plant-sites and @JustTieflingThings handled the tedious
job of cutting roots out of net-pots, managing to save all four in their entirety this run. I’ve gotten started on the nitty-gritty of cleaning out the tent and gear. We’ve got designs on what to put in the 4x4 next, but there might be a bit of a delay to this run. Not sure if it means there’ll be enough time to tear out that damn carpet, yet, but maybe.

Otherwise, we’ve been over our clean-up and flip here, so I won’t bore y’all with those details, and there’s still the final totals to get to:


  • #RD 349g Wet (+80g lowers)
  • #BS 373g Wet (+215g lowers)

910g into the Cannatrol, 140g lowers fresh frozen
Estimated dried yield of 182g:arrow_right: 181g Dried

#M! 863g Wet
201g Wet
(+277g combined lowers)

1,025g into the Cannatrol, 316g lowers and bud fresh frozen
Estimated dried yield of 205g:arrow_right: 252g Dried

433g Dried (24.7% of Wet Weight)
456g Fresh Frozen

Bred by: @Going2fast
F2 and Courtesy of: @blowdout2269

As it stands, for comparisons sake, we are curing and storing the first harvest in Grove Bags at room temp after a 4/4 Cannatrol Dry and Cure, and keeping the second pull in the machine to continue curing there. As mentioned, we went messier with the trim this time. We don’t need bag appeal.

We definitely agree with others who have mentioned that this is a prime nighttime smoke- it is great for unwinding after a day, and has some hard hitting sedative and pain relief effects. A welcome addition to the head stash, we’ll be reaching for this one when insomnia is a problem. The taste is there, with grape lingering on the exhale, not to be over powered by a sweeter, darker note. Nice, long high, it starts mellow enough with enough pain and anxiety relief to allow for some great laughs before buckling into a few lost hours or a damn good, dreamless rest.

At just under 14 ounces on our fourth run, I’d say they’re a beginner friendly grow, not too picky at all from what we saw, aside from our surprise at how little food autos can typical ride with in general, and seem like they’d make prime candidates for a lot more handsy tec than we applied this time around. We seemed to notice very little phenotypical variance outside what has been seen, and saw absolutely no intersex traits. 3/4 were very similar in almost all aspects, with one expressing a shorter overall structure, lighter color, and narrower leaf morphology. Were we to run her again, we’d train heavily, defoliate and prune at least as much as #RD, and possibly run them even longer.

Thank you for the opportunity to grow and enjoy them, and for following along.

In other garden related news, Jessicat was busy last night, and dragged in a couple of letters. One from @Cannabiscrusader with a great drawring of Spooky Sassy and flip of Red Eye Jedi F2, and another courtesy of @BudWhisperer and @BackyardBoogie420 , results of Boogie’s Black Lotus F2 preservation run. Thank you all so much for the chance to grow and experience such great genetics, and all the more for the care and love for the community y’all show. Gotta get a frame going to collage all these little doodles and some of the awesome slaps and such.

…the garden being silent is real damn eerie, anymore. Even Jessicat agrees. We’ll get this show back on the road again soon. Until then, thanks again for dropping by, and here’s to kicking this week’s ass- however that comes at you this round.

Stay up


Looking spiffy in here! I always trim loose like that. Around where I live, I’m known as the Adirondack Sugarman. I leave some sugar leaves on for marketing and make the bags way heavy! 5 guys fries style



Thank you for the love @Coffin_Dodger. Awesome smoke report.


Great run CD :ok_hand:Y’all got this dialed in like champs!
Thoes roots look like Santa’s beard after a long night of dropping off presents :santa:
Have you thought about making some cbd cream with them?
Very interesting smoke report on the Scarlet Grape. That good eh?
Might have to fit em in soon.
Thx for the wicked update :call_me_hand:
Hope you didn’t hurt yourself to bad, fun getting old eh?


…you can process roots for CBD?! :exploding_head: No, never even heard of it. Thanks for another great tip, @LzBoy :metal:

I’m hanging in there, thanks, man. Reckon it was just a pissy nerve in my back- nothin a day and a half of light duty and rest couldn’t see me through, mostly.

And yeah! Scarlet Grapes is definitely worth running if you have the space! I bet you could knock it out with some heavier training. Any thoughts to autos fitting into your new grind house grow, or are you sticking to photos for the foreseeable future?

Thanks for dropping by, man. Always a pleasure.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


I believe so… @THCeed is the expert on it.
I know it takes quite alot to make. But thoes roots look so dam good. :ok_hand: