Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

This happened with my Gold Leaf I grew earlier this year. At first, I was super upset. Then realized I should have feminized seeds on my hands now. All part of the learning experience! After that happened to me I ALWAYS look for anthers, even well into flowering.


On my second ever grow, my girl must have hermed because i found like 40 seeds in the bud. Decided to try them out (since the weed was decent, i had no other seeds to play with, and hey free fems) and 3 out of 3 no herm zero seeds :man_shrugging:

Musta been the torture of my growing style that run lol

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I appreciate all the replies! I’ll be updating soon on the Maui plant – glad nothing else is in flower.

I’m playing with some video work in the 4x4 – this was taken with a GoPro 12 with Max Lens Mod taking a photo once a minute. Probably upping this to once every 5 minutes as a start. 3 days was 50GB raw data, lol. Also, forgive no timestamp – working on this as well.

(I also want to take some time to look at Tampermonkey with the site in regards to the emojis but need to keep that on the ToDo list for the moment.)

If you’re interested in the time-lapse for the last three days (a work in progress), click through – hosting should work but is the free plan so is limited bandwidth:

It’s wild to see the plant droop and then perk allllll the way up before going back to rest.


Hey y’all! I hope all is well out there in OG-land and in your worlds.

I’ve had a stupidly busy week but feel good about some hard work and am ready for some cannabis! inhales In OG-land, @LemonadeJoe and @CocoaCoir nailed a Tampermonkey project before I could even get to it. I feel bad that I didn’t really do much! Pretty awesome though that the community came together that fast for something small like that. :heart: I’ll have to give it a go and see if I can add anything – but they beat me to it!

Without further ado, my :poop:show of a grow – powered by caffeine and lots of cannabis. Trying here!

I worked the moisture meter and most everything got a drink tonight except for the three Do Me Fast Autos from @JohnnyPotseed. They’re cruising right along and were still a bit moist at the bottom so will let them go until tomorrow and check again!

The 4x4 :arrow_heading_down:

Ended up moving the light up higher to see if that’s what’s causing some yellow tips. Still seems plenty bright and the PPFD from Photone is hitting right around 300.

The three autos:
Do Me Fast 1 :arrow_heading_down:

Do Me Fast 2 :arrow_heading_down:

Do Me Fast 0 :arrow_heading_down:

A she that was actually a they all along – and I still haven’t found any nanners – even though there must be one somewhere – oy, lol (The Maui Wowie Bagseed Adventure)

Letting this ride for now as nothing else is in flower and it seems to be going along well? Kind of?

Now this I’m excited for! The (Triangle Kush x Guerilla Fume) x Blueberry Diesel from @Rhai88 – I’ve only popped one bean of this one…for now… What’s with the leaf shape (sheer curiosity)? Looks almost like it got choked at the tip. Got it’s first drink today. With a 1/4 tsp measuring spoon. Just littttttle bits at a time. Back to the sprouter.

I’m excited for all the things. Want to pop more beans. Somebody stop me ;). Grateful for all of y’all!


Eh it happens sometimes with seedlings… you’ll get some weird leaf morphology that’ll kick in every now and then. I had more than a couple last round popping 50+ beans. My weirdos always tend to be good plants too. lol




Everything is looking great :potted_plant::potted_plant::potted_plant:


I am the water boy. Only the purest. Finest. Highest quality h20 here!!

I love seeing them at their “noon” perk.


What % moisture are you watering at? In my humble opinion I think you’re threading the line of overwatering…

First two photos you can see the overwatering…

The only time my plants looked droopy and then would perk up, I was over watering.

I too am running ‘organics’ but still let my pots dry out, and most of what I’m feeding through veg is the soil with microbes.:microbe:

This could be why you are seeing yellow tips.
Your ppfd should be closer to 600…

The autos in the photos look how they should all look…

Everything is looking great!
But if it was my garden, I’d water a bit less…



Dually noted!! I’ll let em get a bit more dry before I water. Taking my mother out to the mountains today — but will adjust lighting and PPFD tonight!


I hope you have an amazing time with mom, brother! :purple_heart:

Before you water next, post some photos and share the numbers you’re getting from whatever tools you’re using.

Those analog moisture meters are trash unfortunately. I compared one with an electric one that cost a few bucks and the results were very different.

Your goal with lighting should be to make sure the plants on the outer most edges are getting as close to 400ppfd as possible. Obviously if you can get above without cooking the plants getting more ppfd the better.

I have tested the phontone app with their diffuser that I bought, and compared it with the par meter I purchased and again results were pretty varied. If you’re using paper as the diffuser you may be getting very incorrect readings.

Try looking at the specs the light came with. All my lights had a booklet and in there was light heights with ideal output…
or I’m sure there is someone on here that’s running the same lights.

Either way your plants look great.


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I trust the moisture meter and the Photone app only so much. I figure they’re estimates at best. One day I’d like to get an actual PPFD Meter that’s decent!

Getting a handle on watering is a PITA! lol

No water today — stuck the meter all the way down — it’s a one prong analog thing — and wasn’t in the “dry” zone. The tops of the pots are very dry, but there is still moisture down lower so letting everything ride today!

Need to figure out a RO system soon as well — going through gallons of distilled like I’ve been stuck in the desert. I was thinking about building one of the trash can watering builds with a pump to reduce waste water. Not sure if my bathroom water pressure is high enough.

Anywho, the Maui is also just hanging out today, no water there either.

The plants are getting very bushy — topping in a few days and starting training most likely. Their structure feels dense and thick to me. I’m excited and a bit curious how I’ll end up managing their defoliation, lollipopping, training, and topping. I guess we will find out soon!!

Autos are cruising right along, I think. They seem happy. It’s been a few days since they’ve had a drink but the bottoms of their pots are still moist a bit.


Why distilled water? Has your tap water been tested?


I haven’t tested my tap aside from TDS where it sits around 400-something. There are regular water main breaks and boil water notices where I live. It hasn’t happened in a few months but it happened about six times last year. Kind of broke my confidence in my water supply.

Maybe I should find out though if it’s usable? It’s probably not terrible. I guess I really just don’t know and didn’t want to risk it.


Do you shower in it? Is it hard water? If sticking with organics RO is wasteful. Soil is amazing. I think you’re in BAS Lite? Great soil and it’ll get better over time too. Btw get a $5 Aloe Vera from HD uppot it and let it grow outside. Cheaper than the powder with more uses.


Not hard. I do shower in it. BAS Light and their 3.0. They’re a local to my state (Colorado) company.

I’m getting the vibe that I can use my tap water for my plants— yeah?

All for the Aloe plant. I have a packet of the powder now — and winter is around the corner — but will look into it!


I use tap water. Great soil. Worms? Haha

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Okay — so I was taking my mom to the mountains today and she’s a fabulous gardener. She asked if I had worms as well :laughing:.

I’ve heard the gentlemen who does the Build A Soil YouTube videos talk a lot about red wigglers. …are they going to wriggle out of the pots? :joy: —I can add to my homework pile research the benefits and usage of red wiggler worms as well. Do you use them? (No judgement either way)


Mom ftw


They stay in the dirt. Haha


Worms are good if you have larger pots or ideally a bed that you no till in. Tilling will fuck them up.

I personally have a worm bin for their castings. Interms of an efficient way to break down added amendments, Lactic acid bacteria will do that.
I have a post on my thread on how to make it. Very simple. @George has become our resident guru if you have questions!

As for tap, @Bayarealivingsoil is correct about tap v, RO. You do need to keep in mind if you have municipal water because it’ll probably have chlorine in it BUT should have all the micro nutrients you are removing from RO. RO is good for coco and hydro as you are always feeding but not with soil. Boron, iron, etc all are usually found in water. When you remove them with RO or use distilled, you will need to add them back once depleted from soil.

With that said 400ppm is pretty high…… even for your consumption in my opinion… I think 550 is undrinkable but don’t quote me on that.


You need to cover your soil.
I use wood shavings from hard woods when I chainsaw.

You can see the covered soil in photo.

This will keep top layer of soul moist as well as give your feeder roots a place to pop out without getting killed by the light.

BAS sells barley straw I believe, which I’ve used and was fine. I found hard wood shavings to be easier to move for top feeding and putting back. Longer to breakdown as well.

Lift the pot. You want that baby to be light and dry. If the plants are drooping then yes water them, If not let the pot dry back.
You’re not running living soil in those pots. Far too small, so no need to have 30% moisture always. When I tried that with 7 g pots they were constantly over watered…

They are all looking great though and you’re doing a fantastic job ushering them along.
The hardest part about first getting into gardening is you want to be involved all the time but the truth is the plant only needs you once or twice a week at best. Unless in coco or hydro, as I have no experience and can’t speak with confidence on them.
