Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

Id dig out dirt rather than lifting plant. Also support/lift those low branches to separate from soil.


Tonight at lights on (7pm mountain time) I’ll be diving in and seeing what I can do. I didn’t even think of digging out as I wasn’t sure if I’d be disrupting roots. Updates to come!

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Be gentle. Was this a pretty recent transplant?


Not at all. It’s been in its pot since the solo cup. I’m most likely going to do more along the lines of lollipoping — maybe I’ll mainline this one at some slightly higher nodes.

Didn’t end up doing much other than taking a few small fan leaves from the very bottom of the GDP jungle. It seems to be handling the situation like a champ.

All in all just watered a few plants and otherwise let the rest be as they still were moist on the bottom of the pots. Letting them dry more before watering so I’m not watering too often. The others enjoyed a drink of plain distilled.

There are definitely a few leaves and things on a couple of the plants that aren’t perfect (oy!). I’ll be watching those spots going forward. One with a few small spots on two leaves. Two (including the one with the spots) with some yellowing tips. Nothing awful (hopefully) but paying attention to the plants!

Soaking rock wool now and getting ready to top them in a day or two and take some clones.

The tent, becoming more of a jungle by the day:

Plant with the leaf stuff going on:

A happier plant:

I am wiped out — work taking the best of me today. Playing around with a GoPro in the tent as well, still need to dial in the color and whatnot but hoping to be able to make some videos.

Edit: moved the camera and connected it to a power source, changed color profile to flat — might be getting somewhere here!

I wonder if the leaf stuff was just some water that got on a leaf and the light burned it? Anywho. Learning in any case.

More organized post with individual plant updates next time.


How are you checking to see if the plants need water, just lifting the pot?

Beautiful jungle you got there!
You’re a real natural my brother :potted_plant:


Thank you :). I’m lifting the pots and also using a moisture meter that I stick in and test at surface, mid level, and all the way down.

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My stoned ass had the lights up to 75%. Bad. Bad plant dad.

Dropped them to 60%. Will take PPFD readings when I’m home.

In tent GoPro shot (a work in progress):


Two of the autos and a few of the other plants were thirsty according to the meter.

Way over soaked the rock wool and am going to delay topping slightly as I think I want the sixth nodes to be grown out first — and it gives me another day to read some things. You should have seen me when I pulled the cube out from a 24hr soak and squeezed it — watching it fall apart before my eyes. fuck me, this can’t be right

The basic plan is to top them, possibly do some defoliation/lollipopping, and clone the tops.

How much top do I want to clone? One node? Two? Or do I just want to take cuttings instead of a top for cloning and then top and discard the tops? Overthinking. I want to learn how to clone so soon I’ll probably try a little of everything.

Otherwise with the lights dialed down most things are okay. I forgot how I moved one of the autos and it damn near fell over, an issue in my transplanting I think as there was a bit of a pocket. Well, now it’s kind of trained itself sideways so not all is lost!

Hanging in there!

Next up is cloning / cleaning up.

Figuring out when to flip — definitely not for a few weeks yet I imagine — especially with the topping and some LST to come.


I took cuttings, cleaned them up, took a fresh razor blade, cleaned and disinfected it, took a layer of the outer fiber off the stem, dipped into clonex, and put into damp soil with cup on top as humi dome. Roots in 8 days +-. Wet the leaves once daily.

That’s what I did!
I know taking the top is ideal because of all the hormones.

I’d want to take something that was a few inches long.

One thing I learned quickly is the fresh cut wants little light! Too much and it’ll try and grow, turning the leaves yellow.
I gave mine maybe
75-100ppfd until roots


Love that you went right into soil. I’ll be honest that the rock wool just feels not quite right. Soil sounds like a happier home. Dually noted on the lights though!

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The idea of having to buy a whole bunch of stuff to clone was a big turn off for me.
Just needed soil, rooting hormone, and a humi dome of some kind.
I’m sure you could just use some coco but then you’d need to feed, which I read it’s best to use bloom fert for clones. High phosphorus.

Like you, I have so much going on outside of gardening that I really needed the set it and forget it route.
Just needed to spray the leaves once a day until I saw roots.

It’s seems more intimidating than it is, the plant wants to thrive!


I’m all for the soil.

I’ll probably try out a rock wool cube or two just for funzies but honestly I don’t like the feel of them. They also seem to last forever. Not a fan of that either!

Watered the Maui yesterday a bit more than a half gallon.

Am I seeing male bits?


I don’t see male bits but those definitely look seeded to me. :smiling_face_with_tear: I’d check around the lowers to see what you find.


Those bracts look pretty swollen buddy. Pregnant even.

Edit: just found a pretty ripe bean on a beautiful plant outside. Life finds a way. Hard to see all angles in that net. Light leaks? Acceptance is easier once you know why it happened.
Grow on


It came from a bag-seed which makes me suspect it came from a hermie — if that logic tracks. I was hopeful! It was and always will be my first cannabis plant, lol.

Tent seems pretty sealed up light leak wise — it’s possible I guess but I did get zipped up in there by the roomie and it was dark dark.

Soooooo — steps to proceed?

Risk to other plants? (Pollen?)
Should it get chopped early?
Assuming it is a hermie (and unknown source genetics to boot) — the seeds would also be hermie genetics and thus useless, right?

Learning! I’ll take some more pictures here shortly.

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Thats the only flower tent? Let her finish. Look daily for nanners or male flowers. I would feed any seeds from it to the worms.


Sorry for the photo dump there — just trying to give angles.

So it would be okay to let it keep going? It’s the only plant in flower and only plant in that tent. I do have a veg tent in the other room though.

What…are those growing? Pollen sacs? Or are they seeds from already pollinated buds? Trying to wrap my head around how hermie genetics work if this was grown from a hermied flower bag seed.


We can’t really tell from these angles. It’s seeded though. The male flowers will be where the pre flowers are normally.



Here are two more lower shots, but I feel like I already know the news now :/. So it goes! Thank you folks. I appreciate the help!

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