Colorado Sativas

Is this right? I have no idea, but their prices are in euro and their contact page is Germany.


It is. Kwik does international, but RSC does not


But they’re not shipping from the US right? They only ship to the US.


Oh I see the distinction you’re making, yes, to the US, not from within, is my understanding


Ok thanks. Just wanted to check for those of us who can’t get seeds across the border.


Yes that is correct my last Kwik seeds pack took right at 11 weeks :slight_smile: smh lol but I contacted he always responded never questioned me or gave me hard time or nothing like that he would just be like “you still ain’t got that pack?!” And be like “alright give me a day or so” lol by the third time he gave me a tracking number and I got in three weeks lol but they got Angus makes sure you get what you paid for genetics a what he say no more no less he even says if it has herm issues and a % rate that it shows up, I like him and he just added a bunch new strains :slight_smile:


Tell me more about your experience with Laughing Buddha if you would please? Nutrients etc. I recently grew a LB freebie and had terrible luck. I was able to clone and reverse and I have some fem seeds now so there is that. But the plant looked miserable the whole 11-12 weeks. I don’t think I did a good job. How did your grow go?


It was 1 fem seed grown in 2012 or so. The Laughing Buddha i think i remember started small but grew normally. It didn’t need as much N as my other plants. Stayed lighter green through all of veg. I topped it and it grew bushier than i expected.
I think it needs less additives than modern hybrids. I think it was nicely PM resistant.

In flower it was leafy (compared to an OG Kush), average yield and had a unique “sandalwood” smell. That i normally only find in Bubba and Kushes.

The high was serene and calming. Not racy or wired. Pleasant and happy but chill at the same time. Reminded me of a CBD type high.

I would grow again but prefer Reg. seeds so i probably wont.


Legal yes, but they still snatch them. (USDA)


Oh yeah. I’ve had them snatched once after they legalized them as well. Probably growing in their yards now the bastards.


Thank you so much. I left the plant in the care of a relative while I was on vacation. i suspect (still my fault) the plant was grossly overfed while I was gone. Sounds like too much food (N). I noticed the sandlewood smell myself, even from an abused plant.

Thanks again!


My pleasure! It has very enjoyable sativa effects.
Nepal x Jamaican would also be very nice. NepJam by Ace or Cannabiogen?
i think Colorado Sativas has one like that.
Nepal sativa is a good high, not as “trippy” as Thai imho.


Common thieves. That’s all they are at this point, breaking the law they swore to uphold. Scum. I hate thieves.


Unghh. More new strains…
There goes the paycheck😁
New Nepal strains are listed as well as a new Mazar-i-sharif from Afghanistan. The other Mazar is from open pollination of 2007 stock.


Here’s my summer landrace expedition.

Seeds from @Roms, Atao Seeds. Swazi Red f5, Mazari f4, Vibes Col. Jamaican Lambsbread f7.

Ace of Haze x Zacatecas f2 from @Motaco.

Malawi Gold from @Smilestyle on Opengrow. They were beaten up pretty bad from the mailing but I found two stellar looking seeds and one iffy one.

I only popped 3 of each because things are getting busy already. :drooling_face: :grin: :v:

I like this portion of the grow because at this point I’m 100% successful! All seeds were put in dirt with Myco and a little water, too, so BAM! 100% success! :smile_cat:


i got a Strain from him Moliotiko with 50 percent plants fullblown hermies… not mentioned at the site. probably for this strain he had not much knowledge.
(50 percent plants fullblown hermies, the other 50 percent i think were firm females, wich is a strange case, might be ok in the end have to try more individuals)


is this source legit? i was thinking on grabbing a few varieties to let my old man time travel.

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It’s legit-ish. If you read the thread there are explanations of the pros and cons. Lot of info on a short read.


My Queen Mother Sativa is going ape-shit as it embraces it’s new summer home!



Damn I’m so impatient to hear about this smoke! I think I’ve mentioned it before, but the owner at Colorado Sativas loves this strain.