Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

Yes, there’s the Worm Moon in March were they awake :worm: and go out from the pots, saw it and never use them indoors since :sweat_smile:, just buy liquid EWC, easier to apply … beer3|nullxnull


100% added to list to look into EWC / actual worms – and a cover layer!

Heading out to the girlfriend’s place tonight but waiting until lights on in 30min because I think the three autos are due for a drink. The rest should be fine – not going to water unless the bottom of the pots reads low on the dry scale. If I was watering too often (from what I understand over-watering is hard in good soil compared to watering too often being easy) I’m not going to be anymore.

Also 100% going to run at least one SIP in the next run.

Setting up my space for another 4x4, going to have to move the 2x4 flowhood around and reset some things but I can see it in my head now which I feel was half the battle.

@CaptainRon Also adding a new fire extinguisher and a few other things. Re-counting my max amperage load and possibly running some extension cords to spread the load onto a few other breakers.


Making some progress here. A little tight around the sides but it works!


Plants are just waking up for their day. Popped a moisture meter in them all and nobody gets a drink today.


In sprouter shot of the (TK x GF) x BBD. Added a little field capacity soil to the top to help stabilize. Seems happy! Plan is to up pot to a 1gal and then a 7gal.

…might have popped three more of these beans.


Gave the three floating seeds a light tap and they sank. Going off to do some work and then coming back to transfer them to a paper towel.

It’s now just past “noon” for this tent, looking a lot happier. The tree autos from JP are thriving along in pretty small pots! Curious to see when they’ll flip.


I’m not quite there yet — but soon the Maui plant is going to be ready for drying/curing (and de-seeding? Is that the right term?). I’ve been reading and watching videos.

I live in Colorado (think, dry) — but also have good humidity and temperature control for the most part.

I have a few questions (to start, lol).

How important is it to be closer to 60F (aside from humidity, let’s just call that dialed in at 60RH)? My deepest closet, where the 3x3 lives currently. I could attempt to find it a new home in the cooler area of the place but it would be nice to keep it where it is. It’s also starting to cool off (slowly) outside so it soon won’t be a problem keeping it at 60F. It currently drops to about 70F with lights off. I’m also not running the AC in my lung room as low as it can go, it could be running at 60F but I keep it at 70F usually.

The plant is a herm — when drying are there special precautions to not spread pollen? When is it customary to shuck the seeds? Fun times ahead! Soon I feel like I’ll be trimming so much and dialing in drying/curing but right now it’s information overload.

I’d love a cannatrol one day, maybe even soon — but even there is a lot of discussion over settings, groove bags, etc. I just want to not fuck up my flower, lol! As much as possible.

Ultimate goals, grow cannabis. Breed quality genetics. Have good smoke and lots of seeds/weeds to share! Learn. Grow more cannabis.

Thanks for putting up with my rambling.

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So the cannatrol guy says 54 degree dew point is the goal for a ‘perfect dry’. You can find calculators online to play with. I personally haven’t tried as I read a fair bit that a lot of folks didn’t love the dry with the stock settings on the cannatrol. Said it’s too fast, usually dry in 4 days.

There’s a tad too much to share for me to type on a phone unfortunately, but I have to imagine there is a thread(a) here all about this!

Is he still trying to get $2k for the fridge? He’s from Vermont and Vermonters love jacking prices on shit. Especially food.

Looking good as always!

Good luck brother :purple_heart:


I think my first round (at least) will be by hand. $1645 for the ‘trol and I can’t swing that right now.

Maui is coming along though, still haven’t spotted any male flowers or bananas but that’s not saying they’re not hiding somewhere.

In any case, this plant is on its last few weeks of life — definitely want to chop it before switching the others over to flower — and am not sure how many more weeks I’ll be vegging quite yet. Playing it by ear — topping soon if not tonight and they’re not babies anymore!



What am I looking at here? The three autos are showing these. @JohnnyPotseed — have you seen this before on a Do Me Fast Auto?


Get em outta there ASAP

Edit: You are learning soo much!!


That, my friend, is one handsome boy ya got there! If you don’t want to pollinate everything in a mile radius, I’d pull it!


Wait are those pollen sacs showing in the veg tent? Could possibly sex the Maui you have in different tent. Get em outta there.


Pulled all three. Two are definitely showing lots of pollen sacs. I don’t know how I didn’t see those. The third is showing male pre flowers I’m pretty sure — don’t really want to chance it.

What should I do with these? Keep them in a different room and let them go? Would the seeds even be useful? Will the other room be far enough away? Just trash and try again? Can the soil be reused? lol — sorry for the barrage of questions. Was expecting to be topping and will still probably be but now figuring this out.

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Hey bro-
Are those from Auto Regular seeds?

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I would chop em up and feed the worms.


They are auto regulars.

One might be female but I’m unsure. Should I put the one back? It’s showing lots of pistils but no sacs.

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I don’t run autos… but any plants that have mixed female and male parts on the same plant(s) are trash.

Auto regs. should have male and female, right?! So you could use any male’s pollen with the understanding it is an Auto reg, and will influence the projeny in that direction. just my .05

And, yeah, you could move a female plant back in. Don’t see why not.


This is the one I’m debating keeping. I’m new enough where I really don’t feel confident saying it’s not male. New to autos as well so unsure on their exact genetics and how they normally present.

(Or is this foolish and also going to be male?)


I popped on some gloves and killed my first two plants (RIP boys).

Third is back in the tent. After examining the two males I didn’t see many similarities. I’ll stay tuned. Learning!

Gives me an excuse to support JP more soon anyway ;).