Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Heyhey, everybody!
What a weekend. It was a rush to get things done and stay on top of it all, but we managed, and we’re looking at less than a week until the tent is all hollowed out and empty again, ready for cleaning and our first run of autos!
Damned if it hasn’t been a crazy winter weather-wise so far, but we’re plenty stocked up and ready for what comes, now! Grab something warm and stay a bit, there’s some pretty flowers around here.

Half way through my work week, we pulled a small sample of the DSCBD we harvested 4 days before, at the end of the “Dry” cycle mode of the Cannatrol run. So we’ll start with an early smoke report.
We were thoroughly impressed with the flower, in all aspects. @JustTieflingThings deals with a lot of chronic pain which causes her to experience a sort of “break-even” point when partaking. What is plenty for most will ease her pain enough, but for her to get a really good head buzz going either takes a much greater quantity, some damn special flower, or to other-wise be in a better way pain-wise before smoking. She describes the effect of Doctor Seedsman 30:1 as cutting straight through that pain-determined threshold, allowing her to better experience other strains that are cut with it.

The predominant aroma of the dried flower is pine and juniper, in a very natural, non-chemical sense, with the previously over-whelming spice-cake ginger, cardamom, and nutmeg still present, but very much reduced. There is a hint of fuel smell, but over all, a very festive sensory experience through growth and into smoke. The current batch is taken from both plants indiscriminately. We will be able to make a comparison of the two plants after the next Cannatrol run finishes.
My experience is a very mellow, non-sedative, and immediate pain relief of most aches and soreness, with a slight tingling, energetic layer to a completely body-focused effect. Very physically medicinal. Breaking it up is very nice, the buds are tight, but not concrete. We saw a return after drying of roughly 24%, yielding 58.5 dry grams after putting 229 wet grams in. Not bad at all.

We started the weekend’s work welcoming JTT’S cousin to stay for the night. Although not much of a smoker, she was excited at the prospect of seeing the harvest, and happy to help trim and buck for the Cannatrol, and we were damn glad for the extra set of hands. Turned out to be a natural at that! First, we cleared out the DSCBD into a 1/4 pound Grove Bag and tossed that into the vault. Then, we started chopping again, taking the most mature colas and any more that needed support, working across the tent right to left, front to back. When it was all said and done, a little more than eleven hours later, we had chopped, bucked, and wet trimmed almost all of both DSCBD and Negan’s Bat #FD. We were a bit up-against the clock, wanting to keep anything remaining in the tent for the last week from having the light cycle interrupted, and it was slow going towards the goal, one kilogram, which is the recommended load for the machine. When we started in on the NB #FD that concern melted- that was some DENSE ass bud. Rock-solid golf balls and greater, that took MUCH less trim-work than the DSCBD. Along the way, we saved plenty of trim and lowers for fresh freezing and later processing.

In all, our second pull yielded:

  • 219 grams wet of DSCBD #PW
  • 296 grams wet of DSCBD #LG
  • 458 grams wet of NB #FD

The remainder will be coming down Monday or so. Until then, we decided not to feed this week, opting instead to amend the solution with pH balanced tap water, largely to save on nutrient costs as much as anything. NB #QT and the other survivors look none the worse for it, and we’ll be able to make lighter work of the trim, leaf stripping what remains until then.

Working the harvest in this way really wouldn’t be possible without that Cannatrol, and it doesn’t cease to amaze us how much pressure it takes off of the (arguably) most important aspects of a grow: harvest and finishing. And I damn sure wouldn’t be in any position to grow at all if it weren’t for the incomparable @JustTieflingThings - best partner to have by my side through any and everything.

It’s been a damned great run, and we’re looking very much forward to wrapping it all up next weekend.

In other news, Jessicat refused to work in the thirty-below and gusting conditions we’ve had this last week, and I sure can’t blame her. Luckily, JTT caught the post and found a letter inside from @Trae1170 , that contained a nice, FAT flip of Skunk #1 F4 bred by @BRMTreefarmer . Thank you both most sincerely for the chance to run and enjoy such fine genetics.

That about wraps us for this week, but stay tuned! This run may be nearly complete, but we’ll be back with smoke reports, yield, summaries and more at the same Bat time, same Bat thread next week! Thank you all for your continued watching, liking, feedback, discussion, and all you do around here to make it the place it is. Whatever is in your way this week? Crush it. You got this. :four_leaf_clover:

Stay up


GR8 write up @Coffin_Dodger, very well done. WTG on the nice yields from your grow! :facepunch::wink::+1::partying_face::blush::tada::zap::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Very nice and very detailed and thorough as always. Nicely done :facepunch:t2:


Dude! I can’t wait to see you run these, colas are going to be huge! May even need some yo-yo’s.


cool that you’re seeing some positive results with the dr.seedsman.
i was curious about that one. it’s sold out quite frequently so must be doing something right.

your garden looks quite impressive. well done.


Right on CD! Congrats on the grow, them root ballz :heart_eyes: fabulous!
Great write up as usual :green_heart:
I think I’m going to have to get all the fixings for a home made cana control, for curing to help speed up things :+1:
Lotsa luck with the auto run, but you 2 won’t need it :hugs:
Peace out growchacho!


My lil cousin isn’t a smoker ANYMORE, but she appreciates the focus and preparedness our set up demonstrates and knows what trimmed flowers are supposed to look like. We put clippers in her hands and she was at it! THEN then then, she called it a Feast Day, and hoped she could be a part of the next one.

I cannot overstate the good this did for me. I cannot overstate how grateful I am to this forum too. @Coffin_Dodger and I have learned SOSOSO much and felt supported and encouraged. My dudes, this plant… I could get on my soft-science-shit about how its cultivation alone cultivates community but I think the people here all have lived experience of that. I could get on my ooo-woo-shit about the same but I don’t want to be mistaken for a crystal-mama.

I’ll stop gushing, smoke some more of this giggly strain we’re working on with some Dr Seedsman, play a creepy video game and sit in the glow.
Y’all do whatever your version of that is, and as always


Heyhey, everybody! Hope y’all are stayin warm and well out there. Been a hell of a weekend, but we managed to get through the last round of our staggered harvest on top of getting all the life-stuff handled. By our running total and estimates, we should be at about one pound of dried, cured smoke by this time next week, with about as much in larf and lowers fresh frozen for processing, and about twice as much again in trim and sugar leaf.
It was a damn good run, and we’re stoked to give up all the details and wrap up this round before starting in on the Year of Autos. Unfortunately, I’m all out of free-time for the week, so that’ll have to be all for now, but check back next week for all the results, totals, and the start of flipping the room for our next run- Scarlet Grapes F2.
Until next time!

Stay up


Aw, hell. Y’all caught me cleaning.
Don’t mind the mess and come on in outta the wet- The weather’s been crazy around here, and I sure hope it’s holding up where ever you are.

We’ve been working hard this week to get a bunch of projects wrapped up and finalized, and using what spare time we could this week/end to get the lung room, tent, and equipment cleaned, sanitized, re-arranged, and ready to run again.
All the while, the last wet kilo has been drying and curing, with about one day now until we can clear that out, bag up and log what’s in it, and finalize our totals for the run. We’ve also been plenty well enjoying the fruits of our labors, with plenty of fine smoke in our quickly-filling stash and plenty of material yet to be processed. We’re very happy with the yield!

(DSCBD30:1 #PW)
Third Grow Running Totals:

  • First Harvest:
    229 Wet Grams of Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 #LG and #PW (previously mislabeled by me as #FW) :arrow_right: 55 Dry Grams, 24% Yield

  • Second Harvest:
    442 (458) Wet Grams of Negan’s Bat #FD (Plus 16 Wet Grams of Lowers) :arrow_right: 54 Dry Grams
    296 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #LG :arrow_right: 64 Dry Grams
    219 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #PW :arrow_right: 52 Dry Grams
    Average of 20.24% Yield, Including 6 Grams of finished lowers

  • Third Harvest:
    508 Wet Grams of NB #QT :arrow_right: :question:
    289 Wet Grams of NB #FD :arrow_right: :question:
    64 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #LG :arrow_right: :question:
    89 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #PW :arrow_right: :question:
    Estimated Dry Yield: 208 Dry Grams

In addition, fresh frozen for processing there is:
47 g NB #QT
81 g NB #FD
132 g DSCBD 30:1 #PW
213 g DSCBD 30:1 #LG
Plus more than a pound and a half of fresh-frozen greens

In all, we stand to see about 15.5 Dry Ounces (~433g) of great bud to squirrel away.

(Negan’s Bat #FD, Early Crop)
As a teaser for the final smoke reports still yet to come, I can say that while she is still loving the high-CBD bud being around, @JustTieflingThings ’ initial reaction to the Negan’s Bat #FD upon sampling it was that she flatly refuses to share. The high is heady- driven without being racy. It is excellent for daytime smoking, whether hanging out, or preparing to get some sh!t done. It is freely creative feeling, and great for stress relief after work as well. Coupled with an even amount of DSCBD, both the taste and effect are greatly complimented.

…and check out those hollow branches, @Rhai88 ! Both plants exhibited that trait.

We are cruising through the reset, and should be well on track to germinate within the next 14 days. Alongside the Scarlet Grape F2’s we hope to be running some Arugula and Red Leaf.

Thanks for checking in, as always, and all the best in all you may have going on this week. Don’t let the bastards grind you down!

Stay up


Yup, same here. I’ve grown DSCBD out 3 or 4 times, always the same.



Heyhey, y’all!

Damn. Another weekend gone, eh? Got pretty busy around here working on other projects, but the garden is just about ready to go for the next run, and we’re about excited ass hell to get started in the world of autos. Those of you running them sure make it look like a wild ride, and we’re stoked to jump in.

All things in their time, though, eh? And it wouldn’t be right to start the next grow with out having properly closed the book on this one. So here they are, without further ado, Final reports for grow 3:

Third Grow Final Totals:

  • First Harvest:
    229 Wet Grams of Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 #LG and #PW (previously mislabeled by me as #FW) :arrow_right: 55 Dry Grams, 24% Yield
  • Second Harvest:
    442 (458) Wet Grams of Negan’s Bat #FD (Plus 16 Wet Grams of Lowers) :arrow_right: 54 Dry Grams
    296 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #LG :arrow_right: 64 Dry Grams
    219 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #PW :arrow_right: 52 Dry Grams
    Average of 20.24% Yield, Including 6 Grams of finished lowers
  • Third Harvest:
    508 Wet Grams of NB #QT :arrow_right: 103 Dry Grams
    289 Wet Grams of NB #FD :arrow_right: 52 Dry Grams
    64 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #LG :arrow_right: 14 Dry Grams
    89 Wet Grams of DSCBD 30:1 #PW :arrow_right: 19 Dry Grams
    Dry Yield: 188 Dry Grams

In addition, fresh frozen for processing there is:
47 g NB #QT
81 g NB #FD
132 g DSCBD 30:1 #PW
213 g DSCBD 30:1 #LG
Plus more than a pound and a half of fresh-frozen greens, and about a pound of trim brown-bag dried for dry sift.

Plant Totals, Over All, Dried (Plus Fresh Frozen):

  • NB #QT 103 g (150g)
  • NB #FD 106 g (187g)
  • DSCBD 30:1 #LG 133 g (246g)
  • DSCBD 30:1 #PW 71 g (174g)

Grow Total Yield: 413g (757g)
Time From Seed: 125 days (40 days of vegetation, 71 days of 12/12 [harvested through the last three weeks])

Smoke report:

Negan’s Bat (Ryknows Selections [Tombstone F2 X BamBam], photo, regular) Courtesy of @Rhai88 and @SkunkIE
Two Plants, Two Phenos. 100% germination, zero expression of hermaphrodite traits. 3 seeds germinated, one seedling culled. Both were topped once. Both were short, extremely bushy, tight, massive fan leaves with deep, slightly rounded serration. Quite “broad leafed.” Dark foliage. Slow vertical growth. Happy with medium GH feed schedule, though it could possibly have been tailored to reduce N, as the leaves were a bit shiny. An easy grow, they took well to steering with LST and scrogging, and would benefit from an extended vegetative period and more topping for a sea of dense, stacked colas. Both exhibited very low, “dark”, earthy and savory stem rubs through vegetation, and are very spicy greens. Both had branches nearly as thick as the meristems, and were hollow through out. Even lowers all the way to the meristem will fatten up well, considering their position, if allowed. Fully “top-shelf” mature bud was present 7 or 8 nodes down on both plants. We intend to grow these again soon.

Notable growth traits: Shorter, more green, EXTREMELY dense. Very little stretch. (~.5x or less) Showed sex before flip.

While the nose of the flower matured from the savory end to sweet, the over-all taste when vaped maintains a fresh mushroom earthiness that compliments the sweet tones which developed into a spiced citrus much more on the lime than lemon side of things. The flowers are very dense, but easy to break up, not overly-oily or sticky. The effect is a calming, though driving experience. While the body relaxes into a high which is not heavy-handed nor jittery, the mind is readied to find something to do and enjoy- be it cleaning the house, or heading into the world. A great “anytime smoke” as much as one to come home to after a long day.

Notable growth traits: Taller, though still probably of medium-short stature when not impeded by a scrog-style grow. Some lavender/purple tones in the mature flowers and fade. Dense. Slight Stretch. (~1.5x) Delayed sexing.

The #FD plant was the least tended to, due to its position in the tent, but had very little issue considering. She was (almost entirely) harvested a week earlier than her sister, and had gone from the savory steak-seasoned portabella and orange of the stem rubs, through into a flavor that balances an earthy, incense-like base note, with a powerful nose and higher end of artificial-fruit cereal in cream. The high is more active, as one would expect, though still very well balanced, with no jitters or amped-feeling, just an over-all enhancement of one’s own energy level. Very good for creative endeavors, or tedious, zoned-out work.

Doctor Seedsman 30:1 CBD (Seedsman, photo, feminized)
Two Plants, one pheno, 66% Germination rate, 100% survival to harvest. Both plants were extremely similar in most respects, with #PW experiencing some early issues that were corrected, but led to some differences in growth patterns. Both were topped once. Both had medium-short internodal spacing, were quite “open” in stature, and stretched quite a bit (~2-2.25x), growing in thin, vine-like stalks which took well to training, but require support for flowering, as they are quickly over powered by large, fluffy stacks of buds, themselves precariously jutting out from the branch. Although they both essentially super cropped themselves in mid flower, they were largely happy to respond to it when fixed with support afterward. While thin-branched, they were also hollow. There is a more oily than sticky quality to the resins. The over-all nose is largely of pine and juniper, which happily completes the flavor of spiced cake and gingerbread, all with the slightest orange-y citrus underneath, tying together a smoke that fits the holidays. The effect is massively body oriented, though it is not heavy in the slightest, and there is a marked euphoric effect in the totality of pain relief that it provides. This effect, coupled with such an inoffensive palette makes it an excellent combination smoke, great for filling out fat joints to end the day, or alternate with something high-THC through periods of increased pain or discomfort. Very interested in the possibilities of further processing, especially edibles, with this strain. Possible contender for a staple grow when we expand.

Expect more cured and manicured bud beauty shots from this grow next week, which I regret to not have ready today, and, with all going to plan (come hell or high water) some wet beans!

Thanks again to all of you who gave us so much to encourage and help us through this grow, and being so great a community in general. As always, we appreciate you all and every bit of discourse, encouragement, reading along, following, liking, watching, or just stopping in to say hello! Every single one of you kicks ass, and it shows just in what we build here everyday, and in all the stories of your lives otherwise. Whatever you face this week, you got this.
Stay up


Wow… just wow. What an excellent grow. Excellent reporting on the grow. You sir are unlike the majority!

I apologize, I must not have seen the tags otherwise I would have been blown away already from this information.

Excellent work from both you and @JustTieflingThings.

If you ever want any beans from me just reach out! They’ll be in the mail.


@Coffin_Dodger what a great writeup! very detailed!! it’s always fun to read your posts! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Hellz yeah @Coffin_Dodger don’t know why this thread ended up way, way down my list to check. My apologies growchacho.
Once again, an incredibly informative overview. Especially the Neggans bat.
Just doing a reset myself while the WMBK dries, and have a couple of @Rhai88 lined up with NB for sure.


I’ve mentioned I’m not good at social media, so I’m sure this is addressed somewhere on OG, but I’m having a very hard time finding an answer (or maybe just a hard time finding the answer I want :thinking::laughing:

We froze a lot of flower to process, and we have designed on making bubble hash with SOME of it. I was hoping I could make edibles and salves out of some of it too. It was frozen right off the chop, no dry or cure. Can I decarb it at a lower temp for longer? Or does it being frozen without a dry and cure compromise the heat distribution for decarboxylation?


That’s interesting, just froze some myself.
Maybe @chronix can shed some light, I know he just finished filling his capsule.



Here’s hoping, as always, that everyone is well and dry out there- It’s been one hell of a strange year for weather here already.
Valentine’s can be a bit of a drag for a lot of folks, but I hope you take heart in the community here- Valentine’s is as much a time to remember to love your growmies as anyone else.
To fit the season, and start off the week, here’s the aforementioned and promised glamor shots from this past month’s harvest! Enjoy the bud-porn, and stick around for the update.

Negan’s Bat
(Tombstone F2 X BamBam, RyKnows Selections @Rhai88 and @SkunkIE )
Fruit, Fungus, Mint, Incense

Doctor Seedsman 30:1 CBD
(Asian CBD Genetics, Seedsman Seeds)
Pine, Juniper, Spicecake

In other news Jessicat the Mail Cat dragged in a package and a couple of letters this past week, as we upgraded to Current Culture UnderCurrent Lids and net pots for our RDWC. Looks pretty classy and feels a lot more sturdy than standard lids. Snaps to fit, but doesn’t refuse to come off short of a flat-bar like the standard ones.
We also added some genetics to our little vault, with letters from @hoss8455 and @greenbeans506 , with good tidings and RIL Diesel, Roberta Sparrow Kush; Sarah CBD, Annie CBD, and Orange Lobotomy CBG, respectively. We are truly blessed to have a chance to grow such amazing genetics, and the roster is looking great! THANK YOU so much, again. Y’all OGTW

I also tapped the lids of three one gallon containers, to fit with 3" net pots and start trying our hands at Kratky Method Hydroponics.

Last and not least, the week/end saw us hit about 99% on turning down the garden for the next run, which will be the first time we have run autos. :metal: You should all know what that means: TIME TO WET THOSE BEANS. Say thankee that they’re safe, friends! And what do we have the pleasure of starting this run of our adventures alongside, other than the famous and beautiful SCARLET GRAPES F2 courtesy @blowdout2269 and @Going2fast

We’ll be dunking the whole pack, to allow for culling based on seedling vigor. We’re just about all strapped in- don’t worry about finding a seat, you’ll only need-

Until next week, thanks again for dropping by, and any encouragement, tips and tricks, positive vibes, constructive feedback, or simple conversation. Y’all kick ass, and we’re glad to have you along for the ride. Now, go destroy a goal. Today is yours, and tomorrow’s unwritten.

Stay up




DAMN! * Salve round TWO!* @JustTieflingThings whipped up her second batch, with about a half-ounce of DSCBD 30:1, 1 1/2 Cup Coconut Oil and 1/3 cup Beeswax with Tea Tree oil as fragrance. :star_struck: I’ll let her give more details if she sees fit, but so far it has proven EFFECTIVE. We’re happy to have plenty to play with and find a solid dose for her needs, and to gift to folks we love. Again, from all us here at the Dodger home, Happy Valentine’s, and have a great week
Stay up


Damn, that’s an old package! :laughing:
Dropping the whole thing, huh?
Best of luck my friend!

Whats the germ method, pot size?
You doing Kratky on these?

G2f is an auto guru. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
If you got questions, he’s your man.

Unless you stunt some, I bet you’re gonna have a buncha larger plants on your hands! :crazy_face: