Colorado Sativas

couldn’t one still employ light dep outdoors when planted in ground early on?


Yes def. could do that. I forgot about light dep. and haven’t used it myself so i’m ignorant about it. As long as there’s good airflow i think.

The beauty of some of these high elevation sativas is they’re pretty resistant to pm. More so than the wide leaf Afghan types. Imho.


Unfortunately, bringing the plant indoors every night isn’t an option for me. And it’s too windy here to pull off light deprivation with any kind if consistency. As a side note, I won’t be planting any sativas in the ground this year. They grew too big for me to harvest it all, and a lot of my flower was wasted as a result.


I picked up a different Kumaoni from Sadhu seeds, and there are some chunky 10 week plants with light purple colors to be found. Not common, but they are in there.
I have a pile of rsc kumaoni as well. Anyone wants to give either a shot, let me know. No strings attached, i.just want to see some grown.


Seeds are federally legal now. Perhaps you should try again :grin:


US Customs/Border Control will still seize seeds coming from outside the country. They classify it as a biological threat. :grimacing:
I’m guessing that’s what happened to my Shiv order from India too.


that’s why I order from the usa express now, thanks herbies opened its branch for US, I just don’t want my seeds go thought customs

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Yeah, but Herbies isn’t exactly a hot spot for most landrace enthusiasts.


Herbie’s? Please explain thank you

Seedbank originally UK based IIRC . IMHO you aren’t missing anything .


Agreed. For standard banks there are far better options (JBC, GLG, and Headie Gardens come to mind offhand) and for landrace genetics you wouldn’t usually be sourcing from a “standard” seedbank.


Herbies is like attitude, the choice etc and other EU seedbanks that sell for some of the biggest (but not necessarily best) seed companies.
Mostly they sell Hybrid strains in fem and auto seeds, so serious collectors and breeders don’t bother w them. Minimal pure or landrace strains.

But if you just want to grow bud to smoke, which i did, then it is a solid place to get all the Dutch companie’s seeds.

Many of the Dutch companies (like Barney’s Farm, Green House, etc) spend big $ on advertising their strains and to influence weed events like the Cannabis Cups.

For me though herbie’s “stealth” shipping Was stealthy but not very protective of the seeds, and they were crushed. But they re-shipped them promptly to me in the US.


Yeah, you won’t catch me growing Greenhouse Seeds either!


If you have to buy from the EU stay away from all the old Netherlands based banks . Even Mr. Nice no longer has the famous genetics that made their names . The Dutch have never met a dollar they didn’t like & are quite happy to take yours . If one insists go with Nirvana . Mau has been F2’ing everyone since 1995 & making a living doing it . If anyone has anything remotely close to original stock I’d bet on him . Only bunch I’m aware of that still have some is the Southern Haze Collective whose members include Yo Sammy & Karma . Their Punta Rojo pheno of Neville’s Haze is IMHO the best existing copy available today . They also have original NL 5 A & C Hazes , Amenesia & the other Dutch hazes .


My friend had nice authentic (imho) results from their “El Dorado” Mexican sativa. Very oldschool growth, flower time, flavor and especially the high.


Don’t write off Herbies just yet. They may not have the fanciest strains, but you don’t always need a top-of-the-line strain to grow some good bud. And let’s be real, if their “stealth” shipping is that noticeable, it’s not really that stealthy. But I’ve had some good experiences with them and their prices are fair

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True, Herbies is a good option for a EU seedbank. That sells tons of Dutch companies seeds.
I really liked (10+ years ago) getting single seeds from their Herbies Pick and Mix site. For lots of variety
I did use them and liked them more than Attitude.
I will edit my earlier post to be less negative.

Their stealth was stealthy but my issue was that it was not protective enough. Out of 10+ orders from diff. places, only the Herbies seeds were crushed.
But i sent them a photo and they promptly re-shipped the seeds no problem.
So they were good w customer service. And yes the prices were fair.

I did very much enjoy the effects of Laughing Buddha (Jamaican x Thai).
Nowadays i will be seeking such a cross from Colorado Sativas.


Thanks for sharing your experience with Herbies :wink:
Can’t agree more on their customer service, they’re really good. Laughing Buddha is awesome, great choice. Hopefully, you’ll find a similar cross from Colorado Sativas that will be just as enjoyable. Cheers!


Me too. I noticed after my seeds got yanked the first time that my odds were much lower after that. I don’t order international anymore either. It’s expensive and risky… not for me


Exactly what happened to me. On the other side, members in Europe seem to get gifts through okay. When I paid I had problems. Three tries in a row from Sannie once. I got the green tape with no contents in the box. He made them all good till I got it.